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Post by Denise »

Julie, I was on the Catholic Answers forum a long time ago and, like you, found that the moderators and many members don't like the truth so I removed myself. It was just a cause for frustration and anger, but the anger was justified.

As long as the parish you attend is not in schism, you are blessed to have it. My pastor attended the seminar for the Tridentine Mass in Nebraska several years ago. He will offer the Latin Mass in time. Right now he offers the Latin/Novus Ordo on Sunday morning, as well as the Novus Ordo, which, when done properly as he does it, is quite beautiful. There are tons of photos on semperfi website and you can see how beautiful our parish Church is, how traditional it is. We also have a Latin Mass parish in our diocese.

I certainly understand your frustration when you attend a liberal parish. I start to get angry and then I decide that it is an opportunity to pray for the priest and the poor people, who probably have no clue.

I wear a veil to Mass, or any time I step inside a Catholic Church. I have been looked at very strangely but it does not bother me. There have also been times that women come up to me and ask where they can purchase a veil. On occasion I take them to my car and give them one of mine. Once an elderly man walked up to me after Mass and told me how nice it was to see a woman in the veil. :)

Anyway, on this forum, by the Grace of God, I don't think you will ever see any of us post anything contrary to Holy Mother Church. If someone does they are corrected, and done so with official Church teaching.

And by the way, we don't have girls on the Altar at our parish, and no EMHCs either. :wink:

Glad you are here.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by Denise »

:D Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by Denise »

In all fairness I must mention that some people are very traditional but have no choice but to attend a non-traditional parish because that is all that is offered. We drive almost 100 miles, round trip, to attend our parish. On occasion we are not able to go and so we must attend a closer parish. But, I do know that the consecration is valid and licit, and so I am receiving Jesus.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by Johnna »

I am a convert to the Church, and was not catholic before Vatican II. I can't fully appreciate what it was like, although I have been to a Latin mass.
But I do understand a teeny bit. When I first became Catholic, before I moved to Indianapolis, I was blessed to have ten years in a parish with a very traditional, correctly done Novus Ordo mass. I miss it terribly. The masses here in Indianapolis aren't obviously and horridly liberal, but there are little things that I miss, such as the bells when the host is raised, people kneeling for communion, receiving on the tongue. Not everyone keeled in my old parish, it was about 50/50, and I would say maybe only a third received in the hand, but still a difference. Here, I am a bit surprised when I see people receive on the tongue, and the only kneelers seem to be in the pews.
My old parish wasn't perfect outside of mass. It was very small compared to any other Catholic parish I've been to, and there was all the social ills like gossip and such that one might find in a small community. But, inside mass it was beautiful. On Holy Thursday, the place we moved Our Lord to was so blessed and beautiful, I wanted to just curl up with Him and spend the night there instead of going home and leaving Him to Good Friday all alone. I miss it there terribly sometimes. I am definitely in a dark night of the soul, here in Indianapolis. He seems very far away. You are blessed to have a place that feeds you entirely instead of just getting a hurried meal before you return home.
Domine Non Sum Dignus!

Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
~ Mother Angelica
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