VATICAN - The month of Mary «Qué Soy Era Immaculada Councepciou»: the 18 Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes in 1858 (18)
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Thursday 16 July 1858: 18th and last apparition. Mary's call comes unexpectedly while Bernadette is praying in the early evening in the parish church. Because by order of the authorities the Grotto is closed with barriers, Bernadette goes with her Aunt Lucile and a few friends to the Ribère field on right bank of the river Gave, opposite the Grotto. Here they all kneel and begin to pray. A few moments later Bernadette cries: «Yes there she is! There she is! She is smiling and greeting us from behind the barriers». Our Lady stood in the illuminated niche and looked at length towards Bernadette smiling, she bowed her head and then disappeared leaving her little girl filled with sweet peace. «Our Lady appeared at the same place but she said nothing. I think Our Lady was in the same place all I could see was her and I have never seen her looking so beautiful». Bernadette saw Our Lady once again as she died on 16 April 1879.
The last apparition took place on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. And in Fatima on 13 October 1917, after the miracle of the sun, Lucia sees the Blessed Mother appear for the last time as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. In a way Lourdes announces Fatima, and the message is the same: a call to conversion and prayer.
Fides is deeply grateful to the Shrine of Lourdes for allowing us to organise this virtual world pilgrimage to the grotto of Lourdes to venerate the Blessed Virgin Mother and to publish the Lourdes hymns in various languages.
During the month of Mary, Our Lady received abundant 'roses', the Hail Mary prayers. We would like to conclude our Marian cycle dedicated to Lourdes with a picture of the Coronation of Our Lady Queen of Heaven”, taken from the Lourdes booklet of Hymns for the daily torchlight procession (J.M.) (Agenzia Fides, 23/5/ 2007 righe: 25 parole: 328)
Coronation of Our Lady Queen of Heaven”