December 27th St. John the Apostle

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December 27th St. John the Apostle

Post by Denise »

St. John was the son of Zebedee and Salome, a fisherman, the brother of Saint James the Greater, and called one of the Sons of Thunder. He was a disciple of Saint John the Baptist and friend of Saint Peter the Apostle.

He was called by Jesus during the first year of His ministry, and traveled everywhere with Him, becoming so close as to be known as the beloved disciple. John took part in the Last Supper and the only one of the Twelve not to forsake the Savior in the hour of His Passion, standing at the foot of the cross.

John was made guardian of Our Lady by Jesus, and he took her into his home. Upon hearing of the Resurrection, he was the first to reach the tomb; when he met the risen Lord at the lake of Tiberias, he was the first to recognize Him.

During the era of the new Church, he worked in Jerusalem and at Ephesus. During Jesus’ ministry, he tried to block a Samaritan from their group, but Jesus explained the open nature of the new Way, and he worked on that principle to found churches in Asia Minor and baptizing converts in Samaria. He was imprisoned with Peter for preaching after Pentecost.

St. John wrote the fourth Gospel, three Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. He survived all his fellow apostles.

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Re: December 27th St. John the Apostle

Post by MarieT »

St. John wrote the fourth Gospel, three Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. He survived all his fellow apostles
Interestingly this is being challenged by some biblical scholars.
They say the style of writing is different and events also.

The question now regarding " it the same John who wrote all those..."
The response from scholars is "...we dont know for certain / or / we cannot be entirely sure..."

literary styles and events and commentary are questionable and deemed to not be from the same writer

we know that scribes copied the writings for the growing church expanding throughout the world....and perhaps there was a touch of their own commentary when they couldnt make out what was written but the message and canonical authority are given and that is what we focus on: The Word of God, inspired to the writers.
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord
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