Vassula and tlig

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Vassula and tlig

Post by MarieT »

Hi all,
I need to get a copy of this document. Can anyone assist me with this.
Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

Doctrinal documents

Note: The doctrinal documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are presented in reverse chronological order.

Notification on the writings and activities of Mrs. Vassula Ryden (Notificatio de scriptis et operibus dominae Vassulae Ryden), October 6, 1995
AAS 88 (1996) 956-957
OR 23-24.10.1995; EV 14, 1956-1957; LE 5618
Document Vatican
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kk thanks to rick again and unitypublishing


What we wish to present here is the latest developments since the Fidelity issue. First on May 10, 1994, Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy, Head of the Sacred Congregation for the Promotion of Christian Unity in Rome [Pontificium Consulium Ad Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam] wrote regarding Vassula:

"No one should take seriously any claim on the part of this lady to have an "ecumenical mission … I am amazed that all over the world our Church authorities are opening their doors to this lady … The question of a member of an Orthodox Church being admitted to Communion in our Church is governed by Canon Law…"

He went on to say that the "competent Decistery for matters concerning private revelations is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I am sending on to that office a copy of your letter and of the documentation forwarded therewith."

This is the statement of:

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:

The Congregation for the Docrine of the Faith has received various questions about the value and authority of its Notification of 6 October 1995, published in (L’Osservatore Romano on Monday/Tuesday, 23/24 October 1995, p.12), regarding the writings and messages of Mrs. Vassula Ryden attributed to alleged revelations and disseminated in Catholic circles throughout the world.

In this regard, the Congregation wishes to state:

The Notification addressed to the Pastors and faithful of
the Catholic Church retains all its force. It was approved by the competent authorities and will be published in Acta Apostolicae sedis, the official organ of the Holy See, with the signatures of the Prefect and the Secretary of the Congregation.

Regarding the reports circulated by some news media concerning a restrictive interpretation of this Notification, given by His Eminence the Cardinal Prefect in a private conversation with a group of people to whom he granted an audience in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 10 May 1996, the same Cardina Prefect wishes to state:

as he said, the faithful are not to regard the messages of Vassula Ryden as divine revelations, but only as her personal meditations;

these meditations, as the Notification explained, include, along with positive aspects, elements that are negative in the light of Catholic doctrine;

therefore, Pastors and the faithful are asked to exercise serious spiritual discernment in this matter and to preserve the purity of the faith, morals and spiritual life, not be relying on alleged revelations but by following the revealed Word of God and the directives of the Church’s Magisterium.

Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states:

The Interpretation given by some individuals to a Decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church, is absolutely groundless.

This decision actually referred to the "abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books" and determined that --- after the relevant censures were lifted --- the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals.

In should be recalled however that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, Canon 623 #1 of the current Code remains in force: "the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement".

Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and , in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
[underlines added]
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Unitypublishing on vassula

Rome always leaves private revelation to the pastoral discernment of the local bishop; however, Vassula Ryden is not a Catholic, and therefore she has no bishop. It became important for the Vatican to let bishops know that it was not OK for them to allow her into their Churches to receive the Sacraments. ... pirit.html
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Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by MarieT »

thanks sis, i had these documents and if you like i can send you a copy of my reply to the priest whom is pushing vassula. I've tried to change my presentation though so it is presented with humility and concern for him, without him thinking i'm...."you know"

after he told me "i'm an exorcist, i should know" i have to tread carefully.

the letter has to be written in a polite and charitable way. I think he's genuine but cant for the life of me wonder why he believes all this hogwash from a non catholic self proclaimed seer.

her own greek orthodox church is concerned about her peddling this stuff as well. There is even a statement that says 'its not true" regarding her quoting their bishop's support for her, on the official page.
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"i'm an exorcist, i should know"
Woah, what a dangerous proud statement. Who died and made him God or the Magisterium of the Catholic Church? If I were him I would be very careful about the puffed up pride of being an "exorcist", who I understand should be full to the brim with humility or the devil can have a field day with them. :?

