Birth Control for Medical reasons

This forum is a place to discuss issues regarding NFP (Natural Family Planning) and related subjects. It is a place not only to talk about the mechanics of NFP, but also about the moral and physical dangers of contraception as well as the joys and blessings of children and families. As in the other forums, the teachings of the Catholic Church are to be respected. Keep conversation adult and polite.

Moderators: johnmc, Johnna, MarieT

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Judie Brown
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue May 10, 2005 3:53 pm

Post by Judie Brown »

You are absolutely correct. In fact I was told by a close friend of Pope Paul Vi's that if he had understood the actual mechanism of the birth control pill, section 15 of Humanae Vitae would have been extremely explicit. So, while we know that the pill is simply not good for women and that it is not the asnwer to female problems, we also know that if a female is using it for "medical reasons" she may not engage in marital relations because of the possibility of aborting a child.


Judie Brown
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