Thank you Bishop Vasa

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Thank you Bishop Vasa

Post by Denise »

I am in contact with someone who is under Bishop Vasa. In having a conversation about something, this came up without any prompting from me. I have asked for the official statement.

Bishop Robert Vasa, our Local Ordinary, has banned the dispersal of Medjugorje materials and the mention of Medjugorje messages on Church property. The Upper Room prayer group (based on Medjugorje) has been commanded by the Bishop to cease the Mention of Medjugorje or anything associated with it. He's done the same with the writings of Anne the Lay Apostle. In fact, in the future, no unapproved messages or apparitions are to be mentioned or materials dispersed on Church property----under pain of sin. I didn't know a local bishop could do that---but they, indeed, can!
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Post by Lori »


Diocese of Baker consists of 17 counties in eastern Oregon.

Good for him!
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Re: Thank you Bishop Vasa

Post by KevinSymonds »

I didn't know a local bishop could do that---but they, indeed, can!
A Bishop is autonomous in his Diocese, answerable only to the Holy Father. He can do just about whatever he wants so long as it isn't contra any of the sacred Canons or Faith and Morals.

Good Bishop there!

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Post by Denise »

I did hear back from this good bishop the same day I emailed him. I got two emails as a matter of fact. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing them here. The first one said,

Denise: I think your Klamath Falls contact is confused. I have spoken privately about my concerns about Med and 'Anne" and face those battles here myself. I would appreciate your material. I have not written anything. In K Falls I did write a letter about the Pius X Society since there is a 'traditional' group who meet at a place which they call Pius x and this was being confused with the he legitimate Pius X Parish in K Falls.

I must tell you that it is refreshing to see that someone else, besides me, has grave concerns about the plethora of 'private revelations' occurring. God bless +RFV

While I was writing him back I got this second email.

Denise: I just went to the Website and saw my name and my prohibition against distribution of Med material. I have, in fact, done this but I do not know if I can lay my hand on the specific letter. It may have been a private response to a question. If I find more I will forward it to you. God bless +RFV

Lori got the fact sheet ready on this Anne, the Lay Apostle and I gather up the documents on Medjugorje and sent it all to him. We shall see what happens now.

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Post by MarieT »

way to goooo...this is wonderful newssssss....

i must share that i attended with some parishioners a Healing Mass at our cathedral. We travelled by mini bus and the medj thing came up....arggggh.....

the pastoral associate stated she followed medj grrr and another parishioner (very devout and pious lady) stated she had wonderful stories from people who had travelled to medj.....grrrr

at first i wasnt going to say anything because carol is a scholar...done just bout every theology course there is, and i would have to have my facts and dates right (and darn my alzheimers when i need to recall) lol

and apart from that, i'm not very learned in the sense of having accomplished what degrees etc that she has

but i couldnt contain myself.....and out came the Bishops findings that it was not divine, not of God....the 'constat de non supernaturalitate".....dunno how i recalled that term lol.....

then the 'pilgrimmages are forbidden there that would promote medj as being authentic".....given by the Holy See

i think the latin term impressed the rest lol....then i went on about the bishops meeting with the Holy Father and Benedict saying how he couldnt believe that people would follow that, and 'is it still going on today'.....

then i recalled the posting that the then cardinal ratzinger stated that anything attributed to the previous pope and him in regards to favouring medj was made up....

thennnn i confessed about tearing up the medj magazine in the church....that was left on the table with other reading material and magazines for parishioners......

eeek they were aghast....i said 'i had a duty to remove that junk, and if Cardinal Pell ever found out that they were advertising something the Holy See has not given permission to, our priest would be in trouble'

oh yes....i mentioned the article where cardinal pell refused the alleged "seers' to talk from catholic churches here.

....more about the Healing Mass of Lourdes in another authentic one lol
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Post by KevinSymonds »

-That is excellent news! It would seem that Bishop Vasa has a good head on his shoulders with claims to visions and the like.

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Post by KevinSymonds »

-That is excellent news! It would seem that Bishop Vasa has a good head on his shoulders with claims to visions and the like.

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Post by Denise »

Amen Kevin! I had to chuckle when I saw he'd been a Msgr. under Bp. Bruskowitz in the Diocese of Lincoln. No wonder he is so discerning! I have just offered to send him my book by Donal Foley on Medjugorje.
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Post by KevinSymonds »

It seems you beat me to it, Denise, but the reference to Vasa and Lincoln is good.

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