November, Month of the Holy Souls

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November, Month of the Holy Souls

Post by Denise »


During November, the month dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory, it is our duty in Charity to pray for the release of these souls that they may enter into Heaven.

We should never cease to pray for all the souls in Purgatory especially our relatives and loved ones because we cannot know for sure that they have finished paying their debt for having offended God. Br. Thomas Augustine, St. Benedict Center

Even though Saint Padre Pio knew through private revelation that his parents were in Heaven, he continued to pray for them because, as he told a friend, he never knew which Mass offered or to be offered—in God’s timeless eternity—was the one that brought them there.

On another occasion Padre Pio explained, “For the Lord, everything is an eternal present. Those prayers (offered today) had already been taken into account so that even now I can pray for the happy death of my great-grandfather!”

It is also good to remember that the souls in Purgatory can help us in all our needs. Saint Alphonsus wrote: “Though the Holy Souls cannot merit for themselves, they can obtain for us great graces. They are not, formally speaking, intercessors as the saints are but, through the sweet providence of God, they can obtain for us outstanding favors and deliver us from evils, sickness and dangers of every kind.”

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales
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Re: November, Month of the Holy Souls

Post by MarieT »

a devotion dear to my heart to pray for these poor souls daily and currently on day 8 of the novena for the Holy Souls heading to the feast day

i'm reminded of when my father passed (requiescat in pace) and i offered a novena of masses for his soul every week for 9 weeks.....and the dear priest (who amazingly looked like pope benedict and who i always thought would make a great pope....even before pope benedict became pope....) Fr said to me at around the 4th week that my dad was already in Heaven because the Lord's time is eternal not like our time scale or something to that effect.....but this article with St Pio's commentary reminded me of it
Even though Saint Padre Pio knew through private revelation that his parents were in Heaven, he continued to pray for them because, as he told a friend, he never knew which Mass offered or to be offered—in God’s timeless eternity—was the one that brought them there.

On another occasion Padre Pio explained, “For the Lord, everything is an eternal present. Those prayers (offered today) had already been taken into account so that even now I can pray for the happy death of my great-grandfather!”
"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord
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