Cardinal Saraiva is also a skeptic on Medjugorje

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Cardinal Saraiva is also a skeptic on Medjugorje

Post by JeffL » Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:00 am

By Richard Chonak

The Italian Catholic website Petrus has published an interview with the former prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, José Cardinal Saraiva Martins. Cardinal Saraiva has joined in the public debate about the alleged apparitions at Medjugorje in Herzegovina by expressing his own skeptical take on the phenomenon. Here's a translation of the interview. Corrections to the translation are welcome.

Cardinal Saraiva, also, is a skeptic about the apparitions at Medjugorje: "The last word is up to the Holy See, but this has nothing to do with Fatima: it could be a trick of the devil"

by Gianluca Barile

VATICAN CITY - The alleged apparitions of Medjugorje continue to inspire debate and sustain polemics, within and without the Church. Thus the presence at New Year's of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, in the little Bosnia-Herzegovina locality, was only the most recent occasion to confirm the tension existing in the place where, since the 1980s, the Madonna is said to have appeared to six "seers". The Austrian cardinal, in fact, celebrated Mass for the faithful coming from around the world, but did not inform the diocesan bishop, Monsignor Ratko Peric, of his presence. Bishop Peric, is still, like his predecessor, unconvinced of the validity of the phenomena, and has publicly objected in the face of what he, evidently, considers an offense. All that has happened, while Pope Benedict XVI, who has had the opportunity to deal with Medjugorje since he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is said to have decided (but there has been no official confirmation of the matter yet) to entrust to Cardinal Camillo Ruini the coordination of a Commission to definitively ascertain the truth on the authenticity, or lack thereof, of the apparitions in this small country of the former Yugoslavia. But what, then, are the fruits of Medjugorje? Those who believe in the seers speak of miraculous cures, deliverances from evil, conversions; it is beyond doubt that many people pray, receive Holy Communion, and make confessions in the town. But the "skeptics", those who do not believe in the authenticity of the apparitions, underscore the division among the people of God, between supporters and opponents, to show that this is a case of deception. "Devil", after all, means: "he who divides".

We spoke about this complicated event with the Portuguese Cardinal José Saraiva Martins (see photo), a close and trusted collaborator first of the Venerable John Paul II and later of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI; rector of the 'Urbaniana' University much praised by Paul VI; a theologian, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and a great expert on the Marian apparition, officially recognized by the Church, of Fatima.


Eminence, in your opinion, are the alleged apparitions of Medjugorje to be considered true or false?

"There is no doubt: the apparitions will not be considered authentic, as long as they have not been officially approved by the Church in the person of the Holy Father."

It is said that the Holy See wants to wait as long as possible before expressing itself.

"To me, this seems the best way of proceeding. The Church does very well to be prudent in the face of events so delicate, which inevitably involve the feelings of millions of the faithful."

How should a faithful Catholic who wants to go on pilgrimage to Medjugorje proceed?

"He must not take for granted and must not become convinced that the apparitions are authentic; therefore, he must go to the place to pray, but not through his presence to acknowledge the authenticity of phenomena whose approval depends solely and exclusively on the Church, and which in any case neither subtracts nor adds anything to Revelation, which is already complete in Christ."

And are the conversions a sufficient reason to believe in Medjugorje?

"Absolutely not; whether about conversions, or also about healings, it is not a sufficient argument to evaluate the thesis of the authenticity of the apparitions. Just because people convert in this place, it is not given that the Madonna is appearing. Conversion is also possible in a little country parish."

Let's turn to the "seers". Some people accuse them of having invented everything, and of having economic interests, and some think that in reality, the demon is appearing to them in the guise of the Madonna in order to bring divisions into the Church, even at the price of some conversions, Do you not think so?

"I don't know if these apparitions were invented or if they have economic interests; for sure, in cases of this sort, the devil's paw may be here. But God is so great that he knows how to make even the evil one serve for the good of humanity: in this way, it is possible to explain the benefits which many people maintain they received at Medjugorje."

Again in reference to the "seers", none of them, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of other seers recognized officially by the Church, has chosen consecrated life. One of them has even married an American model and lives in the USA in a mega-villa with a swimming pool.

"Consecrated life would have been a beautiful testimony on the part of these people, but I see that there is a great difference from Fatima, where the three little shepherds chose to be even more little and humble than even they already were, in order to live in fullness the great gift of the apparitions."

On this subject: the "seers" assert that the apparitions of Medjugorje are the natural successors of the apparitions of Fatima.

"I don't believe that they are. I see too many differences. As I said before, the little shepherds of Fatima made themselves humble and chose silence; at Medjugorje, I don't know if that is going to happen; Sister Lucia entered the cloister, at Medjugorje, no one has chosen consecrated life; the same Sister Lucia put into writing the secrets entrusted to her by the Madonna, while at Medjugorje they continue to keep them for themselves. No, I see nothing in common between Fatima and Medjugorje."

Eminence, in some of the apparitions, the Virgin is said to have asked the six "seers" of Medjugorje not to obey the prohibitions of their diocesan Bishop, such as, for example, to not speak publicly any more of the alleged "visions".

"The Madonna could not, in any case at all, be anti-hierarchical and incite disobedience, even if the Bishop of Moster were wrong. This is another element on which to reflect."

