Letter to 'Anne' the Lay Apostle's Bishop

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Letter to 'Anne' the Lay Apostle's Bishop

Post by KevinSymonds »

After reading a web page on Anne, I decided to address some concerns with Anne's Bishop directly.

To His Excellency Bishop Leo O'Reilly,
-Hello, my name is Kevin Symonds. I am an alumnus of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio USA where 'Anne' the 'Lay-Apostle' came to speak a few months ago. I have some questions about 'Anne' that I am hoping you can help me answer.

-There is a conversation readily available on the Internet between a layman named Michael and a representative of "Direction For Our Times" (DFOT). The representative was not named by Michael in order to protect the representative's privacy. During the conversation, a questionable statement was made by the DFOT representative in response to a request from Michael to know the identity of 'Anne's' Bishop. The statement was as follows:

"I am sorry Michael, under obedience to Our Lady and for the protection of Anne and her family, I am not able to divulge that. Her Bishop has been introduced to all the main participants involved in the Imprimatur including the Holy See.

The only important issue now is the words of Our Lord

-My question, Your Excellency, and submitted with all due respect, is why would the Holy Mother seemingly request that your name not be known to people? Was such a request even made? I am curious because of lay men and women like myself who desire to be obedient to the Church and do not want to expose themselves to materials possibly harmful to faith and morals. Though it is stated that 'Anne' has your approval, without a name, how do we know this is legitimate?

-I understand that now your name has been released and people can readily check the facts. This apparent initial 'secrecy' causes some doubt and consternation especially after the DFOT representative makes it a point to say that apparently Our Lady made it a point of obedience to keep Your Excellency's name a secret. Furthermore, if the issue truly is on what Our Lord says as the representative states, I am concerned because Our Lord said in the Gospel:

"Then if any one says to you, 'Lo, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:23-24.

Initially keeping your name a secret does not give the faithful an adequate chance to balance and weigh the facts. I am hoping you can resolve this question.

-Secondly, on another web site called Unity Publishing, there is a text from Fr. Paul Casey the Diocesan Secretary. I presume this to be from a personal correspondence with Mr. Richard Salbato, owner of Unity Publishing.

The bishop has given permission to "Anne" to publish the messages and to speak about them. He is satisfied that the content of the messages and the movement are in conformity with Catholic teaching and practice.”

With best wishes, Fr Paul Casey, Diocesan Secretary

If the above is true, why, then has Your Excellency forwarded 'Anne's' materials to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome as the DFOT web site has stated in the past? The law of the Church grants the local ordinary of an alleged visionary full jurisdiction over claims to messages from heaven.

-It is my hope that Your Excellency can help me with these difficulties. I look forward to your reply.

In pacem, benedicamus Domino!
-Kevin J. Symonds
B.A., M.A.

Michael's conversation with DFOT Representative:
Michael's conversation with DFOT Representative:

Richard Salbato's text:
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Post by KevinSymonds »

Dear Kevin,
Greetings to you in Jesus Christ. I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am spiritual director to Anne, a lay apostle and have been assigned to work full-time with the organisation Direction For Our Times by His Excellency Bishop Leo O’Reilly. Bishop O’Reilly has asked me to answer your questions on his behalf.
I am afraid, Kevin that the DFOT representative who responded to these very early queries lacked the authority to do so. His response was incorrect. The thread you cite is old and lacks accurate information. For accurate information about Bishop O’Reilly’s position with regard to Anne and the works of this apostolate, you can go to our web-site at www.directionforourtimes.com.
In answer to your question with regard to the alleged statement that Our Lady wished Bishop O’Reilly’s name to be withheld, this is simply not true. Our Lady never made a statement like that. Initially, though, every attempt was made to protect Anne’s anonymity while heaven prepared her family.
Finally, Bishop O’Reilly is aware of Church rule with regard to his responsibility in this mission. All materials are forwarded to the Vatican as a matter of courtesy and respect.
Thank you for your inquiries.

