I'm telling you, Steubenville has a penchant for this stuff.
I was looking at FUS' web site yesterday and came across this press release:
http://www.franciscan.edu/home2/Content ... px?id=2466
To say the least, I was surprised so I started to write E-mails. The first one was to the Comm. Arts Department as the release says they are sponsoring the movie.
I said:
Dear Dr. Lewis,
-Hello, this is Kevin Symonds. Perhaps you may remember me from your Intro. to Mass Media course in the Fall 2002. I come to you in this E-mail to ask you about a movie showing that is slated to take place at the University on Sunday, September the 9th.
http://www.franciscan.edu/home2/Content ... px?id=2466
-According to the above University news release, the movie "Gospa" is to be shown at the Finnegan Fieldhouse. This movie is about the alleged visionary events said to be occurring in Medjugorje. This movie was branded to be historically inaccurate in a press release statement by Bishop Peric, the local ordinary of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno where Medjugorje is located. As a dynamically orthodox Catholic institution of higher learning, I do not think it is advisable for Franciscan University, through its Communication Arts Department, to sponsor this movie. Furthermore, the alleged events at Medjugorje have not been proven to be supernatural in origin and any move on the University's end to 'authenticate' these alleged events could be a cause for scandal both in the present as well as the future.
-Because of my several years as a student at Franciscan, I am inclined to think that showing this movie is rooted in authenticating the alleged visions of Medjugorje. Franciscan University largely supports the alleged visions at Medjugorje through tacit or direct support of its students going there while in Austria, or the Journeys program. Fr. Terry himself went to Medjugorje in June of 2003 or 2004. Then there's the Steel Cross and the Stations of the Cross present on campus, which, Fr. Scanlan has publicly admitted, are replicas of Medjugorje.
-I am carbon-copying this letter to the below listed persons. I have also notified a personal friend of Bishop Peric that this event is slated to be happening at the University. I am also documenting the press release. I would be glad to provide you with the text of Bishop Peric's press release concerning "Gospa" should you request it.
I look forward to your response.
-Kevin J. Symonds '03, '06
9-3-07 A.D.
In Festo Papae Gregorii Magnae I
Prof. James Coyle
Dr. David Schaefer
Prof. Eugene Gan
Fr. Terence Henry, T.O.R.
Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R.
Dr. Schaefer, associate professor in the department wrote me back:
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your thoughtful comments regarding the film. Although I was
not part of the discussions that initially led to the film being shown
at FUS, I recently checked the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop's
movie review web site and didn't see anything in their review that would
suggest that the film has been condemned in any way. Here is a copy of
their review:
"Gospa -- When reported visions of Mary draw throngs of pilgrims to
Medjugorje in 1981, Yugoslavia's communist authorities ban them as
illegal public assemblies, then put the local pastor (Martin Sheen) on
trial for breaking the law. The Croatian production directed by Jakov
Sedlar uses the visions as the context for a melodramatic story, more
political than spiritual, in which the priest stands up for his faith
and his fellow Croatians by defying an unjust Serbian-led regime.
Stylized violence and murky political machinations. (A-II) (PG) ( 1995
)" (http://www.usccb.org/movies/g/gospa1995.shtml).
Since I wasn't involved in the decision to screen the film at FUS, I
can't speak to the motives of Capistrano films. However, it's my
understanding that a representative from the company will be on hand for
a Q and A session after the film. It has been my observation over the
years that when academic departments publically show films at FUS, it is
not for the purpose of "promoting" them but, rather, to promote critical
analysis and discussion of the films.
That, of course, would be the case for the upcoming screening as well.
Best Regards,
David J. Schaefer, Ph.D.
I wrote him back:
Dr. Schaefer,
-Thank you for your E-mail. While I understand the weight that Franciscan University of Steubenville places upon "The Bishops' List" (as it is called in University nomenclature) of movie reviews, I am still astounded that a movie that is openly supportive of non-approved visions is being shown to a group of students who, by and large, do not understand the issues surrounding Medjugorje. The local ordinary, Ratko Peric, has made it well known that his personal opinion is constat de non supernaturalitater (i.e. it does not consist of supernatural origins).
