September 19th St. Januarius

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September 19th St. Januarius

Post by Denise » Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:36 pm

Little is known of the life of Januarius other than he was born in Benevento to a rich patrician family. At age 15, he became the local Priest of his parish in Benevento, which was pagan. At the age of 20, he became the Bishop of Naples and was a friend of Juliana of Nicomedia and St. Sossius whom he met during his priestly studies.

During the one and a half year persecutions of Christians by Emperor Diocletian, he was said to have hid his fellow Christians and prevented them from being caught. Unfortunately while visiting St. Sossius in jail, he too was arrested. He and his colleagues were condemned to be thrown to the wild bears n the Flavian Amphitheater. The sentence was changed due to fear of a public disturbance, and they were instead beheaded at the Solfatara crater near Pozzuoli.

An interesting story that has been passed down by Christian sources such as Acta Bononensia, state that the ghosts of Januarius and St. Martin appeared to St. Paulinus three days before his death in 431. It also says that he was, “Bishop and Martyr, an illustrious member of the Neapolitan Church”. It also says he was chained and imprisoned with Festus his Deacon, Desiderius his lector, and St. Sossius – Deacon of the Church of Misenum, and then beheaded.

St. Januarius is famous for the miracle of the annual liquefaction of his blood. According to legend, a woman called Eusebia just after the Saints death saved some of his blood. Thousands of faithful assemble to witness this event in Naples Cathedral, three times a Year; September 19th – to commemorate his martyrdom, December 16th – to celebrate his patronage of Naples, and on the Saturday before the first Sunday of May – to commemorate the reunification of his relics. Liquefaction of a Saints blood is not a unique phenomenon, the blood of Saints Patricia, John the Baptist, and St. Pantaleon are said to liquefy annual, and this liquefication of coagulated blood is peculiar to this region, and not known to happen annually elsewhere in the world. It was thought by some to be a protection of the unexpected lava bursts flowing from Mt. Vesuvius. That is the reason for St. Januarius patronage of Blood Banks, Volcanic Eruptions, and Naples.

The Blood of St. Januarius: Everything to Know About the Miracle of Liquefaction ... quefaction

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Re: September 19th St. Januarius

Post by MarieT » Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:28 pm

Rome Newsroom, Sep 19, 2024 / 10:40 am

The blood of St. Januarius liquefied on Thursday before a Mass in Naples, Italy, where the archbishop said that the blood of the fourth-century martyr is a powerful reminder that “love is stronger than death.”

Archbishop Domenico Battaglia of Naples held up an ampoule containing the relic of the saint’s blood in the Naples cathedral on his feast day, revealing the liquefaction to shouts and cheers from the people who had waited in the cathedral since early in the morning.

“Every drop of this blood speaks to us of the love of God,” Battaglia said in his homily. “This blood is a sign of the blood of Christ, of his passion.”
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