Ibrahim: "Pope Francis: A fool or liar for islam?

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Ibrahim: "Pope Francis: A fool or liar for islam?

Post by MarieT » Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:32 am

Pope Francis: A Fool or Liar for Islam?
The pontiff's shocking statements on "Christians" who kill.
August 2, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

At a time when Muslims all around the world are terrorizing and slaughtering non-Muslims in the name of Islam, Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, continues trying to distance Islam from violence.

Last Sunday a journalist asked him about the recent and “barbarous assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel” in France, and how the priest was clearly “killed in the name of Islam.” To this Francis

replied that he doesn’t like speaking about Islamic violence because there is plenty of Christian violence as well…
Is the Pope really that dense? Is he incapable of distinguishing between violence committed in the name of a religion, and violence committed in contradiction of a religion?
.... the violence that Muslims are committing around the world—the beheadings, the sex slavery, the church burnings—are indeed contained in and a product of Islam, and they have been from day one.
Francis continued offering half-truths in the interview. After he acknowledged that there are “violent persons of this religion [Islam],” he immediately added that “in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists. We have them.”
The long and short of it is, the Christian fundamentalist will find himself compelled to pray for his persecutors, and, depending on the situation, maybe even turning the other cheek; conversely, the Muslim fundamentalist will find himself attacking, subjugating, plundering, raping, enslaving, and slaughtering non-Muslims. In both cases, the scriptures—Bible and Koran—say so.
This has got to be one of the silliest arguments ever devised to justify terrorism. So the Muslims screaming “Allahu Akbar!” while slaughtering a priest or driving a truck into people in France were suffering from poverty? What about the fact that one of the richest nations in the world—Saudi Arabia—is violent to and intolerant of non-Muslims? What about the fact that there are billions of impoverished non-Muslims—yet, strangely, they do not engage in wanton acts of terror against “infidels” in the name of their religion. What to make of these facts?
But apparently none of these questions about scriptures and demographics matter; after all, Francis “knows how Muslims think”:
But back home in Egypt, the grand imam and Al Azhar promote an Islam that is virtually indistinguishable from that of ISIS. Indeed, days before he went to take pictures hugging the pope, Tayeb said that it is a criminal offense to apostatize from Islam, and the punishment is death.
In response, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies blasted the grand imam and Al Azhar. After accusing them of being twofaced—preaching a moderate Islam in the West and a radical one in Egypt—the statement concluded with some words that people like Francis should take to heart:

Combating terrorism and radical religious ideologies will not be accomplished by directing at the West and its international institutions religious dialogues that are open, support international peace and respect freedoms and rights, while internally promoting ideas that contribute to the dissemination of violent extremism through the media and educational curricula of Al Azhar and the mosques.
In the end, and when it comes to the question of whether Islam promotes violence against non-Muslims, Pope Francis falls within the ranks of those Western leaders who are either liars or fools, or a little bit of both.
by Raymond Ibrahim
Pope Francis: A fool or liar for islam?
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord

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Post by KarlB » Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:18 pm

The Church's mission with respect to Islam is conversion.. not coexistence. Ilam's roots and its history make that clear.
pax lux,

Remember that thou hast made me of clay; and wilt thou turn me to dust again? Job10:9

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