-The fact of the matter is that "The Bishops' List" does not take into account Bishop Peric's letter condemning the movie. I would venture a bet that the reviewer did not know about Peric's letter as most people in the Catholic world seem to not know about it. Please also recall to mind the travesty of the original ambivalent review said 'List' gave to "Brokeback Mountain" not that long ago and was immediately changed after lifesitenews.com rallied Catholics against it.
-I appreciate very much the intention of the departments to promote discussion through Q & A after watching movies shown at Franciscan. The problem, however, is that the subject is highly controversial and both Pope Benedict XVI and Bishop Ratko Peric have spoken out against Medjugorje. Pope Benedict having said something in February 2006 and Ratko Peric just this past June in Medjugorje itself.
-There is also an issue of ignorance. How many Franciscan University students, by and large, know the facts concerning Medjugorje? The fact of the matter is that the movie "Gospa" is, in and of itself, a supportive movie that disrespects the facts, according to the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno. If this is strictly an 'academic affair', then the Department would do well to ensure that an opposing person is present to represent the other side. The press release said nothing about such occurring.
-I must still question the intentions of those who wanted to have this movie shown at Franciscan. There has been no evidence to suggest that it is not related to the University's open support of Medjugorje. This can be construed as direct disobedience to the statements laid down by the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno as well as the Zadar declaration of 1991.
I look forward to your reply.
-Kevin J. Symonds '03, '06
9-4-07 A.D.
Same persons as before.
He wrote me in response:
Hi Kevin,
Thanks again for your concerns and additinal information. I believe the
decision to show the film was made elsewhere; the folks in PR should be
able to tell you more about that process.
Best Regards,
David J. Schaefer, Ph.D.
Now I'm a little upset because I'm being tossed around like I'm some sort of material for 'pass the buck.' So I write back to him (with a CC to the PR head) and say:
Dr. Schaefer,
-Thank you for your E-mail. I will be sure to correspond with Tom Sofio and the Public Relations Department.
-Kevin J. Symonds '03, '06
9-4-07 A.D.
I then composed an E-mail to Tom Sofio, the Public Relations manager:
Dear Mr. Sofio,
-Hello, this is Kevin Symonds, hopefully you remember me. You may have just received a piece of mail from me addressed to Dr. Schaefer in the Communication Department. He has referred me to you so I am writing you.
-I noted yesterday that Franciscan University is showing the movie "Gospa" at the Finnegan Fieldhouse this upcoming Sunday. I am writing to express my shock that this movie will be shown. I am shocked because the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno, Ratko Peric, has issued an official press release from the Chancery office condemning this movie as being historically inaccurate and offense to his predecessor, Pavao Zanic. Perhaps the University was previously unaware of such a press release but I am surprised no one thought to fax his office for information beforehand.
-Dr. Schaefer wrote to tell me that "The Bishop's List" has given it a favorable review and that is what the University is apparently going by. The reviewer apparently didn't realize that Bishop Peric released a statement against the movie.
-Furthermore, the alleged events at Medjugorje are not demonstrated to be of supernatural origin. In fact, both Pope Benedict XVI and Bishop Peric have made negative statements both in February 2006 and June 2007 respectively concerning the authenticity of Medjugorje. I myself have seen "Gospa" and know it to be largely promoting Medjugorje through historical inaccuracies and I am concerned that Franciscan University is promoting a false apparition.
-I am writing to express my concerns to you that the dynamic orthodoxy of Franciscan University is going to come under scrutiny for showing this movie. It is already under scrutiny for its direct promotion of the alleged Medjugorje events (i.e. the Steel Cross and the Stations of the Cross) and showing this movie would not bode well for the University's reputation as orthodox. I have alerted a personal friend of Bishop Peric that this abuse is happening and have documented the press release.
-On a personal note, I do not approve of being passed off to you when you are not the sponsor of this proposed event. This is not a poor reflection upon you and I do not intend to castigate you in particular but I believe I must express my thought on this point.
I look forward to your response.
-Kevin J. Symonds '03, '06
9-4-07 A.D.
Fr. Terence Henry, T.O.R.
Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R.
I'll keep you all posted.