In Christ,
Fr. Darragh Connolly

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Post by KevinSymonds »

Dear Fr. Connolly,
-Thank you very much for your reply of 2-15-07 to my inquiry to His Excellency Leo O'Reilly. I have read your information carefully and would like to respond in the following way.

-In regards to the DFOT representative and the dating of said E-mail communication, my suspicion was that the DFOT representative was incorrect. Needless to say, I am glad that you have been able to confirm he was indeed mistaken.

-I have a few more questions for you if you would not mind. I visited your web site not that long ago and read the statement by Bishop O'Reilly. With all due respect, I do not see a formal approval of 'Anne' and her alleged messages. [Let me clarify I say 'alleged' because there appears to be no formal approval. No disrespect is intended.] Thus to say that heaven is or was preparing 'Anne's' family seems to have no basis in fact of a supernatural nature to 'Anne's' alleged messages. If that is true, then to use the name of Heaven or He who sits enthroned therein is a statement of your own personal belief. My question is, am I mistaken in this thought or has Bishop O'Reilly given a formal declaration of constat de supernaturalitater to 'Anne's' alleged messages?

-Secondly, and according to your own materials from the web site and elsewhere, 'Anne' claims her 'visions' and/or 'locutions' after a trip to Medjugorje. Currently, Pope Benedict XVI is assisting the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno (where Medjugorje is located) to declare and clarify once and for all that Medjugorje is not supernatural in origin. This being the case, what does this say for 'Anne' who received her alleged messages from heaven after coming in contact with Medjugorje? How much of a link exists between 'Anne' and Medjugorje in the past, present and projectively into the future?

-Thirdly, if Rome were to reject 'Anne' and/or her alleged messages, what are the plans of DFOT in the case of such a scenario?

Awaiting your favorable replies to my inquiries, I remain respectfully yours,
-Kevin J. Symonds
B.A., M.A.
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Post by KevinSymonds »

Crap is about to hit the fan about "Anne."

Dear Fr. Connolly,
-Hello, I was wondering if you received my last E-mail concerning "Anne" the Lay Apostle? I had asked about her connection with Medjugorje. There has been no response yet and I would very much like a response to my E-mail. Thank you very much for your time.

-Kevin J. Symonds
B.A., M.A.
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Post by Denise »

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Post by Denise »

Another Letter to Anne's supposed bishop. I can attest that the email correspondance that Rick has exposed came from a reliable source, one who owns the computer. Now, how holy is this woman and her friend?

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Post by Lori »

Wow. I am just sickened by the language/vulgarity of those emails. I am so glad that Rick and those that helped him were able to bring all of this to light. Just like Denise always says, "All that is concealed with be revealed."
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Post by KevinSymonds »

I had to call my roommate in to tell him about this one. It shocked me that Rick actually exposed Kathryn and Jane's E-mail correspondences. I had told my roommate about the story and thought he should hear this latest update.

Neither am I through with Franciscan University. I expect the courtesy of a reply to my last E-mail addressed to the Chair of the Theology Department.........though it won't happen. I know the University too well and can say that it will take a bomb to go off in their faces before they will admit they were the ones who didn't undo the wire correctly. That's why I go about my business and let the matter remain open.

I would very, very much like to see Miravalle's response to this latest information. I have it on reliable authority that he placed his response to Rick on his bulletin board outside his office door (he even did that to Cardinal Ratzinger!!). Pity that he can do that for the students but not have the decency to send a copy to Rick himself.


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Post by MarieT »

amazing isnt it.

I'm not much up on the anne alleged 'phenomena' but someone on another forum i frequent asked if it was legit.....i said 'no' and posted some info in an email that rick recently sent out as well as more info via his website.

the reply came back from one of the members that "unitypublishing" is not a reliable source and after he did a google search it came up that
Unity Publishing - More Dangerous Than Any False Apparition

Apparently they are not regarded with universal favor.
:roll: interesting how the 'negative' was posted (no doubt from someone in disagreement with rick's research) and not the great things that unitypublishing has revealled like the hoax of medj.

