New member/Medjugorje concerns

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New member/Medjugorje concerns

Post by MaggieH »

I finally made it after discovering your brilliant website.
I am from the UK. Thank God I found such an intelligent serious Catholic no nonesense Website.
Pleased to be here, I have been busy reading a few posts . Lot's to catch up on.

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Post by Denise »

We are so happy to have you Maggie. We hope you will feel at home here.

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The more the merrier! Jump on in and share with us. It is great to have someone from "across the pond" here. I have often wondered what it is like for a Catholic living in the UK.
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Re: New member

Post by MarieT »

MaggieH wrote:Thank God I found such an intelligent serious Catholic no nonesense Website.
Pleased to be here, I have been busy reading a few posts . Lot's to catch up on.

God bless
welcome to the forum maggie,
this site is very comforting for faithful Catholics who want to follow the magisterium.

we look forward to learning and hearing more about you.

God bless you and happy new year

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Re: New member

Post by MaggieH »

MarieT wrote:
MaggieH wrote:Thank God I found such an intelligent serious Catholic no nonesense Website.
Pleased to be here, I have been busy reading a few posts . Lot's to catch up on.

God bless
welcome to the forum maggie,
this site is very comforting for faithful Catholics who want to follow the magisterium.

we look forward to learning and hearing more about you.

God bless you and happy new year


Thank you all, I am sure I shall feel comfortable here amongst like minded fellow Catholics, who want to follow the magisterium.

Catholic Churches in England can vary from Traditional to Liberal , sometimes liberal to the extent of being disobedient to the Holy Father as far as charismatic and Medjugorje prayers groups go. But I stay clear of those.
In fact I did attend my local Parish prayer rosary prayer group for a while , but then became most uncomfortable and unhappy with it, as the leader is pro - medjugorje and instisted on reading out the supposedly seers messages every week, and handing out the Medj magazine !
I told him I was not happy with it and that we ought not to be doing such a thing since these supposed apparitions/messages have not been approved by the Holy Father.
But instead the leader of the prayer group instisted on reading out the messages every week and said to me , it is not up to the Holy Father to give his approval, and I told him that he was in grave error of judgement.
To cut a long story short , I no longer go to the prayer group and have since complained to the Parish priests , who say that they will quietly deal with the matter. Well, to date nothing has changed so far.

I do know that some Parishes go on trips to Medjugorje, they are just so deluded about what is going on there.
One of the messages I read was that , the seers and some others at Medj saw a vision of Our Lady and after touching her Our Lady turned black !! total blasphemy - this is an example of the evil lies that go on there.
And if there was a campaign against this evil fraud, I would like to get involved in it. I feel that it is taking Catholics away from the one , true Holy Catholic Church, and undermining the authority of the Holy Father.
So, very subtely it is has caused a schism in the Church.

I would be most interested if Denise would let me know the book she has written about Medjugorje so that by reading , it will help me explain better in an articulate way to people who are so deluded.

All the very best for the New Year .
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Post by Denise »

I would be most interested if Denise would let me know the book she has written about Medjugorje so that by reading , it will help me explain better in an articulate way to people who are so deluded.
Hi Maggie, the only thing I have written about Medjugorje is what you will find in the apparitions forum or on my web site, but I haven't written a book. One of the best books, which I have advertised here is by Donal Foley, who lives in your neck of the woods. You will find it HERE

You will also find a ton of information and writings HERE and HERE I also have a page with letters from the Bishop of Mostar HERE.
it is not up to the Holy Father to give his approval
Well, to be quite honest, he is right on this point but he seems to be using this fact to serve his own purposes. Only the Bishop of a See, where a supposed apparition has occured, can make a final judgement and Bp. Peric and the previous Bishop have ruled against it multiple times. Never has Rome interferred, never. There is a rumor of a "new commission" but there is not one. This rumor was started by a German clergyman, who has no authority in the matter.

I read the other day where someone defended their belief in Medjugorje, because they were selling Medj. items, said that the Bishop's decision against Medj. only was in effect for his own diocese. This person is a real idiot IMHO. I guess when the pope speaks excathedra that it is only in effect for those in the Diocese he is Bishop of? Some people do not think with reason and it is such a shame.

In Pope Benedict's words, "A bishop is pope of his own little See."

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Post by MaggieH »

Denise wrote:
I would be most interested if Denise would let me know the book she has written about Medjugorje so that by reading , it will help me explain better in an articulate way to people who are so deluded.
Hi Maggie, the only thing I have written about Medjugorje is what you will find in the apparitions forum or on my web site, but I haven't written a book. One of the best books, which I have advertised here is by Donal Foley, who lives in your neck of the woods. You will find it HERE

You will also find a ton of information and writings HERE and HERE I also have a page with letters from the Bishop of Mostar HERE.
it is not up to the Holy Father to give his approval
Well, to be quite honest, he is right on this point but he seems to be using this fact to serve his own purposes. Only the Bishop of a See, where a supposed apparition has occured, can make a final judgement and Bp. Peric and the previous Bishop have ruled against it multiple times. Never has Rome interferred, never. There is a rumor of a "new commission" but there is not one. This rumor was started by a German clergyman, who has no authority in the matter.