Medjugorje & Steubenville--MORE Stuff!
- KevinSymonds
- Posts: 887
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:38 am
- KevinSymonds
- Posts: 887
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:38 am
Well, here are the responses so far on E-mail.
Tom Sofio's first E-mail to me (after I didn't hear from him and called him on the phone and left a message):
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sofio <tsofio@franciscan.edu>
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Sent: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 4:05 pm
Subject: Re: "Gospa" Movie to be Shown at Franciscan University
Sorry for no reply. No start to a school year should ever be this hectic.
I can look into this and get back to you but I know there's no plot here or concerted effort to sell something theologically unfounded to the students. Way I heard it was that a probably naive comm arts professor knows the producer who now has the rights to the film, who happens to make some excellent Catholic videos, who was coming thru town and he offered to show the movie to the students so the comm arts prof offered to help him out. It was that innocent and simple. But again, do not quote me, blog me or forward this as I need to check tomorrow. Okay?
I wrote him back:
On Sep 6, 2007, at 5:10 PM, stmi49531@aol.com wrote:
Dear Tom,
-Thank you very much for your reply. I will wait to hear from you tomorrow and I agree that it could very well be something that innocent but there is still some suspicion.
-How are you otherwise? I'm in Texas teaching now.
He wrote me back:
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sofio <tsofio@franciscan.edu>
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Sent: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 1:38 pm
Subject: Re: "Gospa" Movie to be Shown at Franciscan University
It really was a case of a very busy Jim Coyle in Comm Arts taking on sponsorship of the movie and not knowing knowing the wider issues involved. Two theologians are on the panel discussion and will provide the appropriate Church position.
Glad to hear you are teaching in Texas--we just drove my daughter out to a job in Texas--Houston specifically. She graduated in May and works for a group (Fullness of Truth) that hosts Catholic conferences in various cities. It was a bold decision for her to make but it's always worth it to strike out and try something new... Great opportunities for both of you!
Tom Sofio
Public Relations
Franciscan University of Steubenville
I wrote him back today (9-7-07, c.a. 4:30p.m. Central Time):
Dear Tom,
-Thank you for your E-mail. First, I am glad that your daughter is off doing what she likes. I'm about two hours away from Houston.
-About the Medjugorje movie, yes, I heard Miravalle and Fr. Conrad are on the panel. To be honest, I don't trust Miravalle whatsoever as he has misrepresented the facts behind Medjugorje in the past (and it is recorded) and in my presence. Fr. Conrad, I just don't know about his thoughts on Medjugorje. I am highly suspicious that this screening is not going to bode well for an objective study. It seems more like Medjugorje propaganda. I will be in touch with the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno concerning this event through a mutual friend of ours.
-Kevin Symonds '03, '06
9-7-07 A.D.
Tom Sofio's first E-mail to me (after I didn't hear from him and called him on the phone and left a message):
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sofio <tsofio@franciscan.edu>
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Sent: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 4:05 pm
Subject: Re: "Gospa" Movie to be Shown at Franciscan University
Sorry for no reply. No start to a school year should ever be this hectic.
I can look into this and get back to you but I know there's no plot here or concerted effort to sell something theologically unfounded to the students. Way I heard it was that a probably naive comm arts professor knows the producer who now has the rights to the film, who happens to make some excellent Catholic videos, who was coming thru town and he offered to show the movie to the students so the comm arts prof offered to help him out. It was that innocent and simple. But again, do not quote me, blog me or forward this as I need to check tomorrow. Okay?
I wrote him back:
On Sep 6, 2007, at 5:10 PM, stmi49531@aol.com wrote:
Dear Tom,
-Thank you very much for your reply. I will wait to hear from you tomorrow and I agree that it could very well be something that innocent but there is still some suspicion.
-How are you otherwise? I'm in Texas teaching now.
He wrote me back:
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sofio <tsofio@franciscan.edu>
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Sent: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 1:38 pm
Subject: Re: "Gospa" Movie to be Shown at Franciscan University
It really was a case of a very busy Jim Coyle in Comm Arts taking on sponsorship of the movie and not knowing knowing the wider issues involved. Two theologians are on the panel discussion and will provide the appropriate Church position.
