Many people have been duped by false apparitions and you will find that many of those who were duped are now fighting against them, Medjugorje being at the top of the list.
When people, who are searching for the truth, not wanting to be duped and are open the the truth and not to how incredible and emotional something is or makes them feel, then they are open to discernment and welcome the information they receive by others or by texts offered through the official Church to help them discern.
Below is something I am posting about Richard Salbato because it shows that he is an X-apparition chaser. He explains how he came to understand that this was wrong. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima he refers to, I have a beautiful 11x14 picture of from the time she was in New Orleans and cried those tears.
Mark Waterinck was heavily involved in supporting Medjugorje and was one of their biggest mouthpieces. He went to Medj. 24 times and gave 100 conferences as a supporter of this hoax. If I am not mistaken he was also a translator for the seers many times. Eventually he saw things or read things that brought up red flags. He has even had a three hour conversation with Bishop Peric and now has 200 arguments against the authenticity of this so-called apparition. You have to know this man was probably making lots of money and he gave it up for the truth.
Keven Symonds, one who you see fighting so hard against any false messages or "seers", has been to Medjugorje and he can post on that.
Our member maryg is an x-supporter, JuneD is an x-supporter or believer as well as many other people I am in contact with or read about, who are now trying to wake people up about this hoax. THIS WEBMASTER, although I never went to Medj. or any functon they put on, I did buy their publications to try and read all about what was "supposedly" going on over there. So I was supporting their cause in reality.
At the same time I was reading the Collected Works of Teresa of Avila and anything I could get my hands on concerning the Little Flower and Padre Pio.(I read many other writings of many other saints but these were who I read the most) One major thing I learned from these three great saints, as well as two being doctors of the Church, is that OBEDIENCE is the key to everything; if you are obedient to the Ten Commandments, the Magisterium of the Church etc., then there is no way one can go wrong.
In studying all these saints and their direction, I then realized that several of the "apparitions" or people who had "messages" were either greedy, deceived due to some mental problems, or were full of the devil.
AND THEN I FOUND UNITY PUBLISHING! I was amazed to read at Rick's web site the very same red flags I had; he confirmed it for me using Church teachings and quotes of Doctors of the Church and their warnings and teachings on how to discern spirits.
My point is, those here who fight against this stuff used to be involved in this "stuff". I would say that we were "unfortunately" involved but I am blest and so are all the others I have mentioned because now we can fight against untruths and say, "Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt." By the grace of God, the discernment that we all knew was needed we asked for and God granted that request by opening our eyes to OBEDIENCE. It is all so simple; follow the teachings of the Church that Christ instituted and you will never go wrong. We may be hated and an outcast but we are in good company, the company of Jesus.
Medjugorje supporters use poor Padre Pio as their tool for argument many times. They say, "Well, Padre Pio was condemned, yadda, yadda, yadda, and look, he is a saint."
Let me show you the difference between Padre Pio and these so-called seers and their cronies operating any false apparition. Padre Pio was obedient and was silent for ten years and when he was realeased from the know the rest of the story. The call to be silent and obedient by Bishop Peric and the previous bishop have been totally ignored and it appears things have gotten worse. Many in the clergy all over the world are being disobedient when they do not warn their sheep to stay away from these hoaxes and be obedient to the Bishop of Mostar as well as Pope Benedict.
Anyway, here is a bit of how Rick "saw the light".
And by the way, I posted in the Blessed Sacrament forum about Sr. Lucia's 100 b-day. Rick got an email from the convent asking for help. Mother Celina is a close friend of his and she would not ask help unless it was getting bad. Having said that, if you remember, Rick is and was a trusted friend of the nuns and Sr. Lucia, who he visited some 11 times I think. He is also the one who hand delivered correspondance from Lucia to her Spiritual Directer. He is the one also responsible for the meeting of Sr. Lucia with Mel Gibson and his wife.
Now, we all know who Sr. Lucia is and that she spoke with Our Lady. Do you think for one minute that if Rick Salbato was the evil man people try real hard to make him out to be that Sr. Lucia wouldn't know? Do you think she wouldn't tell Mother Celina that he was dangerous? Would she have used Rick for a courier of very private writings? We have to think with reason and not with emotion and worst of all $$$$$$ signs.
by: Rick Salbato
In the sixties, I was a major promoter of many false apparitions. In some cases I was the main supplier of literature for the United States on apparitions that no one else promoted. Every apparition that came forth in the sixties I believed in. I knew some of the seers personally. When some of their messages were directed to me, using my name, my spiritual pride was up in the sky. It was if I was God's special chosen son.
While devouring these mystic messages like PacMan, the downfall of the demonic (in my case) was brought about by also reading the Bible, the Doctrines of the Church, 38 Volumes of Early Church History, and the 104 Church approved apparitions that have taken place since the death of Christ.
Holy reading helped me to clearly see that today's modern and popularized mystics consistently contradicted approved apparitions and Church Doctrine, especially on eschatology. At the same time, today's false seers regularly contradict one another. Reasoning that if these celebrity "visionaries" were authentic, then the Church's Doctrine on eschatology and rulings on genuine apparitions were wrong, I asked, "How can God contradict Himself?" Obviously, He can't.... never has and never will. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. Aware that today's fakers were beguiled and beguiling, I stopped promoting them, and grew disillusioned with all apparitions. This took place in 1972.
A few months later, the San Diego Union carried a front page article on the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima crying in New Orleans. Curious and moved, I flew to the Big Easy, whereupon I was permitted to hold the tears of Our Lady in my own unworthy hands. The local Bishop's investigation confirmed this phenomena was truly from God. Sadly, but so typical of the demonic, at the same time, a false Cajun seer was spewing garbage about this miracle. When Father Romagosa performed an exorcism on her, she turned demonic before his eyes. Amazingly, a large number of misguided souls continue to follow her, believing her to be a true mystic.
At the moment of this madwoman's shrieking, I discovered my life's mission -- to protect and defend God's children from everything false and preserve everything beautiful and true. Well read in Church history, Theology (not mystical) and discernment, I returned home, and for two years consumed every book I could locate on mystical theology, cults, and the demonic
Rick Salbato, Unity Publishing and his admitted mistakes
Rick Salbato, Unity Publishing and his admitted mistakes
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
I am, by God's grace, not an ex-devotee of false apparitions. It was by God's grace, I am sure, that I met Denise at church and through her, I met Rick, via email and Kevin and many others. I really did learn from their errors and the subsequent corrections they all made in regards to the discernment of apparitions. We are all very blessed that those who have "been there, done that and bought the Tshirt" were not afraid to expose the deceptions that are out there trying to devour us.
Thank you to all who are not afraid to defend Our Lord and His Mother.
Thank you to all who are not afraid to defend Our Lord and His Mother.