considering converting

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considering converting

Post by GinaB » Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:56 pm

I would like to begin by saying that unlike some inquirers, I do not necessarily feel anything is missing in my church now other than having a local parish to attend. I think that is what makes the decision so hard for us to make. It is becoming more and more of a hardship to drive 65 + miles. And I'll be honest, our parish is suffering as many have left in the past 2 years for various reasons beyond my control. I need (my family needs) to be somewhere we can attend regularly to worship and receive the Sacraments as well as have our growing son's Christian educational needs met. We need stability. I was raised much stricter and more traditionally than the Episcopal Church now teaches which is what led to me leaving some 17 years ago when I realized just how much I disagreed with them based on how I was taught growing up and therefore believe in. The Episcopal Church changed but I did not. The ACA church I have belonged to since 1991 is part of the Traditional Anglican Communion and is not affiliated in any way with the Episcopal Church USA or the Canterbury based Anglican Communion. Most of us are very "high Church" and often referred to as Anglo-Catholics. The TAC is quite orthodox in its teachings and I don't think the transition will be too hard for us due to many similar traditions/beliefs.

Ok, I'm sure all that will bring some comments ...which are welcomed. I joined this forum for the opportunity to discuss and learn. Now I guess I could throw out a few initial questions I have ...

We have yet to visit St. William the Confessor in Greenville but plan to soon. We have visited St. Joseph in Commerce. It was actually suggested we try Greenville instead. Something about it being more traditional and therefore maybe more to our liking. After doing a bit of reading I have some ideas on this but since we haven't been to Greenville yet I cannot make the comparison. I am curious of your thoughts on the meaning of that comment?

Maybe someday we'll have the unity that has been sought. Meanwhile, it's difficult (but understandable) about not receiving the Body and Blood until we have been properly educated in the Roman Church and join. However, so far I've found it somewhat awkward when approaching to receive only a blessing. What is the appropriate manner for this? In the Anglican Church we crossed our arms over our chest to signify requiring (desiring) a blessing. Is it the same or similar in the Roman Catholic Church?

That's it for now. I look forward to your comments/direction.

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Post by MarieT » Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:46 pm

Hi Gina,
I know very little about other religious denominations and have not taken much time to investigate them either.

I found that what little time I have to myself, i dedicate to learning more and more about my Catholic faith and trying to teach myself latin lol.

I wish you well on your spiritual journey and please be assured of my prayers for your coming closer to the Lord.

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Post by Denise » Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:08 pm

I do not necessarily feel anything is missing in my church now other than having a local parish to attend. I think that is what makes the decision so hard for us to make. It is becoming more and more of a hardship to drive 65 + miles
Hi Gina, I am not trying to be ugly, only truthful...I really do not think the reason you give above is good reason to become Catholic. My husband is the office manager at St. Williams and he drives the 90 miles a day, six days a week. We have a Catholic Church three blocks from us on one side and 7 minutes on the other but there is no way I would ever join. We want a seven course meal and not a snack when it comes to the true faith.

Why don't you do this...go to this link and join this group. CHN will be able to provide you with many answers and can enlighten you in the major differences between your Church and the Catholic Church. There are many people there asking questions and there are converts that can help you. The first thing you will see is
Are you a non-Catholic pastor or layman with interest in the Catholic Church?

The purpose of The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork) is to provide fellowship, encouragement and support for pastors and laymen of other traditions (Protestant, Orthodox, etc..) who are somewhere along the journey or have already converted to the Catholic Church. The CHNetwork is committed to assisting and standing beside all inquirers, serving as a friend and an advocate.

You will come away from there with lots of enlightenment, I promise you. I am so happy you are here but I have to do what is in your best interest and that is ask you to join CHN as well as Semper Fi Catholic.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by GinaB » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:19 am

Marie, thank you for your continued prayers.

Denise, thank you for your honest and helpful reply. I have the CHN site open now and will venture further into it today. I have already wandered into their forum and found a story very similar to where I'm coming from ...this gives me hope and makes me think I am on the right path at last. So thank you again for pointing me to CHN.

Before going further though, I'd like to respond with some honesty myself. During the night I was awakened and had to give serious consideration to what I'd typed above. I believe I am truly looking for something more (that seven course meal you mentioned) and that is what brought me here to begin with. What I typed above is nothing more than me being nervous about change and even somewhat dishonest with myself about how happy I am with our current choice.

Now, with that said, we are serious about looking further into converting but need prayers and information to help with our decision. It is not something I take lightly. I believe that is why I was led here and I am grateful for continued prayers and guidance in this journey.

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Post by Denise » Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:30 am

Gina, wow, aren't you refreshing!

I truly believe that those who seek the truth always find it, not what is true to you or me or whoever, but what is truth in God's eyes. We will certainly pray for you to get all the help you need and we will always be here for you if and when you need us. You can still ask questions here as well as CHN and as someone said earlier, we will do what we can to help you. :D We ar ehappy to have you in our little community here.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by Johnna » Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:07 pm

Gina, my conversion story is not the same as yours exactly. Still I know that when I was searching for the truth as God really meant it to be, I was lead to the Catholic Church, when all reason would have suggested I returned to the United Methodist church that I was raised in. So perhaps Denise is right about finding Truth when you seak it honestly. I know I did. :) God bless you on your journey.
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Post by GinaB » Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:52 pm

We have visited St. Williams twice now and I feel so at home there. It felt right the minute we walked in. I'm continuing to pray ...

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Post by Denise » Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:52 pm

Gina, have you introduced yourself to Father Paul? If you haven't, the next time you go, please do so after Mass. If you go to the 11:30 am Mass, bring a lunch for you and your family and go to the cafeteria and have lunch then go back to the Church for Holy Hour. :)

God bless
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by Lori » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:08 pm


I am glad to hear you felt at home at St. William's. Definitely introduce yourself to Father Paul. I live in Farmersville which is about 30 miles from Lone Oak. If you ever want to have coffee and discuss the Faith let me know. I love coffee but I love the Faith even more and now Greenville has a Starbucks. Woo hoo!

God bless you and your family,


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Post by GinaB » Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:55 am

I've not yet introduced myself to anyone. I have seen a familiar face. I know Carolyn Dorman ...she and my mom used to be friends and I used to go to her house after school a lot ...that was over 25 yrs ago!

I would love to meet sometime. I like coffee but I don't understand Starbucks. I am simple ...can you say Folgers? lol. Seriously though, it would be great to meet sometime but you may have to order for me ...

So far we've come to the 9:30 Mass. That time works well with my 2 yr old. My husband works on Sunday mornings and I've not yet convinced him to come to a service during the week or Saturday afternoon yet. He doesn't have the strict background I was brought up with so needs more work (prayer). I am hoping to get him in gear Ash Wednesday ...

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