Bumper stickers part of grassroots campaign

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Bumper stickers part of grassroots campaign

Post by Denise » Mon May 30, 2005 12:18 pm

Bumper stickers part of grassroots campaign to protect marriage

WASHINGTON DC, USA, May 30 (CNA) - Pro-family voters can now voice their belief that marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman with a bumper sticker. A pro-family organization announced that it is distributing one million such bumper stickers for free in order to promote a national grassroots campaign to protect marriage.

The Alliance for Marriage and Spalding Group, a campaign marketing company, recently launched the bumper sticker campaign.

The Alliance for Marriage is the driving force behind the movement to democratically protect marriage under American law. It drafted an amendment, which President George W. Bush endorsed in 2004.

The goal of the campaign is to pass the amendement to the U.S. Constitution.

The bumper sticker is part of a product line, including yard signs, placards, bumper stickers, buttons and t-shirts, available for purchase at www.AFMStore.com.

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June D
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Post by June D » Mon May 30, 2005 2:12 pm

I tried ordering the yard sign but the sight isn't secure. I'll have to see what other options are available. I figure the bumper sticker will look nice between the other two that I have. "You can't be both Catholic and Pro-Choice" and "If it's not a baby, your not pregnant". God Bless!!!

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