Movie on "The Two Popes"

Pope Benedict XVI

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Movie on "The Two Popes"

Post by MarieT »

I recently watched eagerly - a film on Netflix called "The Two Popes" - "based on true events"

I had always wanted to hear the story of our brilliant theologian emeritus pope and couldnt wait for the film to come out.

While critics are calling it a "masterpiece" and raving about the film, I cannot but feel saddened that our Emeritus Pope was portrayed incorrectly ...both popes were

SPOILER ALERT : Below is my discussion on the film - if you have not watched it but wish to do so, then read no further :) because the storyline is revealed.

While I profess to not knowing the Emeritus Pope personally - I do know after purchasing and reading many of his books that he is one of the most profound theologians i ever came across. His writings and teachings are amazing.

The film shows scenes where the Emeritus Pope is (well lets just say that francis provides "answers" the emeritus pope cant.... and this is hard to swallow by any means.

anthony hopkins portrays the Emeritus Pope - He asks "where should we find God..." and the actor portraying francis says "on the journey"....

I think they got the lines mixed up.

the film commenced so well.....francis clearly upset that he was well beaten as pope ...later deciding to resign......spends a few days with the pope and trying to talk Pope Benedict out of resigning.....the Emeritus pope reveals his concerns and anguish of his papacy and asks for francis to hear his confession etc...and telling Francis that he is the right man for the take over....ummm

Has anyone else seen this film? I just cant 'buy' it.
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Re: Movie on "The Two Popes"

Post by Denise »

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Re: Movie on "The Two Popes"

Post by MarieT »

my sentiments exactly!....all hogwash to make papa benedetto look bad and francis to seem better
i always tried not to be drawn into comparing the 2 popes but its films like this that are so wrong, that one has to set the record straight. As well as the unusual direction of the latest papacy....but i digress
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Re: Movie on "The Two Popes"

Post by MarieT »

the worst part is that i honestly wanted to see a film about papa benedetto and couldnt wait to view it......but the majority of the film focusses more on francis who is so differently portrayed than what we all 'know' of him
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