Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem.

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June D
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Post by June D » Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:27 pm

A few years ago I had her medal and reading materials. I checked into it (actually others did it for me) and was told then that it wasn't approved. I threw everything out. I was going by what Fr. O'Brien said.

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Post by Johnna » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:26 pm

I am still troubled by the revelations that Joseph was cleansed from original sin immediately after conception. And immediately after that he was infused with such grace that, excluding mary his soul surpassed the highest angels in the angelic chior.
Joseph even says that in union with Mary, he became co-redemptor of the human race, and through his compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and Mary he participated as no other in the salvation of the world.

Is it church teaching that Joesph was a virgin-father and has been immaculately cleansed in that way? I do not think that it is impossible for such things to happen or be true. I can even see how it could be fitting. But I have never heard Joseph talked about in quite this language. I have always heard him refered to as an example of silence and humility, not as one who comes down and says "My child, I desire a day to be set aside to honor my fatherhood"

There are so many things in the messages that seem to ring true though. I wonder if we are entering into a new day of teachings about St. Joseph then? Part of me wants to believe this one and I feel like it might be approved sooner or later. But I cant get past the Joseph stuff. I am still waiting for approval of these messages and apparions before I take them totally to heart. Does anyone else have opinion on this?
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Post by Denise » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:22 pm

I guess I should post this here too
Our Lady of America not approved yet
Last edited by Denise on Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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St. Joseph

Post by maryg » Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:44 am

I just read the St. Joseph messages within the last 10 days and was very uncomfortable with them. It's been bothering me-I'm glad you brought it up.

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Post by Johnna » Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:55 am

These messages are BIG if they are real. The question is are they? The very first time I heard the messages, I was moved. America surely DOES need to become an example of purity. So I began to read exactly what the messages said and became troubled with the St. Joseph parts of the message. I then remembered the rule of thumb that says if any part of the apparition contradicts Church teaching, it is a false apparition and I ceased to pay attention.

More and more though it looks like this might get approved, or at least the bishop Sr. Ephram confided in believed the messages were real. So it has me thinking alot and wondering. I am waiting to see what happens.
Domine Non Sum Dignus!

Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.
~ Mother Angelica

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