Seeking "Protestant"

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Seeking "Protestant"

Post by BrandonH »

Hello and Peace to all!

I have just joined this group. My name is Brandon and technically I am a "Protestant." I say technically "Protestant" because though I am a member of an Episcopal Church, I spend most of my time at Catholic Mass. I am in the process of talking with a Catholic priest and am continuing to wrestle with many of the issues. More than likely, I will be going through RCIA in the fall.

I would greatly appreciate your prayers for me that my mind, my heart, and my ears would be open and sensitive to what God wants to teach, show, and speak to me. If any of you are converts the faith, I would love to talk with you.


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Post by Denise »

Howdy Brandon, glad to see you made it in. Yes, there are converts here. You may remember Johnna from the chat room and is a moderator/admin here. She is a convert as well as others and I am sure they would be very happy to correspond with you.

Maybe you can tell the tale of the chat room. You were pretty young when you came in there. You had lots of questions and it appears that it may have helped you on the road to the Church as well as all those people God has placed in your path recently.

Don't be afraid to ask questions in the "Called to Be Catholic" forum. sincker, sincker, I don't ever remember you being afraid to ask questions in the chat room. You were not shy there so don't be here. :wink:

love ya kiddo

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Post by Johnna »

Yes, I am a convert. Seven years and counting :-D And Denise is right. You can feel free to pm me and I will answer, or you can ask questions in the Called to be Catholic forum and have many people's answers. God bless you. :D
Domine Non Sum Dignus!

Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
~ Mother Angelica
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