Glad to hear you are teaching in Texas--we just drove my daughter out to a job in Texas--Houston specifically. She graduated in May and works for a group (Fullness of Truth) that hosts Catholic conferences in various cities. It was a bold decision for her to make but it's always worth it to strike out and try something new... Great opportunities for both of you!
Tom Sofio
Public Relations
Franciscan University of Steubenville
I wrote him back today (9-7-07, c.a. 4:30p.m. Central Time):
Dear Tom,
-Thank you for your E-mail. First, I am glad that your daughter is off doing what she likes. I'm about two hours away from Houston.
-About the Medjugorje movie, yes, I heard Miravalle and Fr. Conrad are on the panel. To be honest, I don't trust Miravalle whatsoever as he has misrepresented the facts behind Medjugorje in the past (and it is recorded) and in my presence. Fr. Conrad, I just don't know about his thoughts on Medjugorje. I am highly suspicious that this screening is not going to bode well for an objective study. It seems more like Medjugorje propaganda. I will be in touch with the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno concerning this event through a mutual friend of ours.
-Kevin Symonds '03, '06
9-7-07 A.D.
- KevinSymonds
- Posts: 887
- Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:38 am
In between E-mails with Tom Sofio, I telephoned the numbers given on the press release. In return, I got a reply from an Ann Benage, a graduate student at Franciscan University. We spoke for some time on the phone and she gave me assurance that the panel would include Fr. Conrad Harkins who would represent the 'con' side of Medjugorje to balance things out.
Come to find out, that didn't happen. A friend sent me a copy of the school's newspaper, The Troubadour. Not only did it not mention Fr. Conrad as being a panelist but they put Fr. Michael Scanlan on the panel and he is pro-Medjugorje! The evidence in hand, I wrote back to Ann to express my regret at having been betrayed. I wrote her an E-mail with the press release from Bishop Peric on the "Gospa" movie. Here is our conversation from E-mail:
My first E-mail to Ann Benage:
"From: stmi49531@aol.com
To: ann_benage@hotmail.com
Subject: "Gospa" Movie: Statement of Bishop Ratko Peric
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 17:58:04 -0400
Please also: Debbie Womack's E-mail address.
-Kevin Symonds '03, '06
9-6-07 A.D.
Statement of Bishop Peric's Diocese on the "Gospa" movie:
The Chancery office of the Diocese of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina feels it necessary to make the following statement regarding the film "Gospa" (our Lady) which has been showing throughout the world from April of this year. While leaving the artistic evaluation of the film to competent film critics, we shall focus our attention on its religious and ecclesiastical content.
1) An abuse of a holy name. From the religious title of the film "Gospa", a believer would expect a lot more religious content in the film: Marian and Mariological studies, or messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. Yet in the film, despite its title "Gospa", there is little said on Mary, the Mother of God. This most holy name of the most blessed amongst women seems to have been used towards promoting worldly personal or group interests and ideas. The honour of the Immaculate Mother of God, full of grace, does not allow her name to be used as a commercial or to promote propaganda.
2) A false presentation of the Bishop. The Chancery office of the Diocese of Mostar, resolutely rejects as untrue all the scenes and words regarding the ecclesiastical behaviour of Msgr. Pavao Zanic, the former diocesan Bishop (under the name of Petar Subic in the film) with respect to the events of Medugorje. One cannot claim "freedom of artistic expression" of the director or scenarist, by presenting falsehoods on the head church official without any basis in reality. Bishop Zanic made an official statement in mid-August 1981 on the phenomenon regarding Medugorje (Glas Koncila, 16/1981, 1). Not even a shadow of cowardliness or easing-off of the bishop before the communist authorities was ever in question, let alone any type of collaboration with them, as can be concluded by watching the film. Instead, the bishop always behaved in a courageous and dignified way. This can be seen from the Bishop's letter of protest to the President of the then State Presidency, Sergej Kreigher, of 1 September 1981, in which the Bishop with indignation condemned all the meaningless slanderous attacks against some Franciscans, including Fra Jozo Zovko, and himself. The Bishop wrote: "As Catholic bishop and head of the Diocese of Mostar, I condemn all these irresponsible slanderous attacks against myself and my priests mentioned, which in no way contribute to a sober evaluation of the events in the parish of Medugorje. These offensive measures discriminate against our civil and human rights. I ask that you heed this protest of mine and that you as the most responsible person in SFRJ (the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) take the most urgent action necessary against such irresponsible blunders" (Crkva na Kamenu, 9-10/1981, 1). To present Bishop Zanic as a collaborator with the communists and as a weakling in conversation with a Franciscan while talking about Medugorje, contradicts all the Bishop's public sermons and statements which are well known regarding these events, especially regarding the mentioned Franciscan priest. As a living witness, Bishop Zanic can also still testify to the truth to everyone!
