
 Semper Fi Catholic is a lay apostolate dedicated to preserving the Truth, Who is Jesus Christ. As Our Lord told us in the Gospels, there are many anti-gospels threatening the faithful. We investigate these cancers and expose them to the best of our ability, and in all charity so that the Lord's people can journey a little more safely. We are part of the Church Militant and we are Semper Fidelis, always faithful!
"Today too it is necessary ... to warn the People of God against false prophets, against the errors and superficiality of proposals that do not conform to the teaching of the divine Master." Pope Benedict XVI June 16, 2007 VIS 070616 (670)
Why Semper Fi?
"Semper Fi" is a shortened form of the Latin "Semper Fidelis" which in English, translates to "Always Faithful". In other words, stated simply and in Her official language is the fact that we at this forum strive to be "always faithful" to the Magisterium of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
"Semper Fi" is also a term used by the US Marines. This too is appropriate, as we are also in a military being humble members of the Church militant. As faithful "Marines" for Jesus, we do our best at this forum to proclaim the Truth; Without excuses! Without compromise! Without apology! Fighting the good fight, we carry out the new evangelization that Pope John Paul II has called us to, remembering the ones who have fought before us and are now part of the Church Triumphant. We especially remember Father Denis Edward O' Brien M.M., a faithful U.S. Marine and faithful priest who is a beloved hero in God's army. "Semper Fi, Father O".
Our main objective at Semperfi Catholic is Evangelization through the use of the Semper Fi Catholic Forum, which is faithful to Christ's Vicar on earth, Pope Benedict XVI.
We offer homilies by Fr. Paul Weinberger, Pastor of St. William the Confessor Catholic Parish in Greenville, Texas. Please visit the homily page
or listen
to our podcasts as they become available.

Since the menu on the left is hard to read and we weren't given much space to title pages correctly, we have placed the links in the boxes below.

A non-official English-language translation of the Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio data" of Pope Benedict XVI, "Summorum Pontificum," concerning the use of the Roman liturgy prior to the reform of 1970. VIS 070707 (430)

Center for Virtue and Learning
The Monastery of San
Benedetto is a community of Benedictine monks in
full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, faithful to the
magisterium, dedicated to serving the Church through the
guidance of the teachings of our Holy Father Saint Benedict,
in harmony with the local diocesan ordinary,
Renato Boccardo. Canonically, the monastery has been
established directly under the Abbot Primate in the
International Benedictine Confederation and is located in
Norcia, Italy, at the birthplace of St. Benedict and St.

We ask your prayers for
Victoria. She is fifteen years old. Please read her story and remember her in your prayers. |

CDF bars
participation in events assuming truth of Medjugorje
Just the Facts

Medjugorje-Confirmation, June 2007

Under the Patronage of Our Lady

And thine own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.
Our Lady of Sorrows, keep us "Always Faithful" to the Truth, Who is your Son.
The Mother of God once said to St. Bridget, "I gaze upon the children of men to see whether anyone feels compassion for me, and, alas! I see but few. If many forget me, at least you, my daughter, do not forget me. Consider how much I have suffered."
"When the baby Jesus was placed in the hands of the Blessed Mother 2000 years ago, every grace and blessing was placed in those hands." Fr. Paul Weinberger

Pope John Paul II

Society of Evangelists and School of Evangelization
Also visit
Evangelization Station

Catholic videos featuring the
Miracle of Damascus

In Honor of Sr. Lucia's
100th Birthday
click image to enlarge

The Convent at Coimbra needs your help
Read Mother Celina's Request

Email us if you have any questions

Our Lady of Victory, Pray For Us |

This site is dedicated to providing accurate historical and current information about the liturgies of the Latin (Roman) rite of the Catholic Church. Currently this includes the missal of 1970 (Novus Ordo) and the missal of 1962 (Tridentine).

The mission of
CatholicCulture.org is to
give faithful Catholics the information, encouragement, and perspective
they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society,
working to shape an authentically Christian culture in a
secular world.

Global Catholic Network

Catholic Comedy Catechism

Catholic World


Refractions of Light:
201 Questions about Apparitions, Visions and the Catholic Church
By: Kevin Symonds

Hello, I am Aniya and I am nine years old. Please visit my webpage


Past and Present

Free catalog available upon request

Fr. Paul Weinberger, Pastor
St. William the Confessor
Catholic Parish
Greenville, Texas

A Simple but POWERFUL Prayer – AFTER Communion by the Pope.
This prayer is based on the words of Pope Benedict in “The Spirit of the Liturgy,” p.88-89.
Jesus, my Living Lord, I know that You have just entered my Soul - my Heart. Thank You! I surrender myself to You! Please raise me up AND transform me! Amen. |

If you are in need of prayer or would like to submit a prayer request for someone else, please send an email to the address below.
