confessions at Medjugorje

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confessions at Medjugorje

Post by maryg » Tue May 15, 2007 6:42 am

I was teaching my son from the Baltimore Catechism yesterday about the sacrament of Penance. It states, "The power to forgive sins by pronouncing these words of absolution is given to the priest at his ordination. In order to exercise this power the priest must have jurisdiction, or be authorized to act as a spiritual judge over the person he absolves. This jurisdiction ordinarily is given to the priest by the bishop of the diocese where the sacrament is administered." I know from what I have read that there have been invalid sacraments administered in Medj. by some of the suspended Franciscans. What about the many priests who travel there from different parts of the world who hear confessions? Are those valid confessions?

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Post by MarieT » Tue May 15, 2007 7:44 am

Hi Mary,
in answer to your question :arrow: it depends on these following factors.

Rome has always been concerned about the pastoral care of the people at Medjugorje (whether these people live there or are visiting).

The bishops have said -- and Archbishop Bertone (Secretary to the "Congregatio", presided over by Cardinal Ratzinger) repeated -- the number of faithful traveling to Medjugorje requires the church to arrange for their pastoral care.

After quoting the 1991 statement, Archbishop Bertone wrote, "From what was said, it follows that official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, should not be organized either on a parish or diocesan level because it would be in contradiction with what the bishops of the ex-Yugoslavia said in their declaration cited above."

you ask
What about the many priests who travel there from different parts of the world who hear confessions? Are those valid confessions?
If the priest is there in accordance to the above guidelines set by they agree with the Church's rulings that pilgrimmages are not permitted and are only there to provide pastoral care, then the confessions are 'legitimate".

If however they have blatantly gone there in disobediance to the Church and to promote this alleged 'phenomena' as authentic, then thats different. Other priests that have done this have had their faculties removed.

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Post by KevinSymonds » Tue May 15, 2007 8:44 am

The Confessions may be valid but many are illicit.

For any priest to celebrate a Sacrament outside of a Diocese not his own, he needs faculties from the Bishop of the Diocese is is temporarily located in. This, of course, does not apply in danger of death.

So if I, Fr. Kevin Symonds, make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from St. Louis, I would need to contact Archbishop Burke, tell him where I intend to go for a period of time. His office would contact Bishop Peric's office and tell them I am going to be in Peric's Diocese for X amount of time. The paperwork goes through and IF approved by Peric, then I would have faculties to hear Confessions and/or say Mass while in Peric's Diocese.

I would bet you that if Peric knew my intent would be to go to Medjugorje, he'd put a big red CANCEL on that paperwork though.


p.s. I was speaking hypothetically--I am not actually a priest.

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