Whats Happened to Garabandal?

Heresy experiments in distortion; orthodoxy developes in proportion. The false emphasis is not only a wrong in itself but it is used as a means of diverting the eyes of men in the wrong direction. Van Zeller

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Whats Happened to Garabandal?

Post by CameronA »

Gday guys, just a quick question if I may. What has happened as far as Garabandal is concerned with the church's stance so far? Ive heard that the church still doesnt recognise Garabandal as an authentic site? I live not far from the international Garabandal centre in Brisbane and they have been fantastic for the inmates in the prisons.
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Post by Denise »

Hi Cameron, go to this link. Hit the translation button on the top right of the google bar. It won't translate the actual letters at the top of the page but everything after. I have also posted some information below.
http://www.unitypublishing.com/Appariti ... lDocs.html



By Waterinckx Mark

Introduction: I, the undersigned, have been three times to Garabandal, namely in the early seventies, eighties and most recently in October 2000. The belief in the apparitions is very delicate and controversial. There are claims that the Pope, Padre Pio and Mother Theresa believed in the apparitions. If they did, they have been misled by one-sided information. Is this possible? Yes, it is possible.

Pope Gregorius XI (14th century) warned on his deathbed against false seers by whom he had been deceived himself. This can be read in the book "De servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonisatione" written by Prospero Lambertini, the later pope Benedict XIV.
Also the present pope John Paul II warns in the Observatore Romano dd. 18.09.96 against the confusion created by the multiplication of supposed apparitions and visions. Personal experience?

Padre Pio has been beatified, in 2002 he will probably be canonized, but so is the parish priest of Ars, who for eight years did not believe in La Salette. Even a saint is not infallible.
Mother Theresa believed in the apparitions of Medjugorje. Her informer was Mgr. Hnilica, a doubtful figure, who has ever been condemned to three and a half years of imprisonment by a court in Rome.

Everything depends on the personal attitude (Marian, pious, naive, looking for a support, for help from heaven, for miracles) and on the source of information. Very often it is well meant but subjective. Not the stories but the naked facts and decisions of the bishop are of primary importance.


All eight bishops of Santander have from 1961 up to now, supported by the Holy See in Rome, publicly declared that no supernatural apparitions had taken place in Garabandal.
The parish priest of Garabandal told me during my third visit there on 03/10/2000 after mass, that the so-called apparitions merely caused problems in the Spanish Church.
He handed me over the document with the definite, negative, final judgment of the present bishop of Santander, Mgr. Villaplana.
Conchita said the pope (at that time Paul VI) as well as Padre Pio would still see the miracle. Both have been dead for a long time.
In Conchita's diary one can read (p.164 Dutch edition) that Paul VI knew the date of the great Miracle.
On 13/04/1995 almost 20,000 pilgrims were present at Garabandal. Many from the USA who had paid $2000 American dollars for their air-tickets. Once more the date was false.
Prof. Rutten, the retired economist from the Netherlands, now foretells this miracle is going to happen on 11/04/2002. This fantasist was just as sure of the fact that the pope would proclaim the fifth Marian Dogma (via Amsterdam) on 31/05/2001 ...
According to Conchita the present pope (John Paul II) is the last pope on earth. Many other false seers suggest the next pope might well be the Anti-Christ. This way the good faithful are soaked off from the local bishop. Because the latter does not recognize the apparitions, he is a bad bishop without faith. Afterwards they are incited against the next pope and so there appears a schism with Rome and in the end Satan is the winner.
The leader of the Garabandal center in the Netherlands, Mr. Wim L., said during the Dutch TV Program, Crosspoint on 20/05/01 that he himself did not know if Garabandal came from Satan or from God.
In the same program they showed one of the Van der Maazen brothers, who keeps a souvenir-shop in Garabandal. The other brother who thought he would be cured on the day of the miracle, has already died. Wim L. told me over the phone that Barry Hanratty of the Garabandal center in New York had discovered that the Van der Maazen brothers cheated with the sale of medals containing little pieces of the so-called missal of Jacinta or Loli, that the text on the little pieces appears to be a Dutch text! Yet the same organizer Wim L. permitted Mr. Jef Van der Maazen to claim on T.V. the Miracle would happen in 2002. (in imitation of Rutten, the other fantasist)
Already in 1966 Conchita wanted to enter the Carmelite Convent in Pamplona. "Jesus" told her to go back to the world. In 1973 she married the much older Patrick Keena, divorced from his first wife, whom he had previously married before the law. According to some people he had two children from this first marriage or even two children from two different women. Not one family member was present at Conchita's wedding.
The same main seer, Conchita, made a museum of her house in Garabandal. She has since sold that house and owns a house in New York and a flat in Fatima as well. Compare them with Bernadette in Lourdes.
The same Conchita admitted to Father J. Pelletier that she herself had stolen the Host from the tabernacle for the so-called mystical communion.
Just before the so-called apparition in Garabandal the four seers had stolen apples.
Conchita was often caught in contradictions.
All four seers have already denied the apparitions really took place.
Not one of the seers still lives in the Garabandal-village.
The whole Garabandal story bursts with sensation.
Many of the so-called mystic phenomenons point out satanic influence. Remember the backwards running parties with the head bend back. Which theological value has such a thing? Conchita's convent vocation hot lost and she married a divorced man. She even said the Blessed Mother played hide and seek with her. On the other hand she even helped find shoes which had been lost by the pilgrims. The seers gave sweets to little Jesus and were allowed to take him into their arms. The Blessed Mother told the seers she perfumed the brushes of her slippers .... This Pope would be the last Pope. The un-Biblical Warning, the ever postponed Miracle are pure deceit and passion for the sensation. Satanic?
Typical too: the Garabandal - fans always try to undermine the local bishop's authority as well as that of the next pope. Once again dangerous phantasm. Who incites to disobedience? God or Satan?