I read the other day where someone defended their belief in Medjugorje, because they were selling Medj. items, said that the Bishop's decision against Medj. only was in effect for his own diocese. This person is a real idiot IMHO. I guess when the pope speaks excathedra that it is only in effect for those in the Diocese he is Bishop of? Some people do not think with reason and it is such a shame.

In Pope Benedict's words, "A bishop is pope of his own little See."


Thank you for those brilliant links Denise,
I will definately also look up the book by Donal Foley.

I wonder how long this Megj thing will roll on for if the locals are just going to ingore their Bishop. :shock:
Can the Pope excummuncate these dissenters ?
I mean surely the Vatican is investigating these goings on at Medj.
How much longer do we wait for the Pope to make an announcement to the faithul that there is nothing supernatural happening there and that it is all fabrication.

Sorry to put all these questions here, I don't mean to stir up a hornets nest. But I get so disheartened with the Church at times for not taking a definite stance against it. And I have had to stop going to a prayer group because of it.

But, it is not all doom and gloom in England, my husband and I do attend more traditional Churches , but we have to travel a little further to get to them.

Last edited by MaggieH on Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lori »

Welcome to the forum Maggie. Knowing that there are like minded catholics all over the world is reassuring.

Many blessings to you from Texas,

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Post by Denise »

Maggie, the pope already spoke at the Ad limina visit with Bp. Peric last February. He said that he stands behind Bp. Peric. He was also quite surprised to hear that this Medj. stuff was still going on and taken aback that folks actually believed it. The pope will not speak unless the Bishop requests him to do so. The Pope's silence, other than the Ad limina is his condemnation of the so called apparition. The Holy father expects us to follow Church teaching on the matter as well as to be obedient to our Bishops in everything but sinful direction.

I will have a surprise from my pastor that will be aired on SFCR radio as well as transcribed, concerning the Medjugorje hoax. :wink:

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by MarieT »

Denise wrote:
I will have a surprise from my pastor that will be aired on SFCR radio as well as transcribed, concerning the Medjugorje hoax. :wink:

arrgh the suspense is killing me tell
marie :D
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Post by MaggieH »

Denise wrote:Maggie, the pope already spoke at the Ad limina visit with Bp. Peric last February. He said that he stands behind Bp. Peric. He was also quite surprised to hear that this Medj. stuff was still going on and taken aback that folks actually believed it. The pope will not speak unless the Bishop requests him to do so. The Pope's silence, other than the Ad limina is his condemnation of the so called apparition. The Holy father expects us to follow Church teaching on the matter as well as to be obedient to our Bishops in everything but sinful direction.

I will have a surprise from my pastor that will be aired on SFCR radio as well as transcribed, concerning the Medjugorje hoax. :wink:


Denise , God Bless you , I can't wait !
I didn' t know SPCR had a radio station.
What is Ad limina, please forgive my ignorance.

You say that Pope Benedict was surprised that this Medj. hoax was still on going, well, he must have known that his predecessor visited there and more or less seemed ok with it. Am I right ?

Last edited by MaggieH on Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MaggieH »

Thank you all for your warm welcome
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Post by Denise »

Maggie, to make a long story short, PJPII never visited Medj. He was about 15 miles from there and never even mentioned it or looked in that direction.

Ad limina

Yes, we air Fr. Weinberger's homilies on SFCR, Semper Fi Catholic Radio.

Maggie, I know there are many threads in the apparitions forum but it might be profitable for you to read many of them. If you have any questions you can post them in that forum.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Post by MaggieH »

Denise wrote:Maggie, to make a long story short, PJPII never visited Medj. He was about 15 miles from there and never even mentioned it or looked in that direction.

Ad limina

Yes, we air Fr. Weinberger's homilies on SFCR, Semper Fi Catholic Radio.

Maggie, I know there are many threads in the apparitions forum but it might be profitable for you to read many of them. If you have any questions you can post them in that forum.


Thank you for explaining about JP11 visit.
You are right , there is so much I need to read before I put my questions on appropriate threads. There is just so much material I need to absorb. I would very much be interested in starting a campaign against this awful hoax and educate the Church in my locality for a start.
I had just been reading Bishop Peric's emails to you and I am aghast at the things he reports. Also I have heard about scandalous support of arms trade there in Medj.
Apologies for this being a lengthy thread here on this forum. but the truth is being revealed to me.
.You can delete my posts from here now that you have pointed me in the right direction. I await the surprise announcement from your pastor.
Many thanks.
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Post by Denise »

Maggie, you are fine, no problem.

We do have a campaign of sorts. If you want help in your neck of the woods, you can email Donal Foley and he might be able to tell you what approach is needed where you are. I think you can find his email address on his theotokos web site that I linked to above. He is a wonderful man so whatever he suggests will be great. And of course we are here to help you out as well. The main things that you will want to have are the documents straight from the Bishop, some of which are here and on the bishop's Diocesan website. Just click on "Medjugorje" and there are some of the bishops directions to us there.

While reading in the apparitions forum, you will also find what Canon law states concerning obedeince to our bishops in all things except sinful actions of course.

I don't want to delete your thread here at all. We have gotten to know where you stand and a little about you so we will leave it all here.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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