Fatima: The secret's out, despite claims to the contrary

Heresy experiments in distortion; orthodoxy developes in proportion. The false emphasis is not only a wrong in itself but it is used as a means of diverting the eyes of men in the wrong direction. Van Zeller

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Post by KevinSymonds »

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Post by MarieT »

thanks for posting this.

“A bishop dressed in white . . . falls to the ground, as if dead, after a volley of gunfire"
the statement states "as if dead" so that would counteract the conspiracy theorists that "he didnt die so he wasnt the white bishop depicted in the third vision"

i agree with the Pope and Cardinal that we must continue praying for God's mercy...i too feel a bit uneasy about that third prophecy (not to mean that i dont agree with the Church's or sr lucia's interpretation) but just that we are in troubled times and you only have to look at the state of things to know the Church has many enemies.

Lord mercifully protect us all
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord
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