The Bishop of Mostar recently made known his own displeasure at not being informed of the presence of Cardinal Schönborn at Medjugorje. A "weighty" presence, that some could interpret erroneously as a recognition of the apparitions on the part of the Holy See.

"Far be it from me to think of judging the conduct of Cardinal Schönborn, but I, considering the morbid attention which is concentrated on Medjugorje, and as I always do every time I go out from Rome, would have spoken beforehand with Monsignor Peric: when we Cardinals enter into a Diocese, we are entering into the "house" of the Bishop of the place and we must have the good manners and good sense to announce ourselves."


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Post by Denise » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:11 am

Thanks Jeff!
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Post by maryg » Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:58 pm

I saw this earlier today and sent it to Michael Brown at Spirit Daily. You think he's going to post it?

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Post by Denise » Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:56 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: NOPE!
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Post by maryg » Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:29 pm


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Post by Denise » Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:26 pm

mary, I needed that laugh!
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Pope Benedict's reaction

Post by maryg » Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:47 pm

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Post by Denise » Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:51 pm

Yea! Mark sent it to me. :) Ya beat me to it, :lol:
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Post by AndrewD » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:41 am

Thanks for posting this. As one who has been to Medjugorje, I absolutely believe that the apparitions are satanic. It may have started out as a hoax but based on what I saw and have reflected on post-Medjugorje, something is definitely happening but that something is not from Heaven.

The devil's purpose in life is to destroy as many souls as possible (i.e. lead them away from the Church). That doesn't happen by a demonic looking figure rising up in flames saying "hey there, why don't you be a good little boy/girl and go kill someone for me." No, he's too smart for that. If Satan had the audacity to appear to Padre Pio, Margaret Mary Alacoque and other saints disguised as Jesus and the Blessed Mother, he can certainly appear to six "seers" who have no problem running around on paid publicity tours and living lives of luxury compared to their impoverished neighbors. Why God allows this is a great mystery but temptation is a daily cross we all have to bear in order to keep us loyal. Satan had the nerve to appear to Jesus, the Son of God, in the desert and tempted Him.

In Medjugorje, everyone is "looking for a sign" but the little Adoration chapel is never even half full. Yes, you do see the sun change colors in Medjugorje and there is the scent of roses during alleged "apparitions" on the hill. People have been converted there and some young men have decided to enter the priesthood after going there. But... when you're in a small place where everyone seems to be devout, isn't that going to happen anyway? Other things you see (but don't hear about so much) in Medjugorje are people talking loudly during Mass, charismatic influences everywhere and merchants who only accept American dollars and Euros (but other towns in the area have no problem accepting Bosnian marks).

Unfortunately, the true fruits of Medjugorje do not receive the press they deserve except for here and Unity Publishing and that's a shame. Numerous sex scandals including child molestation. De-frocked priests. Countless acts of disobedience to the Bishop of Mostar and the Magisterium in general. And, last but not least, "messages" that are nothing more than chit-chat. Honestly, has there ever been a "message" that ingrained in anyone's mind like Fatima, Lourdes or LaSalette? No. Our Lady of Fatima accurately predicted WW2, Our Lady of LaSalette accurately predicted the great famine and Our Lady of Kibeho accurately predicted the Rwandan massacre. But, the "Gospa" of Medjugorje never predicted the Balkans war?

I've actually received threats from the Medjugorje people because I'm not afraid to tell others the truth as I'm sure many of you have. That alone tells you all you need to know.
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Post by Johnna » Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:20 pm

AndrewD wrote: I've actually received threats from the Medjugorje people because I'm not afraid to tell others the truth as I'm sure many of you have. That alone tells you all you need to know.

I read this before, but it really hit me this time around. Extremely telling indeed!
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Post by Denise » Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:04 pm

I haven't made too many friends among the Medj. supporters. :lol: But I wasn't put on this earth to "make friends", just to serve God to the best of my ability.
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Post by AndrewD » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:41 am

Keep praying for those who have been deceived by Medjugorje. Looking back over my experience, I'm very thankful that I was able to see the light after going there. So many people fall under the trance and then go about their daily lives following the "messages" of these false seers. Medjugorje has become the head of the snake of false apparitions. Blatantly false apparitions, some too absurd to give a second thought (Conyers GA, Lubbock TX and Holy Love Ministries) all descended after those "seers" returned from Medjugorje. And, alas, there are still naive people who believe that Garabandal was authentic (that one was definitely satantic) despite countless rulings from that local Bishop and even the Vatican.
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Post by Denise » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:53 pm

Andrew, I am so glad you are here. AND, I am so happy that you saw right through this hoax. Good for you; what a great blessing!

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Post by ToniP » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:41 am

I don't know for certain who is behind it (obviously our local Medj-heads), but we're suddenly seeing several billboards along our highways advertising a pro-Medjugorje website. Where's a paintball gun when you need one?

Seriously, I'm wondering if there's a last-ditch effort by the evil one to lure as many people into this at this time as possible as the end for the whole charade could very well be drawing near.

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Post by ToniP » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:42 am

I don't know for certain who is behind it (obviously our local Medj-heads), but we're suddenly seeing several billboards along our highways advertising a pro-Medjugorje website. Where's a paintball gun when you need one?

Seriously, I'm wondering if there's a last-ditch effort by the evil one to lure as many people into this at this time as possible as the end for the whole charade could very well be drawing near.

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