What's the Difference?

This forum is a place to discuss issues regarding NFP (Natural Family Planning) and related subjects. It is a place not only to talk about the mechanics of NFP, but also about the moral and physical dangers of contraception as well as the joys and blessings of children and families. As in the other forums, the teachings of the Catholic Church are to be respected. Keep conversation adult and polite.

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What's the Difference?

Post by Johnna »

Ever wondered about or asked the following question? "If unnatural and natural methods of birth control have the purpose of avoiding pregnancy, then what's the difference?"

The very first thing that comes to my mind when I hear that question is "The end does NOT justify the means." Not only is this saying common sense, but it is also a teaching in the Catechism istself.
1759 "An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention" (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, Dec. praec. 6). The end does not justify the means.
1760 A morally good act requires the goodness of its object, of its end, and of its circumstances together.

For those who still are wondering about the moral difference between contraception and NFP, the following is taken from a pamphlet simply titled Birth Control. IMPRIMATUR:Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz, D.D., S.T.D. Bishop of Lincoln

Contraception is the intentional use of a drug, chemical, device or procedure to prevent pregnancy by acting directly against the fertility of each marriage act (sex). The biological purpose of sex is to reproduce, yet contraception denies the goodness of fertility. It is a lie in "body language" (CCC 2370). It works against our nature, i.e. God’s purpose for creating us. Contraception is analogous to enjoying a delicious meal and then vomiting with the intention to lose weight yet satisfy the appetite (binge-purge gluttony). It also helps to promote the sins of adultery (sex outside of marriage) and fornication (sex before marriage) by reducing the chance of "embarrassing" consequences. Finally the more convenient forms tend to operate by inducing early abortion, e.g. IUD and RU-486. Even the Pill and Mini-Pill do cause early abortion by preventing "the acceptance of a fertilized egg in the womb." [The Pill Book, 8th (Bantam Books, 1998) p. 247; also see PDR 53 ed. (1999) p. 3326]. Contraception is a type of sexual "gluttony."

In NFP, couples do not work directly against the fertility of the marriage act but regulate birth by periodically abstaining from the marriage act. The act is periodically avoided and not abused. NFP only gives information to help a couple choose between abstinence or the marriage act. During the woman’s naturally infertile times, spouses can engage in the marriage act; whereas, during the fertile periods, they can abstain. Under NFP, "the married couple make legitimate use of a natural disposition;" whereas in contraception, "they impede the development of natural processes." [Humanae vitae 16] Even though the moral intention is to regulate birth by abstinence, NFP still respects the goodness of human fertility. It is analogous to fasting with the intention to lose weight. In similar fashion, fasting respects food as a gift; whereas, gluttony abuses food. NFP does demand "just reasons", self-discipline, sacrifice, mutual consent (1 Cor. 7:5; Casti connubii 53) and openness to new life (CCC 2366) from both spouses.

Unfortunately too many people do not understand freedom. For some, freedom is choosing the "easy way." But true freedom is rarely easy (John 8:32; 14:6). Following sexual urges without constraint is not freedom but giving in to impulse. Gratifying impulses eventually leads to "slavery" (e.g. addiction; Titus 3:3). As Jesus reminds us:

"...the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many." [Matt. 7:13-14]

Having the freedom to climb a mountain or start a new business is not easy but demands sacrifice. Likewise continence in NFP may be difficult, but gives us, with God’s grace, the freedom to overcome sexual impulses and selfishness in order to pursue true love. Sense pleasures are good, but they are not the final purpose of human life (1 Cor. 10:31, Gal. 5:13).
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Post by Johnna »

NFP v/s Contraception


1. NFP is completely safe with no harmful side effects.

2. NFP is simple to learn and to use. It does not distort the sexual act nor involve distasteful procedures. The spouses do nothing to their bodies but simply plan their relations according to the fertile and infertile days of the woman's cycle.

3.When used to avoid pregnancy, the NFP is at least as effective (98-99%) as any contraceptive but without the physical and psychological side effects.

4. NFP costs nothing more than the modest price of simple learning materials.

5. With NFP, the woman is able to know herself, to learn, and to appreciate the processes of her own body.

6. Using NFP enables the woman to accept, control, and respect her fertility from the beginning to the end of her reproductive years.

7. NFP fosters communication and mutual respect between husband and wife. The two cooperate in planning their family, taking into account each month of the woman's cycle.

8. When the couple must postpone a pregnancy, the very abstinence that NFP requires can help strengthen the marriage. The sacrifice involved is proof of the respect that the husband has for his wife. She in turn appreciates his willingness to sacrifice for her good and the good of the marriage, and her love for him increases.

9. The love of the couple is renewed after a period of abstinence with NFP. Interest is kept high, as well as appreciation for each other.

10. The attitude of spouses who use NFP is: "Our fertility is a natural gift and a normal function of the human body." This helps to bring peace and greater intimacy to their relationship.

11. NFP can be used to achieve as well as to postpone a pregnancy. It is immediately reversible when the couple changes their decision to achieve or postpone pregnancy.

12. NFP is acceptable to people of all cultures, educational and social levels and religions. The couple can use it with a clear conscience. This method, when used generously and not for selfish or materialistic reasons, respects life and the privilege of transmitting life.


1. Every contraceptive method involves medical risk.

2. Contraception involves ingesting dangerous drugs or using intrusive devices.

3. The more effective the artificial method, the more dangerous it is, e.g., the Pill and the IUD.

4. Contraceptives involve a continual expense.

5. Often contraceptives are used blindly without the woman knowing how they are affecting her body.

6. The use of contraception suppresses the normal, healthy function of the human reproductive system.

7. The use of contraception often encourages spouses to never communicate with one another about something as important as family planning. Many women are not even aware of when they are fertile or infertile.

8. Very often contraception frees the man from any responsibility when it comes to family planning. Most if not all of the burden of artificial birth control is placed on the woman.

9. Contraception places a barrier between husband and wife and limits the most intense physical expression of human love. When the couple is never required to make the sacrifice of abstaining (as is the case while contracepting), sexual relations can lose their deeper meaning. It is easy for a husband and wife to use each other. When couples are required to abstain from marital relations for a few days each month (if they need to postpone pregnancy), they find other ways to love each other, communication grows very strong, they appreciate the gift of sexuality and experience a new honeymoon each month.

10. Prolonged use of contraception sometimes results in infertility.

11. The level of discontent and the discontinuation rate of many contraceptives are extremely high in many countries, especially in the Third World. Contraceptive use is unacceptable to many religious and cultural traditions because it involves a direct attack on the capacity to transmit life. In addition, certain contraceptives such as the IUD and at times the Pill do not prevent the fertilization of the ovum, but instead produce a very early abortion a few days later by preventing the newly conceived human being from implanting in the womb.
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