Pope Francis says he may retire

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Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by MarieT »

though he was recently forced to deny rumours that he was about to step down, the 85-year-old Catholic leader has previously left open the possibility of some day retiring, and spent much of his Canadian visit using a wheelchair.

Francis would be only the third pope in history to retire, but the second in a row
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by Denise »

I wish he would make up his mind. Of course I am hopeful he will but the next person sitting on the Chair of Peter could be a lot worse.
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by MarieT »

i agree with you
He needs to retire

I believe (only speculating) but that Cardinal Burke will rise to the task. One issue is that Cardinal Burke is 74 - and near retirement age at 75 and Francis may retire him (recall what happened to Cardinal Sarah)........Another problem is that Francis made new cardinals that would enforce his current mindset and these are not likely to vote for Cardinal Burke or any traditional Cardinal.

The Pope is chosen by the Holy Spirit and God knows the plan - in His mercy He puts them there for a reason....ultimately what they do in the role defines them.
Will be interesting to see who is elected next.
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by Johnna »

All this scares me. I don't like what I see in the Church and I feel helpless about it.
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by Denise »

I know what you mean JB. It is all the wiles of the devil, to divide and conquer. Here is what I do, maybe it isn't all I should be doing but I attend Mass, receive the Sacraments, go to Confession, follow the 10 Commandments and ask God to clean up the mess. I know he has a plan. I also do not pay attention to anything that is against Church teaching even if it comes from the "top". I just ask Jesus to take care of it. We follow the truth, Who is Christ. AND PRAY A LOT!
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by Johnna »

Thanks, Denise. What you're doing is more than me these days. I have been to mass twice since COVID. Things Francis did hurt me and then when I was so scared over the pandemic, I couldn't go to mass because the church closed it's doors.
When I caught COVID, the symptoms were light, but I've been tired ever since. The doctor changed my antidepressant and that helped. I'm not taking Lyrica for my arthritis and I can stay awake now. But I really let things go due to lack or energy and lack of support from the church.
But there is absolutely no reason I cannot do what you are doing. I need to have the energy to get back to it. And your post is a great reminder.
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Re: Pope Francis says he may retire

Post by Denise »

You are certainly in my prayers and I know in the prayers of many others here.

Sometimes I am so depressed about the state of the Church and the world I find it hard to pray, but I make myself. Sometimes I am not real anxious about going to Mass because the Lord only knows what I will see or hear. I make myself go. I go to receive Our Lord. I am thankful that our parish has faithful priests, especially our priest from Africa; he is awesome. He is another Fr. Paul. So I completely understand how you feel. One day God will be sick and tired of waiting on his children to straighten up and fly right and He will render His justice. POW! So I just try my best to be faithful and wait on the Lord.
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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