Pope Benedict: Jesus, prophet of Truth
2013-02-03 Vatican Radio
(Vatican Radio) Speaking to the faithful in St Peter’s Square from the Papal apartments, Pope Benedict reflected on Sunday’s Gospel taken from the fourth chapter of St. Luke. The Holy Father explained that Jesus is reminding us that being a prophet is not easy, even among those close to us.
“Jesus reminds us that being a prophet is no easy task, even among those nearest to us. Let us ask the Lord to give each of us a spirit of courage and wisdom, so that in our words and actions, we may proclaim the saving truth of God’s love with boldness, humility and coherence.”
The Pope painted a picture of Jesus as a man that everybody knows in the town of Nazareth, but a man who returns to the synagogue in a new way, speaking about himself as the Messiah
Pope Benedict goes on to say that “Jesus spoke to the people in the synagogue, words that sound like a provocation.” But as the Pope underlines, Jesus did not come to seek the consent of men, but "give testimony to the truth”.
The true prophet, said the Holy Father does not obey anyone other than God and places himself at the service of truth. It's true that Jesus is the prophet of love, but love has its own truth.
The Pope described to those present in St Peter’s Square how love and truth are two names for the same reality.
To believe in God, continued Pope Benedict, “is to give up ones prejudices and accept the concrete face of Jesus of Nazareth.
Pope Benedict: Jesus, prophet of Truth
Moderators: Johnna, MarieT, Denise
Pope Benedict: Jesus, prophet of Truth
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales