Fr Amorth's successor warns

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Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by MarieT » Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:21 pm

A warning from our new Vatican Chief exorcist, Fr Cesare Truqui
The successor to Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's former chief exorcist for 25 years, has come out in condemnation of fantasy novels and yoga, declaring both to cause demonic possession. Speaking to The Independent (UK), Father Cesare Truqui explained how the Roman Catholic Church has seen a steady uptick in reports of demonic possession all around the world, and that popular culture pastimes like reading Harry Potter novels and engaging in Vinyasa are largely to blame.
The popularity of many modern television shows, movies and novels that glorify "demonic" creatures such as vampires and magical wizards has apparently led both young and old alike to engage in certain activities that the Vatican says summon satanic spirits, claims Professor Giuseppe Ferrari. Ferrari recently attended a meeting in Rome where Catholic authorities and delegates discussed how to deal with this alleged demonic possession crisis.
Demonic characters in shows like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries are often portrayed as beautiful human beings with desirable characteristics and superpowers, which may lure the unsuspecting into dabbling in the occult. Father Cesare says he's seen many an individual speaking in tongues and exhibiting unearthly strength, two attributes that his religion says indicate the possibility of evil spirits inhabiting a person's body.
"There are those who try to turn people into vampires and make them drink other people's blood, or encourage them to have special sexual relations to obtain special powers," stated Professor Ferrari at the meeting. "These groups are attracted by the so-called beautiful young vampires that we've seen so much of in recent years."
Is yoga about worshiping Hindu gods, or is it about engaging in advanced stretching and exercise?
At its roots, yoga is said to have originated from the ancient worship of Hindu gods, with the various poses representing unique forms of paying homage to these entities. From this, other religions such as Catholicism and Christianity have concluded that the practice is out of sync with their own, and that it may result in demonic spirits entering a person's body.
Others contend that yoga practice is really more focused on advanced stretching moves and physical exercise, and that it can bring about healing and improved well-being such as improved core strength, better circulation and reduced stress. The intent of the person doing yoga, rather than yoga itself, in other words, is what defines the extent of how the practice influences a person's being and soul.
But Father Truqui sees yoga as being satanic, claiming that "it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter." And in order to deal with the consequences of this, his religion has had to bring on an additional six exorcists, bringing the total number to 12, just to deal with what he says is a 100% rise in the number of requests for exorcisms over the past 15 years.
"The ministry of performing exorcism is little known among priests," stated Father Truqui to The Independent. "It's like training to be a journalist without knowing how to do an interview."
At the same time, Father Amorth admits that the Roman Catholic Church's notoriety for all kinds of perverted sex scandals is also indicative of demonic activity -- he stated that it represents proof that "the devil is at work inside the Vatican."
"There's homosexual marriage, homosexual adoption, IVF [in vitro fertilization] and a host of other things," added Monsignor Luigi Negri, the archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, about what he says is evidence of the existential evil in society. "There's the clamorous appearance of the negation of man as defined by the Bible."
....and then people wonder why God permits the scourge of the plague of Covid upon mankind
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Re: Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by MarieT » Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:25 pm

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Re: Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by Denise » Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:14 am

Thanks for posting that, Marie. It is hard to make young people understand the danger that lies ahead for them when they do many things that they think are fun. It reminds me of this poem I wrote years ago.


The evil one comes to destroy the soul;
he takes away warmth and leaves us cold.
We're at his mercy if we don't stay
at the feet of Jesus to kneel and pray.

He'll try to claim the innocent ones
and show them things they'll think are fun,
all the while setting up and demon's den
to lure them to as they start to sin.

The games he plays with hearts and minds
are of the sick and twisted kinds;
games and pleasures to say the least
that will stamp them with the mark of the beast.

So be weary and cautious of enticing beauty,
to praise the Lord is our only duty.
Pray for discernment, ask God to shed light,
He'll lead us from danger and teach us what's right.

October 6, 1993
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Re: Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by MarieT » Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:48 am

she writes poetry also
is there no end to her talents :D

yes indeed it is a concern
evil is in the air
our premier released the roadmap out of lockdown
those unvaccinated cannot attend events ....argh
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Re: Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by Denise » Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:57 am

😏😒 It is all crazy.
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Re: Fr Amorth's successor warns

Post by MarieT » Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:33 pm

it is indeed
the dooms-day prophets here are calling the vax - the mark of the beast (cant go out and shop or attend anywhere unless vaxed) gee
they cant even attend a hairdresser / barber to cut their hair unless fully vaxed

The Premier is now looking for laws to make the vax mandatory in the state...i suspect the prime minister is pushing for it also on a national level....
that does pose a problem

i wonder if there is a human rights bill / act that doesnt permit that
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord

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