Drink the good wine of God's Mercy

Inspirational Quotes From Our Lord to Saint Faustina and Other Divine Mercy Devotions.

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Drink the good wine of God's Mercy

Post by Denise »

If you were an expert in the area of wine tasting, and you had a choice between an excellent bottle of wine and a cheap one, obviously you would choose the excellent one. You would know the difference and you would not find much delight in the cheap wine knowing that the good wine was available. So it is with our souls. When we've tasted of the Mercy of God, and taken a sweet delight in His presence, we will long for more. We will also begin to realize that all the other "delights" in life do not compare. They are poor "tastes" of the glory of God. Drink the good wine of God's Mercy and become accustomed to it. If you do, you will find that all the other delights in life pale in comparison (See Diary #1026).
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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