Raising/Disciplining a Strong-Willed Child

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Raising/Disciplining a Strong-Willed Child

Post by Guest » Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:46 pm

Hello everyone...I am not sure if this topic should be put here...but I am really needing some help.

My almost 6 year old daughter is going off the deep end! I am having the hardest time with her right now. I am not sure what is going on. She is pitching fits, telling me no she will not do anything I ask of her, "wait a minute Im busy" is what she says, and dare I tell her it's time to take a bath. She absolutely flips out telling me she wants to be dirty...she never wants to smell good and be as pretty as me...then she continues that she never wants to see me again, she wants to go live w/ her father, etc, etc, etc.....

Nothing works....timeouts, spankings (yes I do spank), talking, discussing......anything that I try....she totally starts putting everything on me.... For example... "You promised you were going to quit smoking, you are a liar. Why should I listen to you...you lie, your bad, God doesn't like that" Things like that is what she will start telling me...

I need some help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing, I mean NOTHING is working and I am losing it.....

stephanie :roll:

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Post by Denise » Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:24 pm

Ok, being her nana and your mom, I will stay out of this one but I do need to inform the folks here about what happened at her other nana's house.
I deeply feel that the witch, whoops, I mean the other nana has kind of brought some bad to Baylee. Stephanie bought Baylee a cross and the child was so proud to wear it and then when she went to the other nana's house, being a Jehovah Witness, took scissors and cut this cross off Baylee then said it was an insult to her. I call that mental abuse!!!! I truly think that has effected Baylee and since Steph is in court getting custody of the child, i feel that the other team in the picture is degrading steph when they have Baylee. Baylee never said these things before all this started.

Let the little Children come to Me!

Ok, that is all I have to say.

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Post by Lori » Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:35 am


I have five children and each one of them has given me a tough time around the seven year old mark. I think you are doing a good job just keep it up. Don't give up on being a good parent. She obviously wants attention and by seven years old she has learned what to say to make you upset. She is definitely really bright. Be strong. Go to Confession often. Father Paul in Greenville is great at family counsel.



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Post by JeniR » Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:22 am

If at all possible the other Nana should not have her unsupervised. She has no right whatsoever to undermine the authority of a parent and cut a crucifix off the child's neck!!!

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Post by ElizabethS » Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:01 pm

I want to second what Lori said. Hang in there and be consistent and it will get better. It seems like each child is different and goes through something similar for varying lengths of time. (One of mine went through this kind of stage for what seemed like forever!!) but then he turned seven and this year I catch him being good more and more. Remember that no matter what others do, if you are there for her to talk to and learn from, in the end your values will be what she comes back to. The hand that rocks the cradle and all that. After 16 years of kids I am finally learning to appreciate them.


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Post by johnmc » Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:17 pm

Six years old?

Has she started CCD? Regardless, the parents are the primary educators of their children in the faith anyway. Sounds like a good time to teach the ten commandments. Teach number 4.

I'll pray for you.


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Post by Denise » Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:38 pm

Good advice John but you don't know the situation. Sometimes things are easier said than done. The situation is the normal everyday deal here.



Post by Guest » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:52 am


My mother is right...you do not know the situation. It's hard when the father grew up in Jehovah's Witness background and I grew up Catholic. Yes it is ultimately the PARENTS responsiblity, but when you have his mother trying to undermind what I am trying to teach her, it's difficult.

I have signed her up for RCIC at St. Ann's starting at the beginning of the year. I have started with the ten commandments and I really stress number 4, but thanks for the advise.

thank you for everyone's advise....i'll take it into consideration.

thanks mom..

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