Finally, thank you Lord!

Heresy experiments in distortion; orthodoxy developes in proportion. The false emphasis is not only a wrong in itself but it is used as a means of diverting the eyes of men in the wrong direction. Van Zeller

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Finally, thank you Lord!

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This is a long story but I will try to keep it brief...yea right! LOL.

Anyway, I have waited for so long for this to be able to be presented. I read the Miracle of Damascus some years ago, written by Richard Salbato, the Publican and my dear friend. This is all approved by Myrna's Bishop and all the other bishops in the region. If you read about this true stigmatic you will see where Medjugorje has tried to push Myrna out of the light but that is the normal course that false apparitions and their authors take, they try to push the truth into the background. They seemed to be a bit successful but not anymore. We finally have the tool to get the video out, thanks to Mary Ann Button.

Our member here, June, has also been in communication with Rick for some years and she has tried and so have I, to find the three video series that Rick had done while in Damascus and staying with Myrna and her husband. It was done in 1989, they were sold and then all of a sudden they were not found anywhere. Last year someone came across a copy in a church library and gave them to June. She excitedly wrote to Rick and he gave both she and I permission to do with them what we will as long as the credits and the Imprimateur remained.

June made DVDs from the tapes and sent a set to me. I asked June if she would make a set and send them to Mary Ann because we wanted her to present them on youtube. I asked her to contact Rick and she did and gained permission as well do put them on her youtube site. If you click on the first link you will see the introduction and then there is the second one. She plans to get as much on for public viewing as possible. We need to get this message out to as many as we can; it is all about Unity and that is what Pope Benedict has been speaking about.

One last thing:

Pope Visits Damascus

Because of the two calendars the two Easters would not fall on the same day until 2001 and everyone, including me, knew that she would again receive the stigmata and have a message from Our Lord. It just so happened that Pope John Paul II planed to visit Damascus almost at the same time. His reason for going to Damascus was the unity of all Christians. I cannot say that the Pope visited Mirna or even talked to her, but I do know that they were side by side during the Mass. I also know that he used the chalice my friend Vatche gave to Mirna and it was returned to her after the Mass. There are two other indications that he talked with her, which can be understood below in the news of Father Fox and Archbishop Luigi Accogli. These things make me believe that he is taking direct control of this apparition.

Pope Orders Unified Easter for Syria

Right after Pope John Paul's visit to Damascus he ordered that all Catholics in Syria could celebrate Holy Week, and therefor Easter on the same day as the Orthodox, no mater what year it was. Christ said to Mirna in 1989: "You will not hear my voice again, unitl the feast has been unified." God knows the future and therefor He appeared to her, but unifying Easter is only symbolic of unitying the two Churches. Can we possibly say that the Pope does not know and believe the messages of Our Lady of Soufanieh? Richard Salbato

This was a big deal and there was even a story in the National Catholic Register at the time. If anyone is interested in Myrna, a true stigmatic, you can read the book online HERE

I am so thrilled about this and I thank June for perservering in her hunt for the videos; I thank Rick for his many years he has devoted to Our Lady and I thank Mary Ann for offering to take the time out of her busy schedule to present these clips in youtube.



Myrna of Damascus
Last edited by Denise on Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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More clips are available if anyone would like to watch them
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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