1. Document of Cardinal Seper (21/04/70), who was then Head of the Holy Office:

"... Promoters of Garabandal have tried to minimize the authority of the bishop of Santander. This Holy Congregation wants to make it clear that the bishop of Santander is the only person with full jurisdiction concerning this matter. The Holy See does not intend to make researches into Garabandal. It regrets that some persons and associations go on extending their action in clear contradiction with the decisions of the ecclesiastical authority and thus go on creating confusion.

Last official document of the present bishop of Santander (1991 to present )
"... All bishops of the diocese agreed on the fact there was no supernatural validity for the 'apparitions' ... The commission led by bishop Dal Val came to the same conclusions... I myself asked Rome for advice from the Congregation for Defense of the Faith. It answered on 28/11/1992 'After inquiry into the documentation the Vatican sees no reason for direct intervention to remove the jurisdiction of the local bishop of Santander in this matter. This right belongs to the diocesan bishop.'

Former statements of the Holy See confirm this point of view. That is why I say definitely: I agree with and I accept the decision of my predecessors and the guidance of the Holy See."

Letter of Mgr. Vilaplana, bishop of Santander (08/11/1999)
"Dear ......., I have received your nice letter and am grateful because you defend the point of view of the Church concerning the so-called apparitions in Garabandal. We intend to spread this official point of view of the Church by sending it to all persons interested in knowing the truth. In spite of the statements, some still do not obey the indications of the local pastor. We regret this. But we hope the Lord will little by little lead them to ecclesiastical obedience, thus following the example the Virgin Mary gave us."


Humility and obedience are Christian virtues. Disobedience is characteristic of the father of lies. Who exalts himself (above ecclesiastical authority) shall be abased. Yes, common sense is also needed not to be deceived. Passion for sensation however is disastrous and treacherous. Read on this subject Doctor of the Church St. John of the Cross.

Waterinckx Mark, Weinebruggelaan 49, B 8200 Brugge (Sint-Michiels), Belgium, Tel: 0032 (0) 50-38-50-29



"Father Aloysius Ellacuria"

Thanks to one man who truly loved Father Aloysius, and who has no personal agenda to promote, we have been able to read actual letters written by Father Aloysius, his seminarians, lawyers in Fatima and the United States, testimonials, and letters by his brother, Father Jose Maria Ellacuria, C.M.F.

These letters are all dated so that we were able to put together a chronology of events that have completely vindicated Father Aloysius: but in fact, have convicted more than one of his friends of using Father for their own gain and agenda.

The truth about this priest may actually bring about his canonization, as you will see in our final chapter. The saintliness of this priest lies not in what he accomplished while living but in his dream of what could be accomplished. If we [and we include Unity Publishing, Inc.] help to carry out that dream with his prayers in heaven, he will be canonized.

How many of his friends do not even know what his dream was because of their own mistaken agenda is sad and amazing. But first of all let us put to rest the thing about the drugs and sex that Father was accused of supporting twenty years ago.

