2024 with Joseph Ratzinger

Pope Benedict XVI

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2024 with Joseph Ratzinger

Post by Denise » Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:51 am

From Faith and Reason Institute

Dear TCT Readers:

I’m quite happy to send you a special word about a new TCT course that we’re offering: Joseph Ratzinger’s Introduction to Christianity (click here for full details).
https://courses.thecatholicthing.org/pr ... 0e2ee99a66

This is one of his early books, a lively apologetic about the Catholic faith, so clever and insightful that it immediately led to his recognition as a theological star in the Church. But don’t be fooled by the modesty of that title. I once gave it to my son who read through it in amazement, but said to me after, “Dad, that’s a great book, but it’s way more than an ‘introduction.’” And he was right.

The young Ratzinger goes deep, but at the same time connects the mysteries and principles of the Faith with life in today’s world as no one else has been able to do. So you actually get two books in one: an examination of where we are in modern times in light of the fullness of Catholic truth. And in a book written with humor and great human wisdom.

But there’s even more. We’re fortunate to have David Bonagura, one of our regular writers at The Catholic Thing, as instructor. David is a gifted teacher and has taught this book to various students, from high-school level to seminarians. So whatever level of theological knowledge you think of yourself as possessing, you have a teacher who can speak intelligibly to you. He’s laid out an interesting series of four lectures to take you systematically through the entire book (with additional suggested reading for those who wish to go further). If you go to the course page, you can watch David’s video introduction.
https://courses.thecatholicthing.org/pr ... 0e2ee99a66

Personally, I can’t say enough about how important this material is for all of us facing the challenges in both the Church and the world today. And what better way to learn and be inspired to meet those challenges than by coming to know better the thinking of the man who may well have been the most gifted pope in the entire history of the Catholic Church?

Do yourself a favor. Don’t miss this opportunity.


Robert Royal

Faith and Reason Institute
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Re: 2024 with Joseph Ratzinger

Post by MarieT » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:46 am

He is a brilliant and remarkable human being
In my theological studies, most of the set course bibliography included many of his books

may his legacy continue to inspire all who thirst for their faith and convert others that cannot
rest in peace papa benedetto
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord

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