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The Hope Monument
Dedicated to those suffering from abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant death.
Presented to Rosemary Benefield
September 2004
for the 10th Anniversary of
Rachel's Hope
After-Abortion Healing Ministry
Click here for Retreat details...
The "Hope" Sculpture is the inspiration of Beverly Paddleford, who owns a foundry in Lander, Wyoming. In 1999 she received a phone call from Mary Verwys in Grand Rapids, Michigan who ws in need of a sculpture for a sidewalk counselor outside an abortion clinic and felt impressed by God of the need to create a place of hope and healing for post-abortive men and women of her community. After years of watching women leave the clinic after their abortions, she longed to "find them all back and offer the hope and forgiveness of Jesus Christ." She just didn't know what the sculpture in the garden should look like. Beverly immediately "saw" Jesus holding a baby, sitting next to a woman. The Lord then allowed them to detail it and in less than a year the "Hope" monument was set in the Garden of Hope in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2000. Currently there are twelve Hope monuments placed. This one, at St. Brigid's Church, is number twelve. One is in Timisoara, Romania, and the others are in this country. One is planned for Canada and more in other communities in the United States.
The "Hope" sculpture is a visual reminder to those who have been through abortion or lost a child to early death for any reason. Their only hope lies in Jesus Christ. The child is in His care and He desires a relationship with the mother as well, regardless of the circumstances. The Lord has said, "Though your sins be as scarlet they will be as white as snow... (Isaiah 1:18) ..Put your hope in me..." (Psalms 130:7). "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain." (Rev. 21-4). "God is our refure and strength, an every-present help in trouble... Therefore we will not fear." (Psalm 46:1,2)
What came as a surprise with this sculpture is that it not only ministers to women but to men, too. Men are seen coming alone to these gardens. Their pain, although often times hidden, is very real, as well. Entire families are being touched by the realization that a precious little child that has been "lost" is safe in the arms of Jesus. One post-abortive woman could hardly believe this beautiful monument was established. She said, "Someone would do this for me?...After what I have done?" This monument is also for women and families who have lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth, illness or accident. This is also for infertile couples and those who have placed a child for adoption.
Healing of abortion retreats are offered by Rachel's Hope in San Diego for women and men. Click here for more Retreat details... Other after-abortion healing retreats are offered through Project Rachel, 1-800-5WE-CARE. Support Groups for healing for miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death can be found by calling the Mental Health Association of San Diego. County Self-Help Connection at (619) 543-0417. Individual counseling available from Jim Benefield, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who is also trained in after abortion trauma (858) 581-0952.
Our thanks to over 400 Rachel's Hope alumni, and especially Ann-Marie Boyer of San Diego's Finest Real Estate has agreed to donate 100% of her commissions for home real estate sales and mortgage refinancing from Rachel's Hope referrals (bring flyer located at the monument) to the monument fund. Those interested in making a direct contribution to the monument fund may do so by calling (858) 780-1128.
We, at St. Brigid's, are blessed to have this "Hope Monument" as a place of healing for St. Brigid's community and throughout San Diego with it's visitors.
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