Précis of Official Catholic Teaching

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Précis of Official Catholic Teaching

Post by Denise »

Précis of Official Catholic Teaching
by George Patrick Morse, J.D., K.G.C.S.G.
Catholics Committed to Support the Pope
9402 Stateside Court
Silver Spring, MD 20903
(301) 434-3245
$135 plus $14 shipping (all twelve volumes, within the United States)

Précis of Official Catholic Teaching is a stunning achievement. Every Catholic diocese, parish, and religious community absolutely needs a set of these twelve books in its library.

In response to the heresies propagated in the wake of Vatican II, Pat Morse and his wife Margaret, with the enthusiastic support of Rev. Vincent P. Miceli, formed an apostolate, Catholics Committed to Support the Pope (CCSP), with a twenty year project to organize and summarize Catholic teaching on each of eleven subjects. Pat was the driving and organizing force. Margaret answered innumerable phone calls, made sure the correspondence got out, helped Pat deal with printers and bookbinders, helped package and mail bundles of books all over the world, and did every other kind of work needed to support CCSP.

Their greatest source of inspiration and guidance was the late Papal Theologian, Mario Luigi Cardinal Ciappi, O.P. When Pat and Margaret Morse first visited Rome, Cardinal Ciappi met with them, listened to Pat’s concept, encouraged and guided them. He provided vital support to CCSP for the rest of his life. The Curia moves with great deliberation; it takes a mentor of high rank to obtain the cooperation of so many heads of dicasteries, including the many Cardinals who wrote the prefaces.

Books ... viated.htm
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