Has your IP been banned from the forum?

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Moderator: Denise

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Has your IP been banned from the forum?

Post by Denise » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:07 pm

If you were a registered member and have received a notice that your IP has been banned from the forum please send an email to semperfi@semperficatholic.com and let me know. You would still be able to read the forum but not reply.

Reason your IP may have been banned:

We have a great many people who sign up so they can advertise their porn, gambling, or businesses; those are the wacky names you see sometimes on the bottom of the index page as "newest member". Marie and I delete their accounts as soon as we see them. We can't live in this forum so we can only boot them several times a day.

There were several of these registrations with the same IP address and so I banned the IP, which I realize now, banned all those members in that IP range. So, if you got some kind of notice that you were banned, this is why. We have banned no member on purpose. If you would like to join the forum again, just fill out a registration and I will activate the account.

As a side note: Those people, who need to get a life and are people that need lots of prayer, that sign up to advertise their smut, cannot post anything unless admin activates their account, and of course we wouldn't dare. But, just by filling out a membership they can leave the URL to their sites, which show up in their profiles. As soon as they are deleted from the admin panel then they are out of here. I suggest that you ignore any wierd names that appear on the bottom of the screen.

I added a forum before I went to Tucson, where I give notice when homilies are posted. When I created the forum I forgot, because I was very distracted, to lock out "guest" readers from being able to post. I was notified that someone posted something terrible in that forum and I immediately deleted it and corrected the problem. Running a forum is basically a full time job and it isn't like this is all I do.

Marie, Johnna, Lori, John and I do the best we can to keep this a safe place for folks to visit.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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