3) It is truly regrettable that the film titled "Gospa" presents as its protagonist and symbol of the hundreds of Catholic priests who were tortured and martyred in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina in the past, a single living religious priest who was just born when others were dying for their faith and fatherland and who has for years now been in irregular standing with his Church! A film which abuses the name of our Lady, which does not shy away from an incorrect and insulting presentation of the local Bishop, under a holy title, yet lacking religious culture, awakens in believers disappointment and does not merit the attention of the faithful!
Mostar, 17 June 1995
Chancery of the Diocese of Mostar
Msgr. Luka Pavlovic, General Vicar"
Ann Benage's response:
From: ann_benage@hotmail.com
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Date:Thu, 6 Sep 2007 6:01 pm
"Thank you very much Kevin. Debbie's e-mail is [deleted for privacy purposes].
Have a great rest of the week.
In Christ,
Now, today, I wrote her back:
Date:Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:47 am
"Dear Ann et al,
-I have learned with great sadness from The Troubadour that the screening of the denounced movie "Gospa" did not have the panel you informed me it would have. Instead, I discovered that it was slanted with all pro-Medjugorje people, with one panelist in particular who is known to publicly misrepresent the facts. This has confirmed my suspicion concerning the intent of Franciscan University as I wrote previously.
-I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you told me that the panel would include Fr. Conrad Harkins. His presence on the panel was not reported by The Troubadour. I am now forced in conscience to communicate to His Excellency, Bishop Ratko Peric, of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno that further slander and injury has been further caused not only to his predecessor, Bishop Pavao Zanic but also a public disregard of Peric's 1995 press release on "Gospa." This disobedience and disrespect will only add to the case against Medjugorje.
Please confirm if the Troubadour was inaccurate in its reporting or not. If there is no response, then I will continue to act as stated above.
-Kevin J. Symonds
Mr. Tom Sofio, Public Relations Director
Fr. Terence Henry, T.O.R., President
Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R., Chancellor"
In between E-mails with Tom Sofio, I telephoned the numbers given on the press release. In return, I got a reply from an Ann Benage, a graduate student at Franciscan University. We spoke for some time on the phone and she gave me assurance that the panel would include Fr. Conrad Harkins who would represent the 'con' side of Medjugorje to balance things out.
Come to find out, that didn't happen. A friend sent me a copy of the school's newspaper, The Troubadour. Not only did it not mention Fr. Conrad as being a panelist but they put Fr. Michael Scanlan on the panel and he is pro-Medjugorje! The evidence in hand, I wrote back to Ann to express my regret at having been betrayed. I wrote her an E-mail with the press release from Bishop Peric on the "Gospa" movie. Here is our conversation from E-mail:
My first E-mail to Ann Benage:
"From: stmi49531@aol.com
To: ann_benage@hotmail.com
Subject: "Gospa" Movie: Statement of Bishop Ratko Peric
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 17:58:04 -0400
Please also: Debbie Womack's E-mail address.
-Kevin Symonds '03, '06
9-6-07 A.D.
Statement of Bishop Peric's Diocese on the "Gospa" movie:
The Chancery office of the Diocese of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina feels it necessary to make the following statement regarding the film "Gospa" (our Lady) which has been showing throughout the world from April of this year. While leaving the artistic evaluation of the film to competent film critics, we shall focus our attention on its religious and ecclesiastical content.
