I am new on this forum and wish to introduce myself for those who don't know me, i.e., those who are not subbscribed to PetersVoice.
My name is Peter and my wife's name is Christine. We have five children who live invarious part of the country, Canada. I live in Victoria, the Capital of the Province of British Columbia, a small city on Vancouver Island. We retired here in 1996 because of the good climate, like so may other Canadians. I come originally from The Netherlands and my wife comes originally from Austria.
We left the Church gradually some thirty years ago and returned to the Catholic Church about six years ago. As a result our children are not church goers.

We are now devout Catholics and go to daily Mass when possible. We love EWTN, Fr. Corapi, Fr. Groeschel, etc. I rarely watch any other TV Channel since I don't like what they have to offer.
I have become a member of the Knights of Columbus and am quite active in this organization. My wife and I are also both working for our parish.
I guess that is enough for now.
God Bless,