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lol i suspect the good priest was stating that he's an expert and if her revelations were incorrect (ie not from God but from the evil one) then he would pick this up.

i went ahead and posted my response....too much delay....hope i dont come across as...well you know.....i'm just concerned for him as well as the people he pushes this greek orthodox lady to when rome has warned about doing this.

God bless you
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In 1996, when Jesus impersonator Vassula Ryden made appearances in San Francisco and Los Angeles, San Francisco archbishop William Levada, in an announcement, quoted Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Ratzinger's announcement said "Catholics should not consider Ms. Ryden's messages as divine revelations but as personal meditations. The meditations contain elements that are negative in the light of Church doctrine.

The faithful are asked to preserve the purity of faith by not relying on presumed revelations but by following the Word of God and the directives of the Church's teaching authority."

According to Archbishop Levada, Cardinal Ratzinger's statement about Vassula "said her writings contained several doctrinal errors, including ambiguity and confusion about the Trinity."

Archbishop Levada's caution is relevant at this time since Vassula Ryden is re-appearing in the Los Angeles area in Glendale on May 20. Those Catholics curious about Vassula can see for themselves the nature of her bizarre actions and "messages" by visiting her websites at or

Official Vatican documents and statements by bishops opposed to the Vassula phenomena can be found by searching "Vassula" on

Laurette Elsberry, ... 05lett.htm
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Hiya all,

Regarding the information circulating on the net, please note the warning by the writer of the article in the previous post.

It is best to follow official Vatican site and not this "seer's" own sites that promote her and incorrectly state that Rome has approved her writings.

I visited the official Vatican site to check on this (as all too often one can find misleading sites on the web the supporters of an alleged 'mystic' or 'seer' making their own websites and saying "the Pope supports this..." or " the Pope visited there and gives it his blessing...or they may list countless cardinals from the congregation as supporting an alleged 'seer's visions )

A search on vassula on the vatican search engine produced only one finding. I have listed it below.


Doctrinal documents

Note: The doctrinal documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are presented ....

Notification on the writings and activities of Mrs. Vassula Ryden (Notificatio de scriptis et operibus dominae Vassulae Ryden), October 6, 1995 AAS 88 (1996) 956-957
OR 23-24.10.1995; EV 14, 1956-1957; LE 5618 ... _index.htm


What we wish to present here is the latest developments since the Fidelity issue. First on May 10, 1994, Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy, Head of the Sacred Congregation for the Promotion of Christian Unity in Rome [Pontificium Consulium Ad Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam] wrote regarding Vassula:

"No one should take seriously any claim on the part of this lady to have an "ecumenical mission … I am amazed that all over the world our Church authorities are opening their doors to this lady …

The question of a member of an Orthodox Church being admitted to Communion in our Church is governed by Canon Law…"

He went on to say that the "competent Decistery for matters concerning private revelations is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I am sending on to that office a copy of your letter and of the documentation forwarded therewith."

This is the statement of:

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:

The Congregation for the Docrine of the Faith has received various questions about the value and authority of its Notification of 6 October 1995, published in (L’Osservatore Romano on Monday/Tuesday, 23/24 October 1995, p.12), regarding the writings and messages of Mrs. Vassula Ryden attributed to alleged revelations and disseminated in Catholic circles throughout the world.

In this regard, the Congregation wishes to state:

The Notification addressed to the Pastors and faithful of
the Catholic Church retains all its force.

It was approved by the competent authorities and will be published in Acta Apostolicae sedis, the official organ of the Holy See, with the signatures of the Prefect and the Secretary of the Congregation.

Regarding the reports circulated by some news media concerning a restrictive interpretation of this Notification, given by His Eminence the Cardinal Prefect in a private conversation with a group of people to whom he granted an audience in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 10 May 1996, the same Cardina Prefect wishes to state:

as he said, the faithful are not to regard the messages of Vassula Ryden as divine revelations, but only as her personal meditations;

these meditations, as the Notification explained, include, along with positive aspects, elements that are negative in the light of Catholic doctrine;
therefore, Pastors and the faithful are asked to exercise serious spiritual discernment in this matter and to preserve the purity of the faith, morals and spiritual life, not be relying on alleged revelations but by following the revealed Word of God and the directives of the Church’s Magisterium.

Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states:

The Interpretation given by some individuals to a Decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church, is absolutely groundless.

This decision actually referred to the "abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books" and determined that --- after the relevant censures were lifted --- the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals.

In should be recalled however that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, Canon 623 #1 of the current Code remains in force: "the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement".

Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and , in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
[underlines added]


Rome always leaves private revelation to the pastoral discernment of the local bishop; however, Vassula Ryden is not a Catholic, and therefore she has no (Catholic) bishop.

It became important for the Vatican to let bishops know that it was not OK for them to allow her into their Churches to receive the Sacraments. ... pirit.html

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Post by MarieT »

Vassula's sites and
are sites that promote her and contain errors.

The Notification released by the Vatican warning against this lady and her 'visions' was very damaging.

This is a setback to Vassula and her followers.

To counteract this condemning Vassula statement on the official Vatican site, the supporters of Vassula have stated on her own sites that the Vatican has overturned the decision as per the Notification.

However there is nothing on the Vatican site that states this.

They quote a letter from Cardinal Ratzinger that says its now "ok" to believe her yet this change in "decision" by Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope) is not listed on the Vatican site....only on her own sites.

Important update regarding Church position (March 2005): The TLIG association is claiming that the Church has recently modified it's position regarding the writings of Mrs Ryden and suggesting that the Notification is no longer valid.

This is not true. Please read our updated "Church Position" page, which includes the text of Card. Ratzinger's July 2004 letter as well as our correspondence with the Conference of Swiss Bishops confirming that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has NOT modified it's position regarding TLIG and that the 1995 Notification remains valid.

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2 Thessalonians
Chapter 2

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord (Jesus) will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming,
the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie,
and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved.
Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie,
that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned.
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A) 1/9/1991: Declaration from the bishop of Sion-Switzerland, Mgr. Heinrich Schwery:

1. Vassula is not a Catholic. Her initiatives are purely private and have nothing to do with any official oecumenical discussion group. To support initiatives for the promotion of unity amongst Christians, one must avoid absolutely such private initiatives, which are not recognised by her own (Orthodox) church, nor by the Catholic Bishop Conference.

2. The ecumenical attitude of Vassula Ryden is ambiguous. Real ecumenism, in which we hope and which we pursue in spite of all difficulties, can only exist if all participating churches adhere loyally to their own church. Blurring and confusion cannot lead to unity. Every Christian is necessarily a member of a particular church.

3. Vassula Ryden owes her success partly to her private revelations, which she claims are dictated directly to her by Jesus Christ. We must warn the faithful against the many dangers which result from this:

3.1 Private revelations, which are accepted by others without reservations, seriously compromise the credibility of the Church. People frequently attach more belief to these private messages than to the teachings of the Church.

3.2 Private revelations must be considered as invalid as long as the Church has not officially recognised them.

3.3 A theological assessment of the private revelations of Vassula obliges the bishop of Sion to prohibit the use of these messages as a basis for prayer, meditation or study in his diocese.

Note: This clear condemnation has not extinguished the burning enthusiasm of Vassula fans in the least. In all possible languages the endless messages are spread worldwide, a commercial but dubious success. Someone who has done a lot of business with the messages of Vassula and those from a great many other not recognised apparition sites is the Swiss André Castella. In Stella Maris, November 2000, he writes the following nonsense: He who claims to speak in name of God or of Our Lady must be believed, as long as proof to the contrary has not been provided. Castella reverses the roles. (Cf. bishop of Sion, point 3.2) The inevitable happened four years later from the Vatican:

B) 6/10/1995: Declaration by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [Rome]

(amongst others in the German Osservatore Romano no. 44 of 3/11/1995 and the French no. 44 of 31/10/1995, and in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis AAS 87 (1996) 956-957 in Italian).

