Please pray and ask others to pray, during this contentious election period. Please ask the saints’ for their intercessory prayers to God, for the supernatural protection and success of Republican candidates (name them), who are under attack…
• Pope St. John Paul II named St. Thomas More, the patron saint of statesmen and POLITICIANS in the year 2000.
• St. Isidore of Seville was named the the patron saint of the INTERNET by Pope John Paul the Great.
• Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of JOURNALISTS and writers. •
Clare of Assisi was named patron of TELEVISION because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass—even though it was taking place miles away.
• AND St. Anthony of Padua for the RECOVERY OF LOST THINGS - our government
and our country is lost now and we need to ask for victory in the election, in order to recover and rededicate our country to God.
• We can also pray to St. Paul, (who persecuted Christians as a Roman soldier until God struck him blind in order to OPEN his EYES TO the TRUTH) and ask him to intercede for the opening of the eyes (minds’ eyes) of those who are deceived about God’s will for our country…it really belongs to Him and we need to return to the stewardship and servant leadership of our founding fathers.
• And finally, prayer to St. Expedite, for IMMEDIATE NEEDS, to be said daily until your request is granted.
“May the intercession of
the glorious Martyr, St. Expedite, recommend us, O my God, to Thy goodness, in order that his intercession (for our country in this election) may obtain for us what our own merits are powerless to do. Amen.
Consider this...
Moderators: johnmc, Johnna, MarieT, Denise
Consider this...
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
Re: Consider this...
Thank you for this.
Domine Non Sum Dignus!
Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
~ Mother Angelica
Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
~ Mother Angelica
Re: Consider this...
Divine intervention is certainly at work as Trump evades assassination attempts.
He is very courageous.
Many would have quit or not gone out.....
praying through the saints and God's mercy that he will be ok
St Thomas More is a good reference to Trump
Refused to be swayed by the powers that be and compromise his faith on a whim of the king
which led to his beheading and the head on a spike on london bridge to warn others
St Thomas More " I die the King's good servant....but God's first."
He is very courageous.
Many would have quit or not gone out.....
praying through the saints and God's mercy that he will be ok
St Thomas More is a good reference to Trump
Refused to be swayed by the powers that be and compromise his faith on a whim of the king
which led to his beheading and the head on a spike on london bridge to warn others
St Thomas More " I die the King's good servant....but God's first."
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord