Hairy Potty: book release at midnight

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Hairy Potty: book release at midnight

Post by MarcJR » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:04 pm

There is always much hoopla when a book or film is released at midnight.

Midnight is traditionally associated with the Witching Hour, Midnight Mass aside.

The Witching Hour connection is casually referred to in all the pre-release hype. Harmless? Not by a long shot as we all know. Satan (Stan as he is known down below-hehe) is a subtle, cunning son of a Beelzebub. The velvet glove approach works best with small impression kiddies and their brain-deadpan parents. Woe and entice, bewitch, bedazzle. Ony when those dont work, then does the Prince of darkness start showing his true hand. Evil is glamorous but good is glorious.

I have seen displays for the new book advertised at book sellers, and with this you can see wands and figurines for sale, and other non-Potty pro-witchcraft books alongside.

We here do not believe the bullplop that Wiccans and their ilk spout, when they say they are not worshippers of the Devil. But they do his infernal work. What is witchcraft but the seeking of power and manipulation contrary to the ways of God? Power, and control, and the self: that is what it is all about.

I for one advocate the return of the stake for these critters. :wink:
Being a traditionalist, we can stick to various types of wood to provide the adequate elements to do the job. 8-)

I am not adverse to modern technology but flamethrowers are harder to come by. (hehehhe nasty wink tongue in cheek, sort of)
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Post by Denise » Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:37 pm

I also understand that in this new book there will be some blood drinking. Is that supposed to be good and ok? sheesh! :evil: :twisted: :x


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Hariy Potty

Post by Marguerite F » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:16 am

And what is worse! Last night in Scotland, this crazyWiccan had a stadium of kids waiting for the "witching hour of midnight" and she READ THEM THE BOOK! All night long.

Take note too: Her books began in a "harmless fariy tale fashion" and they have progressed into darker and darker occultism...and nobody cares! :twisted:

Now my question is this...where were the parents? :shock:

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Post by MarcJR » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:52 pm

"Scared to Salvation"

I would love to show some of these parents and kids what the occult is REALLY like, and what malevolence Satan can get up to when the infernal one takes his velvet gloves off to reveal his claws, metaphorically speaking. I think that would make a lot of people fill their knickers, and not with shepherd's pie, to use an English phrase. :wink:

Stick them in a room with a demoniac in the full throws of possession. THEN we will see how much fun Hairy Potty can really be.

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Post by Denise » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:12 pm

I wrote this poem on October 6, 1993. It pretty much says what Marc said, velvet gloves removed and claws start to show. Anyway...

The evil one comes to destroy the soul
he takes away warmth and leaves us cold
we are at his mercy if we don't stay
at the feet of Jesus to kneel and pray.

He will try to claim the innocent ones
and show them things they think are fun;
all the wihile setting up a demon's den
to lure them to as they embrace sin.

The games he plays with hearts and minds
are of the sick and twisted kinds :twisted: ;
games and pleasures to say the least
that will stamp one with the mark of the beast.

So be weary and cautious of enticing beauty,
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Post by DiannaM » Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:06 pm

So true Denise...

There is a mom whom Lori knows also; that thinks Harry Potter is ok.
This mom is Catholic, and thinks Harry books really are harmless. "It's just a good series" :twisted: this mom told me. During my conversation with this mom, I started realize that I was not getting through to her, so I left it as agree to disagree. At this point I have left it up to God and will continue to pray that the misguided will see the LIGHT.

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Post by Denise » Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:55 am

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