Instruction on SP will reinforce Pope's directive

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Instruction on SP will reinforce Pope's directive

Post by Denise » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:16 pm

Instruction on Summorum Pontificum will reinforce Pope's directive: Vatican analyst
March 08, 2011
A Vatican document following up on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which called for broader use of the traditional Latin liturgy, will be released within weeks, according to Italy’s leading Vatican-watcher.

Journalist Andrea Tornielli of Il Giornale, who has compiled an enviable record for correctly predicting news developments at the Vatican, reports that an Instruction to clarify the terms of the motu proprio has been drafted and is now being translated in preparation for its publication.

Although some traditionalist groups have expressed fears that the Instruction might water down the provisions of the motu proprio, Tornielli reports that the new document will actually strengthen the force of the Pope’s directive to expand use of the extraordinary form. The Instruction will encourage seminaries to prepare future priests for using the traditional liturgy, he says. And the document will indicate that when Summorum Pontificum refers to the need for a “stable group” to request the Latin liturgy, that phrase should not be interpreted to require a congregation that was in existence prior to the promulgation of the motu proprio.

The Instruction, Tornielli reports, will state clearly that bishops should not place additional restraints on the use of the extraordinary form, but should follow the provisions of the Pope’s directive to make the traditional liturgy more widely available
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Post by KarlB » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:11 pm

I think it'll take some reinforcement to achieve the Holy Father's intent. As far as I am aware, in Vancouver, almost 4 years after Summorum Pontificum, only the FSSP is celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

I'd love to get it in my small town, even as an occaisional event. I think it would act to alleviate some of the sloppiness, and 'communal' emphasis, that has crept into the practice of the Novus Ordo in my parish.

I think if people actually experienced it they would see how engaging the traditional Mass is, especially when compared with some of the free form versions of the Novus Ordo, which can be terribly dull, lacking an integrated and coherent structure.
pax lux,

Remember that thou hast made me of clay; and wilt thou turn me to dust again? Job10:9

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