Hi from Cameron

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Hi from Cameron

Post by CameronA » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:46 pm

Just like to say gday to all from Ipswich, Australia. Looking forward to reading and writing on the forum. Im a Catholic Prison Chaplain with the Catholic Prison Ministry here in Wacol, and work at Arthur Gorrie and Brisbane Correctional Centres. Any way Im also a single dad of a teenage girl and attend St Francis Xavier church in Goodna. Hope to hear from you guys soon. God bless, Cameron.

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Post by Johnna » Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:00 pm

Hello and welcome! MarieT is from Australia as well. This is an awesome forum, sort of my home on the internet. Perhaps it will become yours as well. :)
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Post by CameronA » Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:11 pm

Hi Johnna. Thanks mate. Im pleased to hear from you. this looks like a cool site and looks interesting as well. I was reading a little about some of the problems members have had on web forums about Catholic bashing. I too have experienced that and even lost a friendship over it. Biggotry is alive and well in Australia as well as the rest of the world. Universal problem Im afraid.

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Post by MarieT » Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:08 pm

Welcome to the forum Cameron :D great to hear from you.

Don't worry about Catholic bashing on this forum.....Denise runs a strict outfit!

Enjoy :D

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Post by CameronA » Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:32 pm

Hi Marie. Great to be here. And great to find a fellow Aussie.LOL. I was wondering if you guys know of some really good Rosary sites. I've found such sites as The Holy Rosary and The Rosary Centre, but was wondering if you knew of some more? The Rosary is my favourite prayer.
Even though I pray it I dont do it enough.

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Post by Lori » Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:53 am


Howdy from Texas. It is great that you are with us. When you get some time can you explain the prison ministry and what you do a little. I have never visited the imprisoned but I do pray for them. I understand that Our Lord gave us Corporal Act of Mercy and He didn't say "If." He said "When" so to me that is an expectation not an option.

Another question, are you a deacon or a lay person? Obviously I am nosey but it is not often to find a new friend across the globe.

The Rosary is my second favorite prayer after the Mass, the Greatest Prayer of Christ. I started praying the Rosary even before my reconversion to the Faith. It has been 20 years or so now and I have prayed the Rosary nearly every single day. I don't go to any Rosary websites but I do read books on the Rosary and I recommend St. Louis De Montfort's Secret of the Rosary as well as his Complete Works.

Cameron, here is a meditation on the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Pope John XXIII,
Behold the synthesis of the whole Rosary, which closes the great vision, opened by the herald angel. A single flux of life runs through the individual mysteries and reminds us of the eternal plan of God for our salvation: the beginning hidden, the conclusion in the splendor of Heaven.
The meditation applies to ourselves, to our vocation to become associated one day with the angels and the saints, the mysterious and comforting reality which sanctifying grace anticipates in this life.
Oh! What joy! Oh! What glory! We are "citizens with the saints and members of God's household, built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone." (Eph. 2:19-20)

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Post by Denise » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:13 am

Cameron, welcome to the forum. It is nice to know that we have someone else from Australia here. Sorry I haven't responded before now but I have been busy helping family this week.
Don't worry about Catholic bashing on this forum.....Denise runs a strict outfit!
I try my best to keep the forum a comfortable place to visit. We are about truth here and sometimes folks don't like the truth, but a buttered up version of it. For those I use the term, "Burger King Gospel" because their slogan is "Have it your way". We can't have it our way but God's way, hence the name Semper Fi Catholic.

Sometimes even Catholics bash us here, but that is ok, we stand our ground and nip things in the bud if the need arises. I am not here to make friends and am sure I have many enemies, but that is ok because I do not have to answer to enemies when I am standing at the judgement seat.

Again, welcome Cameron.

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by CameronA » Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:31 am

Hi Denise and Lori. Thanks for the replies guys. Lori, I work for Catholic Prison Ministry, but visit under the order of St Vincent De Paul-of which Im a member, and visit the guys in 3 prisons,,,,Brisbane Correctional,Arthur Gorrie, and Borralin Centres,all in Queensland. Myself and 4 other Chaplains all meet on a sat morn outside the Prison nominated for that day, usually always saturday and enter at 630am, and usuall stay until 200 that arvo.
The guys range from Armed robbers and rapists through to murderers,but we try not to focus on what theyve done,only what they can achieve with God's help. Some scoff at us, but most love us and show total respect, but I admit,it can be scary at first.
We talk with them and offer them communion if so requested, but mostly just contact loved ones outside the prison with messages of love and "missing you" letters,etc. We cant take anything in like food, electrical items, certain magazenes,etc, and even Bibles have to be approved by Intell before we bring them in. We can chat with the guys for periods ranging from 5 mins through to 2 hours each and mingle with them openly, which at first was a little scary! LOL. Especially when the bloke behind me is serving 30 years to Life for cutting off an other fellow's head and using it as a bowling ball!
Unfortunately most of the guys who turn to God whilst inside, do only as a crutch for spirtual and mental support then forget all about Him on their release.
As you can appreciate, I've got to watch what I can say about this topic in public for security reasons, but I hope this answers some of your questions,Lori.
And also I must thank everyone for making me feel most welcome here. You have indeed made this a most enjoyable site and I'll recommend it to my friends at Mass. God Bless you all.

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Post by Denise » Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:34 am

,but we try not to focus on what theyve done,only what they can achieve with God's help.
Tell them the story of Saint Maria Goretti and Alessandro.
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by CameronA » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:19 pm

Thanks Denise. I know the story of St Maria. Its truely wonderfull to be as forgiving as her. But also credit should be given to her parents as well, as they were really as accepting as their daughter to forgive Allessandro as well.
Loni, No I'm not a Deacon, but a Eucaristic Minister in the Church. Dont be silly, youre not being nosey.....lol. I do read the scriptures out at Mass and help Fr Roger with Communion, along with 20 others.
You'll have to tell me one day about Texas, and whats it like over there.....we get visions of cowboys and indians and Dodge City, and shootouts in the main street between Bad Bart and Jesse James. LOL.

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Post by CameronA » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:26 pm

One book that I have given the guys to read...one in particular-a Romanian Orthodox,is a book on Icons. He says he cherishes it. And Im pleased for that.
I once tried getting a laminated Icon picture into prison but I was told it could be used as a weapon with the sharp edges and all. So that idea went west as well. LOL.

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Post by Denise » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:26 pm

:lol: Cameron, you are funny!

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by MarieT » Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:42 pm

Hi again, Cameron,
you've brought up some wonderful memories of a rosary online prayer site that a friend of ours owned a few years ago.....

The scriptural rosary online site....it was awesome.....i used to lead the prayers there on microphone and have people from canada (donna, penny) , usa (too many to mention), australia (remember mimi, denise) all praying alongside for all the intentions....storming the heavens at the same time in space from all corners :) ad majorem Dei gloriam

its a shame it was closed down.....dave said he passed it on to nuns to run, but i tried to go there now and its not there anymore, just listings for other sites

there are a few rosary sites online that you can download a virtual program and pray along with it. If you like i can supply you the link however I can not vouch for the company. I have downloaded it to check it out and kept it.

the prayers come up for you to recite and you click amen when you finish and the next mystery or prayer comes up etc....

you can post your intentions online for others to pray for however, be wary though because people can post 'intentions' for others to pray and when the rosary text comes up, at the bottom is listed intentions....some unscrupulous people have put a comment or two that arent intentions....so i dont read them at all.....i just say that i'm praying for the legitimate intentions.

God bless
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Post by CameronA » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:57 am

:D Hi Marie. Thanks mate, I think I know the Rosary site you're refering to.
The Holy Rosary, Virtual Rosary, and The Rosary Centre.are all good sites to visit. The Virtual Rosary is not bad, however The Holy Rosary is brilliant.And it has the Intension part that you're refering to.
I adore the Rosary as a prayer and I wrote an assignment on St Dominic once and the Prayer of The Rosary. Try one night when you can concentrate and have no external thoughts just to lie outside in the moonlight and recite the prayer. WOW!
You wont get another like it.
Anyway Marie, where you from in Oz? Im here in Ipswich, just west of Brisbane,QLD. (I dont mean to be nosey)

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Post by MarieT » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:34 am

CameronA wrote:Anyway Marie, where you from in Oz? Im here in Ipswich, just west of Brisbane,QLD. (I dont mean to be nosey)
lol melbourne victoria here cam....home of the four seasons in one day weather lol

"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord

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