singing Happy Birthday to priest at end of Mass

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singing Happy Birthday to priest at end of Mass

Post by Guest »

at the end of Mass yesterday, before the final blessing, the sacristan went up on the altar and announced that it was the priest's birthday and that the whole church should sing happy birthday to him. He combined this with a totally made up story about how the priest was born on 2/13 but his mother thought he was ugly and didn't claim him until 3/13, blah blah blah. And then he said he was just kidding and we should all sing - and most people did.

I thought it was completely inappropriate to do this during Mass and on the altar and told him so after Mass and we had words. On the one hand I feel bad for having words with him. On the other hand, yesterday's gospel was about respect for sacred places and Jesus Himself became pretty angry. Also, St. Catherine of Siena said faithful men do not keep quiet when it is time to speak up.

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Post by Denise »

WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is that in the General Instruction? Where is that in the Rubrics? Has nothing to do with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is something that should be saved for after Mass and outside.

Here are folks with the living Christ still present in them and attention to the adoration we owe to Christ is stolen away by this foolishness.

I had to suffer through a Mass yesterday that really could use some help. The pastor is a great guy and very orthodox in his teachings but not very orthodox in the way he follows the Rubrics etc. :roll:
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Post by Johnna »

It seems to me that most priests I meet these days fall into the category that Denise mentioned. This or that seemingly "little" thing in the rubrics is not followed, but they otherwise seem good men and orthodox in their teachings. It makes me sad.
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Post by Guest »

glad to hear I am not alone on this.

I suspect, though, that 90% to 95% of Catholics that go to Mass each week would see nothing wrong with this.

Boy, do we have an uphill battle!!!!!
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