Examination of Conscience, Fathers of Mercy

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Examination of Conscience, Fathers of Mercy

Post by Denise » Tue May 10, 2005 6:33 am

Many of these are mortal and the Eucharist is forbidden until a good confession is made to a priest. If in doubt as to whether a sin is mortal or venial, consult a good catechism or priest very loyal to the Holy Father and Rome's teachings. A mortal sin involves a serious matter, there is sufficient reflection and it is committed with full consent of the will.

Did I deny or doubt God's existence? Did I refuse to believe God's revelation?
Did I believe in horoscopes, fortune telling, dreams, good luck charms or reincarnation?
Did I deny that I was catholic? Did I leave the catholic faith?
Did I despair or presume on God's mercy?
Did I neglect prayer for a long time? Did I fail to pray daily?
Did I blaspheme God. or take God's name in vain, curse or break an oath or vow?
Did I miss Mass on Sunday or Holy Day of obligation through my own fault?
Am I always reverent in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament?
Was I inattentive at mass? Did I come to Mass late? How late? Did I leave Mass early?
Did I do unnecessary physical work on Sunday?
Did I disobey or disrespect my parents or legitimate superiors?
Did I neglect my duties to my husband, wife, children or parents?
Did I fail to actively take an interest in the religious education and formation of my children?
Have I failed to educate myself on the true teachings of the Church?
Did I give a full days work in return for a full days pay?
Did I give scandal by what I said or did, especially to the young? Was I the cause of anyone leaving the faith?
Did I give a fair wage to my employee?
Was I impatient, angry, envious, unkind, proud, jealous, revengeful, hateful toward others, lazy?
Did I give bad example, use drugs, drink alcohol to an access, fight or quarrel?
Did I physically injure or kill anyone? Have or advise an abortion? Regarding abortion, check with your priest to see if you were automatically excommunicated and this has to be lifted first.
Did I participate in or approve of the great evil known as "mercy killing"? Did I attempt suicide?
Did I willfully entertain impure thoughts and desires? did I dress immodestly?
Did I use improper or suggestive words? Tell impure stories? Or listen to them?
Did i deliberately look at impure tv, plays, pictures, movies? Or deliberately read impure material?
Did I perform impure acts by myself or with others? Which ones?
(Note*) in the area of deliberate sexual sins, all are mortal if there is sufficient reflection and full consent of the will.
Did I marry or advise another to marry outside the church?
Did I abuse my marriage rights? Was I unfaithful to my marriage vows?
Have I kept company with someone else's spouse?
Did I practice artifical birth control or was I or my spouse sterilized?
Did I steal, cheat, encourage others to steal, or keep stolen goods? Have I made restitution for stolen goods?
Did I fulfill my contracts, give or accept bribes, pay my bills, rashly gamble or speculate, deprive my family of necessities of life?
Did I tell lies? Deliberately to deceive, or injure others by lies? Did I commit perjury? Was I uncharitable in word or deed? Gossip or reveal others faults or sins? Fail to keep secrets I should have?
Did I eat meat on Fridays of Lent or Ash Wednesday or Good Friday?
Did I fast as required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
Did I fail to receive Holy Communion during the Easter Time? Fail to confess at least once a year?
Did I go to Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin or Without fasting(water and medicine permitted) for one hour or more from food or drink?
Did I make a bad confession?
Did I fail to contribute to the support of the church?

The Fathers of Mercy is a Roman Catholic Congregation of priests. Our primary Apostolate is to preach parish missions and retreats, with an emphasis on the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Confession. We are interested in solid Catholic men who are interested in a priestly and religious vocation

"My brethren, if any one of you strays from the truth and someone brings him back, he ought to know that he who causes a sinner to be brought back from his misguided way, will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins." (James 5, 19-20).

Early in the Nineteenth Century the Fathers of Mercy were called to bring back the prodigal children of the French Revolution. Today our apostolate has not changed, for we seek to bring the Mercy of God to the prodigal children of our times.

The Church's plight is no different today than when our founder, Father Jean Baptiste Rauzan, gathered a group of zealous priests to re-evangelize a spiritually devastated post-Revolutionary France. During this time of social and political upheaval in France, vast numbers had fallen away from the practice of their Catholic Faith resulting in a general moral decline.

A similar situation exists in our own times: a materialistic and pleasure-centered culture of death has so blinded humanity that not only have people lost sight of the Way, but they are unaware that they are even lost. Good men, therefore, are needed now more than ever to proclaim Christ's message of Truth and to call souls back to God so that they may have a share in eternal Life. Yet just as the Merciful God heard the cries of a faithful few and raised up Fr. Jean Baptiste to restore the Faith and save souls in a post-Revolutionary France, so now is He calling the Fathers of Mercy to help overcome the current culture of death through their charism of preaching the Truth for the conversion of sinners.

We, the priests of the Fathers of Mercy, perform this work of re-evangelization by preaching parochial missions and retreats, which is our primary apostolate in the United States.


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