Note: in l'Impartial of Nov/Dec 1995, p. 12-13, Pierre Picqué calls on all his readers to accept this ruling of the Roman Catholic Church. He reminds readers of the words of Melanie Calvat of La Salette: One must always obey the church. The publication decided to stop all further reports concerning Vassula

Declaration by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Many bishops, priests, religious and lay people have sought an authoritative judgement from this Congregation on the activity of Mrs. Vassula Ryden, a Greek Orthodox residing in Switzerland, who in speech and in writing is spreading in Catholic circles throughout the world messages attributed to alleged heavenly revelations.

A calm, attentive examination of the entire question, undertaken by this Congregation in order to "test the spirits to see whether they are of God" (cf. 1 Jn 4:1), has brought out -in addition to positive aspects - a number of basic elements that must be considered negative in the light of Catholic doctrine.

In addition to pointing out the suspect nature of the ways in which these alleged revelations have occurred, it is necessary to underscore several doctrinal errors they contain.

Among other things, ambiguous language is used in speaking of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, to the point of confusing the specific names and functions of the Divine Persons. These alleged revelations predict an imminent period when the Antichrist will prevail in the Church. In millenarian style, it is prophesied that God is going to make a final glorious intervention which will initiate on earth, even before Christ's definitive coming, an era of peace and universal prosperity. Furthermore, the proximate arrival is foretold of a Church which would be a kind of pan-Christian community, contrary to Catholic doctrine.

The fact that the aforementioned errors no longer appear in Ryden's later writings is a sign that the alleged "heavenly messages" are merely the result of private meditations.

Moreover, by habitually sharing in the sacraments of the Catholic Church even though she is Greek Orthodox, Mrs. Ryden is causing considerable surprise in various circles of the Catholic Church. She appears to be putting herself above all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and every canonical norm, and in effect, is creating an ecumenical disorder that irritates many authorities, ministers and faithful of her own Church, as she puts herself outside the ecclesiastical discipline of the latter.

Given the negative effect of Vassula Ryden's activities, despite some positive aspects, this Congregation requests the intervention of the Bishops so that their faithful may be suitably informed and that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for the dissemination of her ideas. Lastly, the Congregation invites all the faithful not to regard Mrs. Vassula Ryden's writings and speeches as supernatural and to preserve the purity of the faith that the Lord has entrusted to the Church.

Vatican City, 6 October 1995.

Note: On 25/10/95 Vassula receives from her Jesus the following message: Today, as you see, you have been sold out by your own people. You were handed over to the Romans, through one of your own, “to be condemned and to be crucified.” You self, Vassula, keep my silence. You have sufficient witnesses to defend yourself. They will remain faithful. In the meantime, while your persecutors rejoice, my seventh angel shall pour out his chalice into the air and cause everything to catch fire…Till now they have been unable to believe that this message comes from Me.

Peter Klos, SSS, president of Vox Populi Dei, Amsterdam, writes that this condemnation from Rome is invalid and the work of Satan…. It is supposed to be invalid because it lacks the signature of Cardinal Ratzinger. (AVE has the document, with the signature definitely present, editor). Only the devil himself writes anonymous letters…Klos called for a petition to the Pope on 7/11/95 to have the 6/10/95 note from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith withdrawn, because it was invalid according to Peter Klos. The same Father Klos, who is continually in conflict with his superiors, obtained his wish from the Pope. Already in 1996 there appeared a new declaration, where Cardinal Ratzinger himself dotted the i’s, and in which he addressed the problem of publications of supposed private revelations in general.

