Biden wants YOU to pay for abortions.

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Biden wants YOU to pay for abortions.

Post by Denise » Mon Apr 12, 2021 9:36 am

President Biden wants YOU to pay for abortions.

He's already forcing you to fund abortions internationally. And in less than 3 days, he will issue a new rule forcing you to send $60 million of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood. And he's planning on doing it on what is traditionally Tax Day in America. The sick irony is not lost.

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Worse, Planned Parenthood's latest report shows that they set new barbaric records for the number of abortions committed in a single year – 354,871 unborn babies killed – and tax dollars it drained from you – $618.1 million.

The billion-dollar abortion behemoth isn't strapped for cash. Its abortion profits are sky high.

But the Biden Administration is now REFUSING to defend a federal defunding rule at the Supreme Court and is instead siding with the abortion giant demanding it be allowed to give Planned Parenthood $60 million more.

We're the last line of defense. We're preparing to file a critical amicus brief at the Supreme Court as well as formal public comments to defund millions from Planned Parenthood. And we just appealed a MAJOR case directly against Planned Parenthood in federal appeals court.

But as traditional Tax Day looms and we battle the seemingly limitless taxpayer-funded resources of the Biden-Planned Parenthood tag team, we need you to take a stand with us.

Sign Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood at Supreme Court. ... L_typ-PT_C
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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