Ouija Boards: Toy or Trouble?

Here, you will be given different topics on the New Age to discuss. These topics will include common concerns that Catholics and all Christians of Good Will have regarding New Age symbols, language, and activities. The hope of this forum is to promote better discernment regarding New Age influences in our culture today.

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Ouija Boards: Toy or Trouble?

Post by Marguerite F »

I was asked to begin our forum discussions with a very commonplace “New Age Toy” the Ouija Board. This “toy” is sold in just about any local toy store in the US and abroad.
Let’s take a brief look at what good ole Webster says about this toy. Ouija:trademark-used for a board with the alphabet and other signs on it that is used with a planchette(a small heart shaped board w/points used in “spiritual” automatic writing) to seek spiritualistic or telepathic messages.

Now I ask you, is that the kind of “toy” that little John or Sue needs to be playing with?
This plaything can be traced back to the pagan mathematician Pythagoras in 540 BC where he claimed to receive spiritual messages through a triangle shaped board. It rose to popularity when French Spiritualist M.Planchette remade it into the “cute” heart shaped toy of today. In 1966 Parker Brothers bought the “rights” to this game and its sales are only second to the all popular Monopoly. Wow!

To expound on the board itself there are more that just alphabetic letters on it. There are numbers and occult symbols like “All Seeing Eye” of Isis. There are Moon and Star motifs and usually, the most deadly of NAM symbols, the Pentagram. (All for another topic) There are also the words “yes” and “no” in the upper corners on some older styles.

The idea of this board is simple…ask a question…”Is it going to rain tomorrow” and you place your fingers on the outer edge of the heart shaped board very lightly and you “wait”. The board supposedly moves on it’s own to an answer. NOW HERE’S the rub…
Sometimes the human fingers are actually moving the planchette. This is often true with kids at pajama parties. HOWEVER, there is just NO WAY to be certain. Why? Why would a piece of board w/ some letters have any power to open a door to the “spirit world”? Answer: Human invitation. AND Human expectation. The whole point of the “toy” is to tell the future, to get an answer about a problem or future event. Satan’s minions are all too eager to help the human who is willing to open themselves to their advice.

Many books and reports have documented cases of demonic possession that began with a Ouija Board. (The popular movie/book “Exorcist” case in point) There was one in my home when we were growing up. I believe that its influence was the actual beginning of my long journey into the NAM. (New Age Movement). You can read case upon case of Priests, Evangelicals and Exorcists dealing with the effects of this toy.

For those who are still not convinced of the dangers inherent in this toy think of this: It is like a train track. The purpose of the track is to act as a channel for trains. Now you are not always sure the exact moment the train will hit the track. Does that mean you would sit there on the track? Allow your two year old to do so? Your cousin? Grandmother? No. Of course not and neither should anyone be handling this “toy”. The very act of touching a Ouija Board is a possible invitation to spirit possession. “Wanna Ouija”? Not with MY life!

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Post by MarieT »

i have heard of real life experiences regarding those that dabble with this 'toy' that would make yer hair curl....they should be banned.

i recall a former parish priest mentioning once, that alongside tarot cards and other forms of "divination", these 'toys' are keys that open the portal of.....(lets not go there) :shock:
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Post by Marguerite F »

Hi Maria, Thank you for letting us know about your good priest that is actively warning folks about these "toys" and tricks of the devil.
We are very fortunate in our parish to have a priest that encourages us to read books on the subject and get educated about the "workings of the other team". :twisted:

If more priests were to educate and warn their parishioners, I daresay these "toys" and unholy entertainments would be removed from our culture! :wink:

Again, thanks for writing. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond!

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Post by MarieT »

hi marguerite,
sorry i havent been online either....we've had problems with our isp (ok confession - overdue payment lol)...but now back online..phewww and trying to catch up with emails.

back to the topic at hand, sadly some priests refuse to believe in the supernatural existence of what they term 'mumbo jumbo."

I recall denise sending out an article a while back re exorcists etc and the vatican's leading exorcist stating that "satan's greatest victory is in that he leads people to believe he doesnt exist"....eeek

kinda makes sense.....no pious or God fearing Catholic is gonna bow to him or conform to his ways.....so i guess his "non existance" push is another cheap tactic to make man fall "again".....

st michael save us!

blessings and peace
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Post by Marguerite F »

Hi Maria, glad to hear you're up and running again...computers are the "bain of my life" I don't understand them very well.

Yes, it's the devils greatest trick to convince folks he doesn't exist. My years in the NAM were spent partly in denial of "evil" as a separate entity but rather as a "lack of spiritual awareness" which is what the New Age believers call a "sense of separateness"....they never use the word sin, devil or evil...occasionally you get someone from the occult arts who went too far to the "dark side of the force" and they'll use the "e" word....

Unfortunately some of our churchs have fallen prey to this type of thinking as well...not wanting to call sin...sin!

We can pray and santify ourselves...

Thanks for the post.
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Post by MarieT »

Marguerite F wrote: My years in the NAM were spent partly in denial of "evil" as a separate entity but rather as a "lack of spiritual awareness" which is what the New Age believers call a "sense of separateness"....they never use the word sin, devil or evil...
Hi Marguerite,
scuze my ignorance but what is NAM?
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Post by Denise »

Mariette, she is referring to the [N]ew [A]ge [M]ovement

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Post by MarieT »

rofl sis....ok ok....open mouth, insert foot hehehe :oops: ooopsy
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