C) 29/11/1996: New Declaration from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

(inter alia, this appeared in the official organ of the press office of the Vatican (Bulletin no. 447 of 29/11/1996 and in the English L’Osservatore Romano of 4/12/1996 and the A.A.S 1996, page 966):

Official Declaration from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Cardinal Ratzinger repeats the warning against Vassula Ryden. The Congregation clarifies the rules regarding supposed supernatural revelations. The following communication was released on 29 November 1996:


Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

I. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has received various questions about the value and authority of its Notification of 6 October 1995, published in L'Osservatore Romano on Monday/Tuesday, 23/24 October 1995, p. 2 (L'Osservatore Romano English edition, 25 October 1995, p. 12), regarding the writings and messages of Mrs. Vassula Ryden attributed to alleged revelations and disseminated in Catholic circles throughout the world.

In this regard, the Congregation wishes to state:

1) The Notification addressed to the Pastors and faithful of the Catholic Church retains all its force. It was approved by the competent authorities and will be published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official organ of the Holy See, with the signatures of the Prefect and the Secretary of the Congregation.

2) Regarding the reports circulated by some news media concerning a restrictive interpretation of this Notification, given by His Eminence the Cardinal Prefect in a private conversation with a group of people to whom he granted an audience in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 10 May 1996, the same Cardinal Prefect wishes to state:

a) as he said, the faithful are not to regard the messages of Vassula Ryden as divine revelations, but only as her personal meditations;

b) these meditations, as the Notification explained, include, along with positive aspects, elements that are negative in the light of Catholic doctrine;

c) therefore, Pastors and the faithful are asked to exercise serious spiritual discernment in this matter and to preserve the purity of the faith, morals and spiritual life, by not relying on alleged revelations but by following the revealed Word of God and the directives of the Church's Magisterium.

II. Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states:

1) The interpretation given by some individuals to a Decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church, is absolutely groundless. This decision actually referred to the "Abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books", and determined that - after the relevant censures were lifted – the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals.

2) It should be recalled however that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, canon 823 §1 of the current Code remains in force: "the Pastors of the Church have the right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement".

3) Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop, and, in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The notification was subsequently published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis [Acts of the Apostolic See] - AAS, vol. LXXXVIII, N. 12 (5 December 1996), 956-957.]

Taken from: L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English, 4 December 1996 ... 20Mark.htm

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Post by MarieT »

COLLABORATION with other false seers.

It is remarkable to observe how many false seers support each other and form a sort of network, always assisted by the same priests.

A. Medjugorje: Already in the summer of 1989 Vassula is noticed in Medjugorje. In 1993 Father Michael O’ Carroll made a list of supporters of Vassula. Amongst them one finds the Medjugorje fans: René Laurentin, Frane Franiç, Hnilica, Father Edward O’Connor, Robert Faricy, Don Gobbi. At the opening of the Medjugorje conference in the pro-Cathedral of Split on 2/4/1995, the ex Archbishop Franic proclaimed from the altar: Vassula is a fruit of Medjugorje! The Franciscan Father Filip Pavic from Medjugorje however, likens Medjugorje to a spiritual petri dish, which spreads her occult spores over the whole world.

The same Medjugorje message: You divide the Church; not I, is later repeated by Vassula. She also speaks over the day of the festival, as also in Medjugorje). In True Life in God, volume II, page 122. her Jesus talks about the blessings he has given, via his mother in Medjugorje.

B Garabandal: On 24/3/ 1989 Vassula herself went to Garabandal, an apparition site in north western Spain, which, just as Medjugorje has been judged by the Roman Catholic Church, as being not supernatural. About the many similarities between Vassula and Medjugorje, some examples: embracing of crucifixes, rings, rosaries. In both cases is mention made of Padre Pio (a sort of Godfather) In book II of Vassula, Garabandal is mentioned at least 10 times:

– On 5/9/1987 the demon (evil spirit) says to Vassula: Write the word Garabandal; the apparitions there are authentic…I have manifested myself to you to remove all doubt regarding Garabandal.

– On 1/12/1987 Jesus says: The souls of priests are my thorns. They have refused to spread the messages from my mother in Garabandal. Accept the truth. Garabandal is the continuation of Fatima (cf Medjugorje)

– On 4/12/1987 Our Lady says: My beloved daughter, hallow Garabandal. I have appeared at Garabandal.

