September 21st Blessed Mark Scalabrini

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September 21st Blessed Mark Scalabrini

Post by Denise »

Mark was born in Modena and entered the Convent of the Dominican Order there in young manhood. He observed the Rules with great fidelity and became noted, both for his learning and his holiness. However, when we recall the times in which he lived , it becomes clearer to us that anyone who kept the Dominican Rule in its entirety, is truly deserving of our notice . The abuses which stirred Savonarola to thundering speech in the pulpits of Ferrara and Florence could not have been absent from all of Italy. It took solid virtue to hold out against the opulent worldliness of the times and Mark of Modena apparently did a thorough job of it, since he has been Beatified.

Mark was made Prior of the Convent of Pesaro and the only miracle we have on record (he is believed to have performed many) took place at his convent. A little boy had died and the mother pleaded with Mark to restore the child’s life. After praying for awhile, Mark turned to her and said, “Madam, your young boy is in paradise. Do not try to get him back again, for his second loss will be worse than this one.” However, she insisted on his working the miracle and he did so. The child returned to life and, ten years later, covered with disgrace and public censure arising from shameful conduct, died a second time, leaving his mother in more sorrowful grief than ever.

Mark of Modena died in 1498, the year that the City of Florence burned Savonarola at the stake. It was a time of terrible happenings in Italy and all Europe. The people of Modena mourned the death of Mark and went to pray at his tomb. Many of their needs were answered there and a number of miracles were reported and again when his relics were translated to the Rosary Chapel of the Church. His relics were again transferred in 1949, to the Dominican Church in Modena. The bells were said to have rung by themselves and sweet perfume filled the air. His relics are still exposed annually for veneration during the week of Pentecost. Blessed Mark was Beatified on 10 September 1857 by Pope Blessed Pius IX.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Re: September 21st Blessed Mark Scalabrini

Post by MarieT »

When I see the word Scalabrini it reminds me of a wonderful elderly priest- a scalabrinian - who has since passed but an exceptional human being.

He knew the Mass by heart and after reaching his mid 90's and loss of his eyesight he could still preside at the mass perfectly as many who followed in their missals will attest to.

While he was one day sweeping outside the church after Mass (yes extraordinary, yet great humility), he noticed a hooded figure come out of the sacristy with the total Mass collection bag.

He gave chase after the person (yes this priest was in his 90's) and most dangerous if the person was armed. But here is this elderly scalabrinian priest yelling for the person to stop and waving the broom in air, giving chase.

Eventually the surprised thief dropped the bag with the mass collections and sprinted away.

The priest looked exactly like and reminded me of Pope Benedict. He spent many hours in the confessional listening to and advising. This is what Pope's are made of.
Missing them both.
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord
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