Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem.

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Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem.

Post by Denise » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:47 pm

Many of you have probably never heard of Sister Ephrem and the reason is probably what the reason always is, because this has been silenced by the voices of false apparitions and false apparition chasers.; swept under the rug. Why? Do you think satan wants the true apparitions out there? Nope! So what does he do? He pretends to be this heavenly entity or that one, and through the emotions and cravings for the fanstatic of people he destracts and detracts from the truth.

It was on September 25, 1956, that Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem.

"It is the United States that is to lead the world to peace, the peace of Christ, the peace that He brought with Him from heaven."

"Dear children, unless the United States accepts and carries out faithfully the mandate given to it by heaven to lead the world to peace, there will come upon it and all nations a great havoc of war and incredible suffering.

“If, however, the United States is faithful to this mandate from heaven and yet fails in the pursuit of peace because the rest of the world will not accept or cooperate, then the United States will not be burdened with the punishment about to fall."

"Sin is overwhelming the world and punishment is not far away. ... Help me bring once again the sunshine of God's peace upon the world."
Our Lady - America to bring Peace

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Post by KarenH » Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:37 pm


Thank you for sharing this information.

Please explain the approval status of this apparition. I see that there have been many processions honoring Our Lady (from the links to Our Lady of America web site- http://www.ourladyofamerica.com/).

I have always believed that America would/should lead the world in the pursuit of peace, and this apparition is a sign of hope as much as a warning. Children (of God) have to have many reminders to do the right thing, and this apparition is proof. May God bless America!

May God bless you!
In Jesus through Mary,

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Post by Denise » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:12 am

Karen, since the information is sketchy I emailed the Archdiocese for information. I will post it here when I get a reply.


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Post by Denise » Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:24 pm

Karen, both Rick and I have emailed the chancery of the Archdiocese. I failed to put my name at the bottom of my email so the priest asked my name and said he would send the information. He did send it to Rick, who shared it with me and it is the same thing I will be receiving. Also someone else has been contacted by Rick and when we get all our eggs in a basket then Rick and I will both add all the information that we receive.

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Post by Denise » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:34 pm

Here is the reply from the chancery.

Ms. Wood:

This is information about Our Lady of America.

Fr. Joe Binzer


In recent years, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has received some requests for information about Sister Mildred, about devotion to Our Lady of America, and about the role Archbishop Paul F. Leibold played in her life. I will tell you what has been shared with others.

The following is important. In 1996, Sister Mildred wrote to ask if we had any documents indicating that Archbishop Leibold had granted approbation of her vision or of devotion to Our Lady of America. We thoroughly examined all of our files and while we were able to find correspondence between the Archbishop and Sister, we were not able to find anything in the files that could be considered approval.

We have copies of a booklet that refers to a printing on February 12, 1960. It dealt with events of the late 1950s. In a letter to Sister dated January 5, 1963 (then) Bishop Leibold refers to a leaflet and writes: “Needless to say it was approved – I had (then) Father Pilarczyk act as a Censor and I granted the Imprimatur.” – BUT – the leaflet ends with this notation: “All material is printed only as a personal diary and NOT for official publication.”

Bishop Leibold and Father Pilarczyk distinguished between what is “printed” and what is “published” – things printed for private use do not carry imprimatur (e.g... notes of the professor for class, etc.). They did not think this leaflet should be “published” in the strict sense – they looked on it only as a private printing as long as it contains, as it does, the story of private revelations.

In 1963, Sister Mildred submitted a Prayer to the Indwelling Most High Trinity. Father Pilarczyk was asked to review it as Censor. He granted the Nihil Obstat and Bishop Paul Leibold granted the Imprimatur on January 25, 1963. While recent editions of the booklet, Our Lady of America, put the Imprimatur information on page 3, it should appear only with the Prayer.

While I am not able to find anything that would indicate that Archbishop Leibold granted approval to the apparitions, he remained Sister’s spiritual director until his death in 1972. He also arranged for the striking of a medal, the carving of some relief plaques, and the design of a statue of Our Lady of America. He was obviously very supportive of Sister and her message up to the time of his death in 1972.

At the present time, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has not commissioned a statue of Our Lady of America to be honored in Washington DC.

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Post by KevinSymonds » Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:24 am

Yes, exactly. Denise, I am thankful you posted this. I was shocked when Rick put that information and approval on this alleged apparition. No one approved it and I thought Rick had been misled. I didn't E-mail him because I didn't know myself what was going on.


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Post by Denise » Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:36 am

Rick still has a letter out to someone else. We ARE investigating. Also, we should check into the messages and see if they are in line with what the Church teaches. Rick will get back with me on the next step.