1) An abuse of a holy name. From the religious title of the film "Gospa", a believer would expect a lot more religious content in the film: Marian and Mariological studies, or messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. Yet in the film, despite its title "Gospa", there is little said on Mary, the Mother of God. This most holy name of the most blessed amongst women seems to have been used towards promoting worldly personal or group interests and ideas. The honour of the Immaculate Mother of God, full of grace, does not allow her name to be used as a commercial or to promote propaganda.
2) A false presentation of the Bishop. The Chancery office of the Diocese of Mostar, resolutely rejects as untrue all the scenes and words regarding the ecclesiastical behaviour of Msgr. Pavao Zanic, the former diocesan Bishop (under the name of Petar Subic in the film) with respect to the events of Medugorje. One cannot claim "freedom of artistic expression" of the director or scenarist, by presenting falsehoods on the head church official without any basis in reality. Bishop Zanic made an official statement in mid-August 1981 on the phenomenon regarding Medugorje (Glas Koncila, 16/1981, 1). Not even a shadow of cowardliness or easing-off of the bishop before the communist authorities was ever in question, let alone any type of collaboration with them, as can be concluded by watching the film. Instead, the bishop always behaved in a courageous and dignified way. This can be seen from the Bishop's letter of protest to the President of the then State Presidency, Sergej Kreigher, of 1 September 1981, in which the Bishop with indignation condemned all the meaningless slanderous attacks against some Franciscans, including Fra Jozo Zovko, and himself. The Bishop wrote: "As Catholic bishop and head of the Diocese of Mostar, I condemn all these irresponsible slanderous attacks against myself and my priests mentioned, which in no way contribute to a sober evaluation of the events in the parish of Medugorje. These offensive measures discriminate against our civil and human rights. I ask that you heed this protest of mine and that you as the most responsible person in SFRJ (the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) take the most urgent action necessary against such irresponsible blunders" (Crkva na Kamenu, 9-10/1981, 1). To present Bishop Zanic as a collaborator with the communists and as a weakling in conversation with a Franciscan while talking about Medugorje, contradicts all the Bishop's public sermons and statements which are well known regarding these events, especially regarding the mentioned Franciscan priest. As a living witness, Bishop Zanic can also still testify to the truth to everyone!
3) It is truly regrettable that the film titled "Gospa" presents as its protagonist and symbol of the hundreds of Catholic priests who were tortured and martyred in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina in the past, a single living religious priest who was just born when others were dying for their faith and fatherland and who has for years now been in irregular standing with his Church! A film which abuses the name of our Lady, which does not shy away from an incorrect and insulting presentation of the local Bishop, under a holy title, yet lacking religious culture, awakens in believers disappointment and does not merit the attention of the faithful!
Mostar, 17 June 1995
Chancery of the Diocese of Mostar
Msgr. Luka Pavlovic, General Vicar"
Ann Benage's response:
From: ann_benage@hotmail.com
To: stmi49531@aol.com
Date:Thu, 6 Sep 2007 6:01 pm
"Thank you very much Kevin. Debbie's e-mail is [deleted for privacy purposes].
Have a great rest of the week.
In Christ,
Now, today, I wrote her back:
Date:Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:47 am
"Dear Ann et al,
-I have learned with great sadness from The Troubadour that the screening of the denounced movie "Gospa" did not have the panel you informed me it would have. Instead, I discovered that it was slanted with all pro-Medjugorje people, with one panelist in particular who is known to publicly misrepresent the facts. This has confirmed my suspicion concerning the intent of Franciscan University as I wrote previously.
-I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you told me that the panel would include Fr. Conrad Harkins. His presence on the panel was not reported by The Troubadour. I am now forced in conscience to communicate to His Excellency, Bishop Ratko Peric, of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno that further slander and injury has been further caused not only to his predecessor, Bishop Pavao Zanic but also a public disregard of Peric's 1995 press release on "Gospa." This disobedience and disrespect will only add to the case against Medjugorje.
Please confirm if the Troubadour was inaccurate in its reporting or not. If there is no response, then I will continue to act as stated above.
-Kevin J. Symonds
Mr. Tom Sofio, Public Relations Director
Fr. Terence Henry, T.O.R., President
Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R., Chancellor"