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Post by Denise »

Well, Rick gets facts and proves them, just like these emails. And lest anyone be mistaken about it there is such a thing called "computer forensics" and it can all be proven that way, that these emails were exchanges between these two women.

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Post by Lori »

I, too, did a google search using
Unity Publishing - More Dangerous Than Any False Apparition
What a joke! Of course that statement/lie comes from a Medjugorje website! Liars, liars pants on fire... :roll: :roll:
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Post by MarieT »

Denise wrote:Well, Rick gets facts and proves them, just like these emails. And lest anyone be mistaken about it there is such a thing called "computer forensics" and it can all be proven that way, that these emails were exchanges between these two women.

whats computer forensics sis...sounds intriguing
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Post by Denise »

* Computer Forensics is the use of specialized techniques for recovery, authentication, and analysis of electronic data when a case involves issues relating to reconstruction of computer usage, examination of residual data, authentication of data by technical analysis or explanation of technical features of data and computer usage.

Actually anything you search for, emails received, sites visited or anything you do on a computer can be found. Many court systems are using this in court cases. The things in a computer just don't go away like many people think they do.

In the case of these letters, they can prove that the letters came from one computer and were sent to other computers and received into a computer. All a forensic scientist needs is the hard drive and bingo. :wink:

So, if I were this supposed bishop I would be very careful about the way I handled this garbage and I would distance myself from this woman and anyone she is involved with.

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Post by MarieT »

KevinSymonds wrote:Crap is about to hit the fan about "Anne."

Dear Fr. Connolly,
-Hello, I was wondering if you received my last E-mail concerning "Anne" the Lay Apostle? I had asked about her connection with Medjugorje. There has been no response yet and I would very much like a response to my E-mail. Thank you very much for your time.

-Kevin J. Symonds
B.A., M.A.
Kev, i suspect that they are carefully working on a response....
on rick's site theres a section 'the false imprimatur"....interesting reading and leads to many questions.

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Post by KevinSymonds »

I don't think I posted the E-mail, but I did hear back from Fr. Connolly. The reply was quick and very terse and he probably thought I'd be taken aback by his knowledge of my communications with Steubenville on the matter. In fact, it didn't really surprise me. I know Steubenville's caliber and they are all thick as thieves, down to the last man.

As a sign of my non-surprise, I CC'ed my E-mail to Fr. Connolly to Dr. Miravalle. As a side note, I have yet to hear back from Miravalle in any of this, but he is apparently very busy talking about me and Rick to Ireland. Go figure. The man doesn't have the decency to face us head on as demonstrated in the fact that he didn't have the courtesy to E-mail his response to Rick. For all I know there's a response to me floating around out there and I don't even know about it.

This tells me that they are awaiting one of us to make a fatal mistake and exploit it. I wouldn't put it past them to be doing such given how Steubenville works.

Subj: About your phone inquiry.
Date: 3/15/2007 12:56:41 PM Central Daylight Time
From: dfotireland@yahoo.ie
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Kevin,
I am aware that you were trying to reach me by phone this afternoon. I am also aware of your communication with Mr. Logan in America as well as your communication with Franciscan University of Stubenville newspaper. I do not believe further communication will be fruitful.
Fr. Connolly

I responded back:

Subj: Re: About your phone inquiry.
Date: 3/15/2007 3:08:19 PM Central Daylight Time
From: St Mi49531
To: dfotireland@yahoo.ie, mmiravalle@franciscan.edu

Dear Fr. Connolly,
-I appreciate your E-mail. You are correct in that dialogue will not be fruitful but not for the reasons you are thinking. That said, I will end my correspondence with you but not before I charge you on your honor as a priest to think and reflect on the following thought.

If Jesus and Mary told Kathryn and/or her readers to leave her identity a secret, why is Kathryn going around and publicly showing herself?

She can't have it both ways and to say 'heaven told her to do this' isn't acceptable for more reasons than I can relate here. Think about it Father Connolly.

-Kevin J. Symonds

CC: Dr. Mark I. Miravalle
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