Jeffrey J. Moynihan’s Book

A recent book, "FATHER ALOYSIUS - WONDER WORKER IN AMERICA" written by his (sometimes) secretary, Jeffrey J. Moynihan, does more harm to the man than good. The problems in the Father’s life are alluded to but then not explained. One example is the impression given about the two bishops who asked him to leave Los Angeles and then Fatima. Moynihan treats these bishops as though they do not have the right to be heard or even talked to because they treated him badly.

Jeffrey Moynihan interjects so much of his own theology and prejudicial beliefs, it is hard to know what Father Aloysius believed and what is just Jeffrey’s imagination. But his book makes belief in Father Aloysius more difficult after reading it than before: Like Father being one of the "Seven Thunders" of the Apocalypse, or being able to read everyone’s souls, or having a policeman guardian angel, or curing a dog, or suffering the invisible stigmata, or having a father with an un-corrupted body, or being able to read souls, or having the perpetual presence of the Eucharist in him all the time, or Father Charles Carpenter starting an order in Mexico, or believing in Garabandal.

We will address each one of these claims separately, and let the real saintly Father stand up, but let’s see where Jeffrey Moynihan is coming from first.

In any book the start and finish tells the true story of what the author is trying to get across. In the first four pages of his book, Jeffrey tries to establish that Father Aloysius could read the souls of the people he met. Then (when one would normally write the climax of the life of the person you are writing about), Jeffrey writes the last two pages about what he is writing the book about in the first place - Garabandal.

Father did not support Garabandal

What Jeffery J. Moynihan failed to say in his book, (which he claims is about Father Aloysius), is that he is married to Jacinta, one of the seers of Garabandal. This is no small oversight on his part since he claimed on page 56 that Father read the seer’s souls and saw the truth of their visions. He also stated that father went to Garabandal in 1970. What he did not state is that Father Jose Maria Ellacuria, O.M.F. (Fathers brother) lived in or near Garabandal, and was not only a believer but tried very hard to get Father to believe also. Father Jose Maria believed in many other mystics as well. What Jeffrey also did not say is that Father’s sister bought property in Garabandal to be there for the "warning". These three things, his wife, Father’s brother and sister, are no small oversight.

The truth is in the documentation. If Father believed in Garabandal, it would not have been a big deal considering his brother, (a priest and teacher in a seminary near to Garabandal); and his sister (who believed and bought a house in Garabandal) both put pressure on him. However, for him to openly promote or take pilgrims to Garabandal, would have showed he was not an obedient priest, which we now know that he was.

We have seen documents that prove he did not support Garabandal. Father was the Spiritual Director on a Pilgrimage in October of 1968 with a group of people, some of whom wanted to make a detour to Garabandal since they were only a few miles away. The documentation shows that Father would not go with them, because as a priest he could not go. This would be in violation of the local bishop. He also told the people that they should not go, but that he would not stop them.

He stated in 1968 that as a priest he could not go. In 1970, he went to visit his sister and brother, and from a diary of the trip, we know that he did not say Mass or attribute a supernatural character to the apparitions. He visited his sister, talked to Conchita, visited his brother, and was off the mountain in only a couple of hours.

Jeffrey’s book states that in 1972 "two of the four visionary girls of Garabandal went to see Father Aloysius, when he was living in Fatima in Portugal. Father read their souls and saw the truth of their visions." (Page 56)

Now, since we know Conchita (and we know that she does not believe what happened to her came from God), and we know that seven bishops of Garabandal, including the present one, and the present and past heads of the Sacred Congregation for the Protection of the Faith in Rome, have condemned Garabandal, what can we say about Jeffrey’s claim?

If we are to believe Jeffrey (who is married to one of the seers), we would have to believe that Father believed all these bishops and the Vatican were wrong. We would have to believe that Father trusted his own feelings more than the authority of the Church. This is not the spirit of obedience Father had for the Church. Even if Father felt that they were true mystics, he would not have said so. The fact is that Jeffrey Moynihan has admitted that Father only said that they were good girls, and that regarding his wife, that she was going to be good for Jeffrey.

We also believe that the children of Garabandal are good and honest people, and Father always saw the best in people. By his letters we can tell that he spoke very charitably about everyone, even his enemies. Regarding his ability to always read souls, this cannot be claimed in all cases. The perfect example was his choice of the first ten seminarians, and his choice of the superior to his order of nuns. He was gentle and trusting to a fault. But if he could always read souls, he would not have made the mistakes he made. This does not discredit Father Aloysius. Every saint in history has made mistakes about people, even St. Paul about St. Mark.

the publican
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by KevinSymonds »

Hmmmm, I want that citation from De Servorum Dei....
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Post by Denise »

If anyone can find it, bet you can :wink:
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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