Our Registration is back up
Please Read the Rules Before You Register.
I know some things are mentioned over and over but if things are not repeated someone might miss something.
Basic Rules For Posting at The Forum.
If your name is John Doe or Mary Smith, your user name should appear in your application for registration like this, JohnD or MaryS, no space between your first name and the first letter of your last name.
You may register to use the forum if you agree to the rules, terms, conditions, and regulations below:
1. First names must be used. No nicknames. Accounts with nicknames will be deleted and you will have to register again.
1a. A valid email must be used in the registration process since semperficatholic.com validates your registration by sending you an email with directions on how to confirm your membership.
1b. Members posting at this forum must be over the age of eighteen. Anyone under eighteen is not permitted to register.
1c. If you know of anyone registered under the age of eighteen, please notify the webmaster immediately and that individual will be removed from this website's records to comply with the COPPA federal law written to protect children on the internet.
2. No outside links are permitted unless they are used to support your posts and are from credible sources such as the Vatican, Adoremus, Les Femmes etc.
3. No outside links to websites including your own personal website unless it is approved by the webmaster.
4. No advertising is allowed at semperficatholic.com except by the owner, unless you have permission from said owner.
5. You may not use icons from other websites or upload your own icon. I have provided a page at semperficatholic.com for you to make a selection from. If you would like an avatar I do not have on the page, you can request one by sending an email to:
Posts in the wrong categories will be moved or deleted in necessary
6. Keep to the topic in the various topics posted at the forum. Start a new post with quotes if you are not going to stick to the topic posted.
7. Respect the Forum's religious beliefs. Catholic Churches in communion with the Holy Father of the Roman Catholic Church are most welcomed. The complete system of forms, ceremonies, and prayers to be used in the worship of God, the administration of the Sacraments, and other religious functions is mostly all that makes the Latin rite different from the others in Communion with the Pope of Rome living in The Vatican City State. Others who are not of our Communion with the Holy Father of Rome are expected to view and to post at the forum with respect for what we believe and how we believe. If this forum does not seem to include you in the category above, and you feel that your posts would not belong or be appropriate in the makeup of this website, semperficatholic.com recommends looking for a forum to suit your needs.
Moderators have rights on loan to them to use their best judgment to delete posts and replies that don't seem in line with the general intentions and rules of this board. If they need to ban someone from posting on the board again, they have the controls to do so.
The forum is moderated 24 hours a day, from the USA and Australia.
They are basic but will most especially be enforced under my watch so that your visits here will be worthwhile and comfortable.
1. Posts in the wrong category will be moved to the correct category. If the post is offensive it will be deleted along with the member.
2. Posts and replies must not doubt the Primacy of St. Peter and his successor the Pope. By Jesus Christ entrusting to St. Peter the whole flock, He thus made him the head shepherd. The "lambs" the weak and the tender portion of the flock, are the laity. The sheep are those that nourish and protect the lambs known as the pastors, bishops and priests. While you may disagree on how safe the lambs are now-a-days, it does not make the Catholic priesthood invalid or the Papacy with the Hierarchy useless. Some would believe so and so then post messages against the institution. You are not permitted to damn the hierarchy. However, say you had a gripe about an individual in one of the offices,...It is permitted to share your concern about issues credible sources have reported on their conduct. But "venting" doubting papal infallibility or any of the established doctrines or dogmas of the Catholic Church would not be considered a "venting" case.
In other words, if you have to, provide constructive criticism on things that bother you in today's Church or the carrying out of certain doctrines but don't make posts against the rules and regulations of the Catholic Church as they are held in current Church teachings coming from the Pope in the Vatican. One of my biggest gripes about the Catholic Church of today is the lack of education of the laity. Regardless of the good things I have seen in my own parish, I still see a great need for the Church to provide solid and easy to understand materials to teach about the Lord and His Church.
I think you know what the general rules are about the posts. If you don't, you'll see your posts deleted by Moderator or me. It would be impossible to offer an explanation for every post that could be deleted so as a general procedure, semperficatholic.com will not offer a reason for deleting any post it feels should be deleted from the website.
3. One of the biggest rules of the past was the apparition discussion rule. The general rule there is that nothing under investigation be treated or equated as authentic as the apparitions that have been recognized by the Catholic Church.
4. IF you must link for a post you'd like people to have further reading on, they must be from the usual credible Catholic sources. If there are links that are just not acceptable by the subjective standards at semperficatholic.com then the links will be removed. If say a member is militant about this and keeps breaking the link rule then they'll just not be permitted to use the forum.
5. Keeping to the topics is important too. If you must offshoot, begin a new topic and quote from the other topics. Topics that are tremendously mixed in nature will be deleted or locked.
6. The requirements for using an avatar at semperficatholic.com are as follows: All avatars must be in conformity with the One True Church; for example, only pictures of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Sacramentals, Holy Vessels, Vatican related photos, Popes, and photos related to the Sacraments are allowed. No photos of any unapproved apparitions are allowed!