Later Vassula met Conchita, at a Marial Congress in the United States and had a telephone conversation with three other seers. In the French volume II , page 56 the Jesus of Vassula says : The opposition of my priests against the apparitions at Garabandal are the work of Satan. In this way the demon stirs our pious faithful against our spiritual leaders. That is really satanic. Apparitions, even genuine ones, never have to be believed.

C Don Gobbi: With the Marial Movement of Priests of the Italian priest Don Gobbi, Vassula has a hate-love relationship. On 15/6/1991 Don Gobbi declared that Vassula had her place in the Church and that she would go forward in the way God would show her. However, in the international cenacle of the Movement on June 1993 in Valdragone/San Marino, theologian Fr Ivan Pojavnic discusses false prophets: Of one hundred visionaries, ninety are false.

He attacks Vassula as well as Kurescek in his own Slovenia (the so called stigmatised priest Franz Spelic), who recently (2001) brought his show to Flanders. Don Gobbi warned specifically against Vassula, after she had caused trouble within the Marial Movement of Priests. According to Professor Pojavnic the automatic writing is typical of spiritists (the deceased Fr Tardif said the same) and she proclaims real heresies, as when the voice tells her: Go to confession with me; you don’t need another confessor. To Sister Faustina however the real Jesus said: Listen to your confessor.

In addition Jesus is sometimes addressed as Father and sometimes as the Holy Trinity. Later Don Gobbi is supposed to have reconciled with Vassula. Nevertheless he stated that the Marian Movement of Priests should not be supported by other charisms. Remarkable! Who did send me (Mark Waterinckx) to Medjugorje in 1982? Don Gobbi himself!

D Milingo: In The True Life in God of December 1998, page 4, there is a good photo of Vassula, between… Milingo and René Laurentin, taken on 18/9/1998 in the Italian Cattolica near Rimini. Also in 1998 distributed the Dane Christian Hvidt a statement from Milingo, the world’s most eminent exorcist,… over Vassula: All I have read of her I regard as positive. I consider that we must have more trust in René Laurentin. He has said lovely things about Vassula. You have already read over Laurentin and Milingo in point 5….

Note: Vassula names herself a good friend of Myrna Nassour, a stigmatised visionary in Syria, with whom also Fr Jozo Zovko, the suspended Saint from Medjugorje, is trying to ingratiate himself. After Vassula heard of Myrna, who is well regarded by many churches in Syria, she suddenly also had messages about unity between the Orthodox and Catholic churches and over the confluence of the dates for Easter. Could this be a coincidence? ... 20Mark.htm

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Post by Denise »

Dear Friends,

I have just posted on my website the newest article written specifically for the Internet by father François-Marie Dermine O.P. and titled "Vassula Rydén: the reasons of the Church" link:

Father Dermine is considered an expert in mysticism and alternative religious forms. He is professor of moral theology, member of the executive council of GRIS (a research group on religious phenomena, consultant to the Italian Bishops' Conference) and official exorcist of his diocese. In 1995 he published Vassula Rydén – Indagine Critica, a detailed study of the TLIG messages.

In this new article father Dermine returns on some of the many reasons why Vassula Rydén's messages have not been recognized as authentic and comments some recent events. He presents for the first time on the Internet the proof of the censuring and modification of the original messages. In the chapter "Disappearance, cancellation, censuring and modification of messages" you will find find photocopies of the original messages with the corrections done by the seer. These documents are part of the famous photocopies circulated by father Pavich in the 1990s, where it is possible to see the deleted passages and the modification of words and sentences in view of the publication of the messages. You will also find a fax written by Vassula in which she confirms having two sets of notebooks and tries to justify the censuring done to the messages.

I am particularely grateful to father Dermine for giving me the opportunity to publish his article on my website. I am sure it will contribute significantly to help understand the reasons behind the Church's negative position towards these "revelations".

Warmly in Christ,

Maria Laura Pio
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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