We have to always be very cautious and test the spirit. I have noticed that places and organizations are taking this and running with it without all the information. At first glance it all looks on the up and up. First rule is to contact the chancery office in the diocese that this is supposed to have taken place etc. Both Rick and I emailed them and were sent the very same letter.


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Post by Johnna » Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:56 am

I understand that this apparition has not been approved by the Church. What I am wondering about is whether this apparation still under investigation, or if it has been officially condemned. Does anyone know?
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Post by Denise » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:04 am

JB, that is what we are trying to find out at this time. It has been given credit by EWTN and other supposed credible organizations. It appears they are jumping the gun but we will get to the bottom of this. I understand that EWTN has had a statue made and place somewhere over there and they cannot do that according to canon law unless this is approved by the present bishop of the diocese where this supposedly took place.

The truth about such things always comes out and we are digging. I will post whatever we come up with.


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Post by KevinSymonds » Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:50 pm

It is not condemned, nor is it approved. That and the fact that a Bishop down in Colorado had some sort of procession with OL of America statue has further complicated the situation.

I'm suspicious of this one.


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Post by Denise » Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:29 pm

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster@semperficatholic.com [mailto:webmaster@semperficatholic.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 7:00 PM
To: Binzer, J
Subject: re: Our Lady of America/Sr. Mildred

Dear Father, from the information that you sent to me, can I assume that there is no Bishop's formal approval on this devotion that has gone through the proper channels in the Diocese? What I am understanding is that her SD was approving of these messages but no actual approval came from the proper office, am I right? In other word, can people just propagate and errect statues and booklets. I understand that Canon Law states that things such as this are to be submitted to the local bishop and approved by only him, as he is the little Pope of his See, in the words of Pope Benedict XVI.
God bless and thanks for being pateint with me.

Denise Wood

On Mon Sep 25 16:22 , 'Binzer, J' <jbinzer@catholiccincinnati.org> sent:

Dear Ms. Wood:

Thanks for the e-mail. I'm not sure what the devotions are to which you are referring.

You are correct that current code of canon law does address the printing of written materials (canons 822-832). If the materials are to be used in one of the ways outlined in canon law, then they need to be submitted to the competent church authority for permission. I think that would have been the intention of Sr. Mildred when I wrote in my previous e-mail to you

"In 1963, Sister Mildred submitted a Prayer to the Indwelling Most High Trinity. Father Pilarczyk was asked to review it as Censor. He granted the Nihil Obstat and Bishop Paul Leibold granted the Imprimatur on January 25, 1963. While recent editions of the booklet, Our Lady of America, put the Imprimatur information on page 3, it should appear only with the Prayer."

The current code of canon law does not address statues.

There is nothing in our files that would indicate that Bishop Leibold (later Archbishop Leibold) approved any of the messages. He was Sr. Mildred's spiritual director. I tried to note that in my previous e-mail where I wrote

"While I am not able to find anything that would indicate that Archbishop Leibold granted approval to the apparitions, he remained Sister’s spiritual director until his death in 1972."

I hope this is helpful to you. If you have any questions, please let me know.

I have sent this reply and will await an answer.

Father, I was just trying to make sure I understood. I think I do now. The reason I was making sure is that there are folks propagating the messages and having processions as though this is solidly approved. I also read somehwere, I can't remember where now, that to print pictures and sculpt statues of Our Lord or Lady under a certain title needs an approval. Maybe I am wrong about this part. It just bothers me that there are people propagating messages without them having approval.

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Post by Lori » Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:17 pm


You are asking very good questions yet it seems that good answers are not forthcoming. It appears to me that the approval of this has not been made and until such time, if ever it happens, that processions, statues, devotions et al should not be made and/or propograted.

What I don't understand is why an official at the diocese in question wouldn't just say that outright!! Perhaps someone in the diocese is fearful of irritating people and then not receiving tithes...maybe I am just seeing more to this than there is.



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Post by Denise » Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:31 pm

Just be patient, I ain't finished yet. :wink: According to what I am seeing, there is no approval of any messages at all, only a prayer. If there are no approved messages then there is no approval of Our Lady of America, who would have made herself known through the messages., which are not approved. Hence.....do the math.

We want to be fair one way or the other. Looks like a confused deal to me at this time, and where confusion reigns, truth doesn't.

We shall see.


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Post by Lori » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:14 pm


I am not exactly sure what my emoticon means but oh well.....

Yes I will be patient.

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Post by Denise » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:20 pm

:mrgreen: He is cute huh?

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