7. One of the biggest rules of them all is this one... At semperficatholic.com, you must use your first name and the first letter of your last name in the forum. It is up to you to be honest. Nicknames, screenames, cybernames, etc.. will not be permitted. So if your name is John or Stacy,...then John or Stacy will be the name above your icon and not "Faithful Disciple" or "Calvary Leader" and the like. If your last name is Smith, then your user name should look like this; JohnS or StacyS, no space between your first name and the first letter of your last name.
8. Members posting at this forum must be over the age of eighteen. Anyone under eighteen is not permitted to post here or to register. If you know of anyone registered under the age of thirteen please notify the webmaster immediately and that individual will be removed from this website's records to comply with the COPPA federal law written to protect children on the internet.
9. Of course be polite in your posting even when disagreeing with something or someone.
While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. although we try. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so will lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above or below being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered in the registration form, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for SEE ITEM #16 below.
By clicking Register at the link below you agree to be bound by these conditions.
10. Respect the Forum's religious beliefs. Catholic Churches in communion with the Holy Father of the Roman Catholic Church are most welcomed. The complete system of forms, ceremonies, and prayers to be used in the worship of God, the administration of the sacraments, and other religious functions is mostly all that makes the Latin rite different from the others in communion with the Pope of Rome living in The Vatican City State. Others who are not of our communion with the Holy Father of Rome are expected to view and to post at the forum with respect for what we believe and how we believe. If this forum does not seem to include you in the category above, and you feel that your posts would not belong or be appropriate in the makeup of this website, semperficatholic.com recommends looking for a forum to suit your needs.
11. The webmaster or the monitors at the forum will not use the forum to discuss complaints or disagreements you may have of the administration of the forum or website.
12. semperficatholic.com is not responsible for comments you make nor comments made to you in the forum. Saintly, respectful behavior you would display to the Lord God, His Holy Mother or the Pope is expected in the forum.
13. The owner of semperficatholic.com reserves the right to terminate any registered account(s) at anytime for any reason of any past, present, or future users.
14. semperficatholic.com reserves the right to send you newsletters, postal mail, forum updates, and links to web pages or selected advertisements included in a newsletter, electronic mail, or postal mail sent to you.
15. Cancellation of semperficatholic.com correspondence signifies you would like to stop receiving correspondence in the forms mentioned above as well as termination of your registered account at semperficatholic.com which includes the use of the forum.
16. semperficatholic.com reserves the right to modify any of its policy at anytime without notice to the registered and non registered user to apply to users of the past, present or future. You agree to periodically review this page as this web page may at anytime be updated. You may cancel your user account or membership account in the event you should disagree with the updated terms, conditions, and agreements contained on this web page.
17. The owner of semperficatholic.com reserves the right to deny any person membership at anytime and for any reason.
18. semperficatholic.com may at anytime be off-line for any reason and for an indefinite or permanent amount of time whether it be because of a server failure, a web master error, or owner's choice to temporarily or permanently shut down semperficatholic.com.
19. semperficatholic.com is not responsible for the content or products of any part of the links and advertisers on semperficatholic.com's web pages.
semperficatholic.com is not responsible for the content or products of any part of the links and advertisers on semperficatholic.com's web pages.
20. semperficatholic.com is monitored. The style of the forum is casual. It is a fellowship place on the internet to talk about present Catholic issues, to pray for one another, to speak freely about the Eucharist, the Saints, the Holy Father, and other beloved topics of the Catholic Church. semperficatholic.com expects forums to be positive and venting posts to have some tact. Gossip about one another is not only sinful but will not be tolerated here. There are plenty of commercial/church forum facilities to tolerate this. The webmaster and or monitors will also not use the forum to discuss complaints or disagreements. If personal moral issues of concern should be presented in the forum, it is expected that a prayer for resolution should follow or a proposed solution to the problem. No member nor the owner of semperficatholic.com are responsible for the suggestions or advice given at anytime in the forum. If advice is not sought. Don't present a problem.
21. Never assume the forums are completely private. Rooms are monitored to keep the forum experience pleasant and Catholic. Monitors may use privileges and duties loaned to them by the owner of semperficatholic.com to warn and or ban members who do not seem to follow the rules and regulations of this page and the wishes of the owner of this website. The owner of this website has the final word in every and or any decisions considered by the monitors.
22. All of the personal contact information submitted to semperficatholic.com is confidential and can only be viewed by the owner of this site, his assistants and its technicians.
26. Member privileges at semperficatholic are FREE of charge.
23. By registering or remaining members or registering to use the forum at semperficatholic.com or sending your personal information to semperficatholic.com, you accept and agree to follow the terms, conditions, and agreements stated above and below for use of semperficatholic.com's services. In the event you do not agree, you may choose to not register or request that your user/member account be deleted from our records.
This forum employs a registration method to be permitted to post at our forums. Thanks for your understanding.
Again, if your name is John or Stacy,...then John or Stacy will be the name above your icon and not "Faithful Disciple" or "Calvary Leader" . If your last name is Smith, then your user name should look like this; JohnS or MaryS, no space between your first name and the first letter of your last name.
By clicking on the link below, you will enter Semper Fi Catholic forum. Click on "register" and be sure to use your first name and the first letter of your last name with no space between or your membership will be deleted and you will have to register again.
Semper Fi Catholic Forum